Today there are a large number of varieties of honey that differ from each other in taste. They have different chemical compositions and benefits. Coniferous varieties of honey are of high value. They are distinguished by an unusual amber-greenish tint and a pleasant aroma of resin. This product contains many valuable components and brings great health benefits. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of various pathologies.
Where is the product collected from?
Coniferous honey is a unique product that bees make from a special liquid - honeydew.It is produced by trees and the insects that live on them. Bees switch to honeydew collection with the onset of autumn, when the flowering time of all plants ends.
Most often, insects make pine honey. Also very popular varieties include spruce and fir varieties. Insects process the collected honeydew in the same way as flower nectar.
Bees obtain honeydew from the following sources:
- Vegetable. During periods of temperature fluctuations and sudden changes in weather conditions, sugary secretions appear on the bark of coniferous plants. They are honeydew, which is an excellent source of raw material for bees. This liquid mainly consists of water and saccharides.
- Animal. Some types of insects that feed on plant sap leave a sweetish sticky secretion on trees. They are called honeydew. It contains a lot of sugar, water, and proteins. The substance also includes dietary fiber and plant juices.
This type of honey has characteristic features that make it possible to distinguish it from other beekeeping products. These include the following:
- Dark shade. At the same time, the honey gradually darkens. In honeycombs the product has an amber-greenish color.
- Thick and viscous consistency.
- Pronounced pine aroma.
- Resinous taste with bitter and tart notes.
Coniferous honey does not crystallize, but due to its increased hygroscopicity it quickly sours and separates. As a result, a coarse sediment is formed.
The nutritional value
The beneficial properties of pine honey are associated with its composition. The product is significantly different from other beekeeping products. Animal matter includes protein breakdown products. The plant product contains a lot of carbohydrates.
On average, pine honey contains more than 65% fructose and glucose.It also contains 15% sucrose and 11% polysaccharides, including dextrin and melicitose. Approximately 3% comes from protein components. The product contains many organic acids, nitrogenous components, minerals, and lipids.
Product benefits
The pine delicacy contains many valuable components. Thanks to this, it has found wide use in folk medicine. This product is often added to infusions, decoctions, and medicinal ointments. It helps enhance the therapeutic effect.
The composition is used to solve the following problems:
- healing and restoration of the integrity of connective tissues;
- elimination of dermatological pathologies - acne, pimples, eczema;
- treatment of tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, sore throat, lesions of the respiratory system;
- getting rid of harmful microorganisms;
- restoration of normal functioning of the digestive organs and intestinal microflora;
- treatment of tuberculosis;
- strengthening the immune system;
- elimination of viral infections.
Coniferous nectar is used to prepare various remedies that help cope with various pathologies:
- For the treatment of chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and pneumonia, adults are recommended to consume 2 tablespoons of the product every morning on an empty stomach. Children should reduce this amount to 1 spoon.
- To improve the functions of the human body, it is recommended to eat a mixture of 20 milliliters of pine nectar and half a small spoon of pine pollen. The composition is recommended to be used day and evening for 3 weeks.
- To cleanse the body of pathogens, it is recommended to mix 1 liter of green tea and 1 tablespoon each of honey and pollen. You should also add half a lemon and 1 spoon of vodka. Use the resulting product three times a day.
- For tuberculosis, mix 1 spoon of pollen and 1 liter of pine nectar. Infuse the composition for 24 hours and consume 2 small spoons three times a day. It is recommended to do this for 2 weeks. The product should be washed down with milk.
Application of honey
In order for such honey to bring health benefits, it is important to use it correctly. The composition should be used separately. It is usually not recommended to mix it with anything. The product can also be added to herbal tea. It is important that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed +60 degrees. Otherwise, honey will lose its benefits.
When consuming pine honey, you should adhere to the dosage. Typically, experts do not recommend taking more than 1 tablespoon of the product per day.
Contraindications and harm
Coniferous honey has almost no contraindications. It can cause harm only in the following cases:
- individual intolerance;
- uncontrolled use;
- exacerbation of any pathologies.
Doctors do not recommend consuming bee nectar for young children and people who are prone to allergies. It should be eaten with great caution if you have diabetes or obesity. The same applies to pregnant and lactating women.
Features and shelf life
The product is highly hygroscopic, so it can quickly oxidize and deteriorate. When storing honey in a warm room, it separates into liquid and crystalline sediment. It is recommended to keep the pine delicacy in the refrigerator. It must be eaten within 1 month.
Coniferous honey is a very valuable beekeeping product, which is distinguished by its rich chemical composition and beneficial properties. With systematic consumption of delicacies, it is possible to improve overall health and get rid of many problems. However, before starting to use the product, it is recommended to consult a doctor.