Appearance and characteristics of a carpenter bee, how long it lives and whether its bite is dangerous

Carpenter bees belong to the Apidae family. They are solitary individuals. This type of insect is quite large in size. The body length can reach 3 centimeters. In nature, bees make characteristic nests. They chew holes in the wood, creating real tunnels. These individuals do not produce honey, but they arouse genuine interest among many people.

Origin of the species

Wood carpenter bees are a species of the genus Xylocopa, which belongs to the subfamily Xylocopinae. This genus includes about 500 species of bees.The common name for carpenters comes from their nesting behavior.

Almost all varieties of carpenter burrow into hard plant material - this can be bamboo or dead wood. The exception is species of the subgenus Proxylocopa. They make nest tunnels in suitable soil.

The genus was first described by the French entomologist Pierre Andre Latreille. This happened in 1802. The name of the bee comes from an ancient Greek word that translates as “cutter tree.”

Appearance and characteristics

In appearance, this hairy insect is similar to a bumblebee. However, it does not have the characteristic yellow stripes. The common carpenter bee is distinguished by the following features:

  • a rounded body that reaches a length of 2-3 centimeters - while males are smaller and lack a sting;
  • blue wings with purple coloring;
  • black shade of the body;
  • paws covered with small hairs;
  • dark red mustache.


The carpenter is considered a heat-loving insect. Therefore, they choose the southern regions and the middle zone for their habitat. However, due to global warming, carpenters are able to move to cooler regions.

So, carpenter bees are found in the following regions:

  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine;
  • west and south of Russia;
  • Caucasus Mountains;
  • southern UK;
  • southern European countries;
  • Middle East, Türkiye.

bee carpenter


Carpenters live in the steppe and arid regions of Europe. They are found in the foothills of the Caucasus.

There, bees build nests in the hollows of dry trees and on roots. Sometimes families of carpenters live near people, looking for cracks in rotten wooden structures.

bee carpenter


Carpenter bees eat flower nectar, honey, and pollen grains. Under the influence of microorganisms, the food turns into bee bread, which is absorbed by young animals and adults.Under the influence of the secretion of the glands, beebread becomes royal jelly. Carpenters use it to feed the larvae.

This is the only bee species that lives on its own. Carpenters do not form even small families.

They do not make swarms and live individually, choosing a habitat to suit their taste. Most often, carpenters prefer areas with dead wood. Their nests are found on poles, in wooden houses or outbuildings.

When choosing a place of residence, carpenter bees are not at all guided by the availability of food. They are distinguished by very powerful wings and are able to cover impressive distances to obtain nectar. Hardy individuals can move 10 kilometers away from home and return back.

Insects become active with the arrival of warm weather - in early or mid-May. The active flight of individuals continues throughout the summer and ends in mid-September, when the night temperature is less than +5 degrees. Sometimes carpenters remain active into October.

bee carpenter

Social structure and reproduction

Ordinary bees are characterized by a strict hierarchy in the family. At the same time, carpenters lead a solitary lifestyle. They do not have a queen or worker bees. The female independently makes the nest and takes care of the brood. Sometimes bees form small colonies.

With the arrival of spring, the female carpenter begins to look for a partner for fertilization in the spring. At the same time, competition begins when insects try to defend their territory. Males are considered polygynous. One carpenter mates with 3-5 females during the season.

Carpenter bees are characterized by the following stages of development:

  • The female makes a nest, gnawing holes in the wood with strong jaws.
  • She places pollen and nectar at the bottom of each cavity.
  • The female lays 1 egg in the nutritional mass.
  • On top it creates a protective layer of sawdust mixed with saliva.
  • The female again places the nutritional composition on top of the sealed cell and again lays an egg.
  • Until autumn, the queen carpenter guards the nest, and by the onset of winter she dies.

Carpenter bee larvae, which hatch from eggs, turn into pupae in the fall. After this, young animals emerge from the cocoons and remain in the cells for the winter. From April to May, bumblebees gnaw through the protective cocoon and fly out to feed.

bee carpenter

Natural enemies

Carpenters are large in size and build strong wooden dwellings. This is why they have significantly fewer enemies in the wild compared to ordinary honey bees.

Insectivorous birds are considered a threat to carpenters. These include the shrike, the golden bee-eater, and the bee-eater. Frogs pose a danger to carpenter bees. This also applies to spiders. They make webs in the immediate vicinity of bee nests and catch unwary bees.

Hornets are also a danger to carpenter bees. They are 2 times larger and are very voracious. For their food, these individuals can destroy many bees.

Dragonflies are considered another enemy of carpenters. However, they attack quite rarely, preferring more accessible prey. This problem occurs during the period of maximum active reproduction of dragonflies. Near the surface of the earth, carpenter bees lie in wait for mice and other insectivorous rodents.

What to do if you are bitten

Males are considered the most aggressive. However, they cannot bite a person because they do not have a sting.Females are capable of stinging a person, but to do this they need to be provoked. To avoid problems, do not wave your arms too much, crush or catch the bees.

A carpenter's bite poses a certain danger. To reduce the symptoms and prevent serious consequences, it is important to follow these rules:

  • Pull out the sting that remains in the skin. This will help prevent the appearance of symptoms of intoxication.
  • Treat the affected area with an antiseptic solution. For this purpose, it is permissible to use hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate or alcohol. This minimizes the likelihood of a secondary infection.
  • Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Take an antihistamine. This will help avoid or reduce allergy symptoms.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to remove toxic substances from the body.
  • If you feel worse, call an ambulance immediately.

However, experts do not advise killing a carpenter bee, as this will attract other members of the family. Also, do not comb the damaged area, as this provokes the spread of infection. After a bite, you should not drink alcohol or take sleeping pills.

The carpenter bee is considered a rather interesting insect, which is listed in the Red Book. It should be borne in mind that its bites can cause harm to humans. This is why it is so important to avoid contact with these individuals. If you are bitten, you must immediately provide first aid to the person.
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