Rules for caring for bees in October and preparing for winter, repairs in the apiary

With the arrival of October, the air temperature drops sharply. During this period, there are already frosts at night. It may even snow in the last days of the month. The process is accompanied by a subsidence of bee activity. At the same time, they begin to gather in a club. Another feature of the life of bees in October is that their entrances are no longer guarded, and therefore mice can get there.

What do bees do in October?

October is characterized by sharp temperature fluctuations, large amounts of precipitation and night frosts. Lack of heat causes leaves to fall from trees.This is how nature begins to prepare for winter. This month is characterized by a subsidence of bee activity. They leave the hives less often and form a winter club in the nest.

In warm and sunny weather, insects sense the approach of cold weather and bad weather, and therefore they fly around in a friendly manner. It is aimed at cleansing the intestines. If the bees do not leave the hive, the beekeeper must find out the reasons. To do this, on a warm day you need to remove the hive cover and insulation, leaving only the cover. You also need to open the tap hole well. As the temperature in the hive rises, the bees begin to fly around in unison. If some colonies do not do this, they need to be disturbed by knocking on the walls of the hive.

After completion of the flight in October, the bees need to be removed to the winter hut. Insects that overwinter in the wild should be placed in housings. To prevent mice from entering the hive, a metal mesh should be placed on top. In the wild, bee colonies can winter until April.

Rules of care

Bees are at their most aggressive in October. Therefore, beekeepers must wear all types of protective clothing. The most common problems beekeepers encounter in October include swarming and insect death.


Bees die due to the fault of a beekeeper who does not pay due attention to insects. If work is not carried out in a timely manner, bees face diseases and mite attacks. Varroa is considered the most dangerous among them.

The first treatment against parasites should be carried out in September. For this purpose, Timol and Bipin are used. The prepared composition should be sprayed on bee colonies. The second time the treatment is carried out in October - before the brood is blocked. The fact is that female mites live in sealed hives.When treating bees at this time, it will be possible to get rid of only those mites that have managed to attach to adult bees. In October, bees are treated with a smoke gun, which helps maintain the microclimate in the hives.

Another problem that beekeepers face is swarm collapse. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. The hive is made of low-quality materials and has a pungent odor.
  2. The location of the hive is incorrect. It may be located near someone else's apiary, near water, not far from the roadway, under the scorching rays of the sun.
  3. Sugar syrup is added uncontrollably. If there is an excess amount of food, the bees will not have room to create the necessary conditions in the hives.
  4. The queen bee died while the brood was still sealed in the comb. At the same time, working individuals become overtired and wear out. As a result, they leave their homes.
  5. The swarm moves due to the excess layer of foundation. At the same time, insects need to independently find a place for wintering.
  6. Thieving bees get into the hives. They kill the queen and leave the rest of the bee colony unprotected. In addition, thieves take beebread and honey nectar from the hive.
  7. Treating plots and fields with chemicals forces bees to look for a clean place.

What do bees do in October?

Preparing for winter

To prepare insects for winter, you need to kill and seal all existing cracks and holes in the hives. This will help prevent rodents from getting in there. You can also prepare and place containers with a mixture of alabaster and flour in the corners. These components are combined in proportions 1:2. You can also lay out pine and spruce branches in the hives.

A good option would be burdock fruits placed in areas where mice may be exposed.Mice die from stress if burdock clings to their coats. It is recommended to whitewash the inside of a specialized winter shelter with lime and evaluate the ventilation. The optimal temperature in the room should be +2 degrees.

Warming bee colonies for the winter

The insulation of hives in beekeeping depends on the strength of the bee family, since the club in strong nests has higher temperature parameters than in weak ones. In this case, bees are prohibited from overheating or overcooling. Otherwise, there is a high probability of losses.

Bees in October

When insulating bee houses in the middle zone, it is recommended to consider the following:

  • weak families are insulated with thick cotton pads, placing them on top and sides;
  • average families will only have enough pillows on top;
  • For strong insects, thin pillows are sufficient.

To keep the nest warm, it is necessary to close the upper entrances, and the lower ones - to close the width of the bees' passage. This will help maintain optimal air circulation. The bottoms of the nests can be lined with glassine or roofing felt.

Repair work at the apiary

Repair work is best carried out from late August to early September. They are aimed at preparing hives for cold weather. In this case, the beekeepers cover all the cracks with a dense layer of putty, and the side walls are reinforced with natural wood plates.

Bees in October photo

Mandatory autumn work also includes the following:

  1. Procuring everything needed for the winter - foundation, tools, sweet syrup, protective clothing.
  2. Construction of feeders and water containers. Additional boards and insulation mats may also be required.
  3. Procurement of materials for repair work.
  4. Restoring and painting old hives.
  5. Converting spare houses into nucs.
  6. Construction of frames for updating old nests.On average, 13-15 frames are required for 1 bee family.

Timely implementation of the necessary work in a bee farm before the onset of winter significantly simplifies the beekeeper’s work and makes the insects stronger and healthier. This will help minimize bee losses.
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