A honey decrystallizer is a special device that ensures the transition of crystallized bee products into a liquid state. Such equipment operates according to certain principles and is designed in a special way. It is sold ready-made. It is also possible to make a honey decrystallizer yourself. A number of recommendations should be taken into account.
What is honey decrystallization?
This term refers to the reverse process of crystallization. It involves liquefaction, or dissolution of the product. This effect can be achieved through heating. The process includes compliance with the following rules:
- Maintaining optimal temperature parameters. It is important that the indicators are sufficient to liquefy the honey, but do not violate its properties. The optimal temperature range is from +28 to +40 degrees. Such indicators ensure an equilibrium state when new crystals are not formed. Crystallization occurs at +14-15 degrees, and melting at +50. Exceeding the upper limit is strictly prohibited.
- Duration of exposure. Processing time depends on the volume of product. The greater the amount, the longer it will liquefy. The composition in a small jar just needs to be placed near the battery or placed in a water bath.
Operating principle and design of the decrystallizer
To begin the process of transition of the honey mass into liquid, it needs to be heated. The mechanism of operation of decrystallizers is based on this. Heating is carried out in various ways. However, all devices can withstand temperatures of +40-50 degrees. For this purpose, they are equipped with thermostats and temperature sensors.
Modern devices designed for large quantities of honey are based on creating a heating zone over the entire surface of the container. This effect can be achieved with the help of electric heating using products that resemble heated floors.
There are models whose operating principle is based on heating the product from the inside. There are also decrystallizers that resemble the operating principle of microwaves. However, they have not found wide industrial distribution.
Today there are quite a few types of decrystallizers. Each of them has certain characteristics.
Submersible (spiral)
Such products are presented in the form of spiral devices that are made of metal tubes. The spiral is introduced into the honey mass from above. In order not to exceed the temperature of the composition, the heating part must be completely covered with it and not come into contact with air.
Before immersing the spiral in the beekeeping product, you need to make a notch. Then you should lower the spiral and cover it with honey nectar. Under the influence of heat, the process of decrystallization occurs, and the mass becomes softer. Gradually the spiral plunges downwards. When it reaches the bottom, the honey will acquire the desired consistency.
External (flexible)
Such a device is made in the form of flexible plates made of artificial materials. Inside these elements are heating elements. They are essentially large electric heating pads. Some models work based on the use of infrared radiation.
Expensive products are equipped with the option of temperature control using thermostats.
In addition, they reliably isolate the heated container from the environment. Depending on their size, decrystallizers can be used to heat different containers.
Case (cassette)
Such products are made in the form of metal boxes with heating elements located on the inner walls.
Selection rules
To choose a decrystallizer, it is important to take into account the volume of honey and the distinctive design features:
- Spiral models are suitable for home use. Such products are affordable and take up minimal space.The disadvantage of such structures is the need for cleansing, since they need to be immersed in a honey composition.
- Housing and flexible devices provide contactless decrystallization. This means that they do not need to be immersed in honey.
- Devices based on the principle of infrared radiation are characterized by uniform heating and low energy consumption. This helps you save money.
How to make it yourself
The decrystallizer has a simple design, so you can easily make it yourself. This helps to obtain a device with optimal parameters and save significant money.
Thermal chamber
To make such a device, you need to allocate an entire room for decrystallization. Its height should be small. A heat chamber is needed when producing honey on an industrial scale. The inside of the room needs to be lined with foam plastic.
To obtain and maintain the desired temperature, you will need electric heaters and a fan heater. The advantage of this method is the simultaneous processing of a significant amount of product. At the same time, energy costs are very significant.
Warm room
For large volumes of honey production, the simplest method is to prepare a separate room for the decrystallizer. The heat source is ordinary electric heaters. To distribute the temperature more evenly, fans are used. It is recommended to control the temperature parameters manually, since the heaters cannot be turned off remotely.
Bathhouse as a decrystallizer
Since ancient times, a water bath has been used as a decrystallizer. It is important to consider that this method is only suitable for a small amount of honey.
How to use it
When processing and storing honey, it is necessary to take into account the main temperature parameters of changes in the aggregate state of the product. The mass intensively crystallizes at a temperature of +14 degrees. This process slows down as indicators decrease or increase. At parameters from +28 to +40 degrees, honey is in a state of equilibrium. In this case, new crystals do not appear, and existing ones do not change their structure.
If the temperature exceeds +40 degrees, the crystals dissolve and the honey changes its consistency. At the same time, the product retains its benefits if the temperature of exposure to it does not exceed +50 degrees. These features must be taken into account when using the device.
A decrystallizer is an effective device that is used to change the consistency of honey. To get the desired texture and at the same time preserve the benefits of the bee product, it is important to choose the right device and strictly adhere to the temperature regime.