Not everyone knows what nest honey is and how it differs from regular honey. Although the beekeeping product has firmly entered our lives, it is simply unrealistic to study all its varieties. But each of them is useful in its own way, even if the sweetness was the result of the work of wild bees, rather than domestic ones. Yes, nest honey is a product that is produced by insects living in free natural conditions.
Composition of Amur velvet honey
Natural honey, ripened in virgin nature, is enriched with more than 76 vital elements.It contains fructose, sucrose and glucose.
From minerals, the human body consuming such a product can obtain in abundance:
- selenium;
- phosphorus;
- magnesium;
- potassium;
- iron;
- sodium;
- calcium;
- zinc;
- iodine;
- sulfur;
- copper;
- chlorine;
- cobalt;
- silicon;
- aluminum.
The vitamin composition of the “sweet medicine” is based on:
- retinol;
- thiamine;
- riboflavin;
- pantothenic acid;
- pyridoxine;
- tocopherol;
- vitamin B3;
- ascorbic acid;
- vitamin H;
- folic acid;
- vitamins PP and B
Based on this composition, honey of the variety in question is, without exaggeration, a unique product.
Look and taste
The beekeeping product has quite specific taste properties. It is sweet and has a pleasant aftertaste. But at the same time, there are varieties that are tart, a little sharp, and also with an admixture of sourness in the taste.
The color of the product also varies – dark, cloudy, transparent. There are also yellowish or golden shades of honey mass. However, the product is useful in any form, so appearance is not the main criterion for choosing honey.
Beneficial features
The product is characterized by a wide range of useful properties. Its effect on the body is manifested in:
- general strengthening effect;
- immunostimulating effect;
- elimination of inflammatory processes;
- antiseptic properties;
- wound healing effect;
- sedative effect on the nervous system;
- normalization of the digestive tract;
- improving appetite;
- antimicrobial activity;
- softening effect on the skin.
Eating sweets helps stabilize metabolism. Also, taking honey in moderation helps burn fat deposits.
Application in the beauty field
Nest honey perfectly fights hair fragility and loss.It is added to scalp masks to “awaken” hair follicles. The product is also lubricated on the nail plates and the skin around them. Such procedures can reduce their fragility, improve strength and get rid of lamination.
But the most common practice is to use nest honey to make face masks. Their use allows:
- smooth out wrinkles;
- provide nutrition to the epidermis;
- eliminate peeling;
- moisturize dry skin;
- protect the dermis from the negative effects of external factors;
- get rid of irritation;
- fight hyperpigmentation on the face.
Masks with nest honey can have a variety of compositions, but they have one active ingredient.
Important! Before using homemade cosmetics based on the product in question, do an allergy test!
The use of nest honey in folk medicine has been practiced for a long time and is very successful. The product is used externally and taken internally. Based on it, medications are prepared that help with:
- cardiovascular diseases;
- respiratory tract pathologies;
- ophthalmological (eye) diseases;
- ENT pathologies (sore throat, laryngitis, otitis media, sinusitis);
- neurological disorders (neuralgia, neurodermatitis);
- dermatological diseases of inflammatory (infectious or non-infectious) nature;
- gynecological diseases of various origins;
- diseases of the urinary system;
- joint diseases.
Bee products can be used for almost any disease. Its positive properties are also known in the fight against benign and malignant oncological diseases.
Who should not eat this honey?
The benefits of nest honey are obvious, but it also has contraindications for use. Products containing this delicacy, as well as the sweetness itself in its pure form, are prohibited when:
- allergies to bee products;
- diseases of the rectum;
- gastritis with low acidity;
- acne;
- trophic ulcers;
- diabetes mellitus;
- severe obesity;
- burns and frostbite;
- impotence.
It is not recommended to use the product for patients with cardiac asthma, chronic renal or heart failure, or pulmonary hemorrhages. Do not give treats to children under 3 years of age. It is better for pregnant women to refrain from consuming honey without a doctor's permission.
Honey should be stored in its original packaging or glass jar with a tightly closed lid. The place should be cool, with a temperature no higher than +25 °C and reliably protected from direct sunlight. It’s good if you put the container with the product in the refrigerator or cellar.
Nest honey is valued as highly as other types of sweet medicine. Its list of beneficial properties is impressive, but its use will only be beneficial if you have no contraindications to this product.