Flower pollen is the male reproductive cells that are produced by all flowering plants for the purpose of fertilization and fruit formation. The substance accumulates on the legs and torsos of bees and sometimes includes insect saliva and nectar. The product contains many valuable components. That’s why many people are interested in how to properly collect bee pollen.
How much pollen can be collected from one hive per season?
During one flight, a bee collects about 15 milligrams of pollen.As a result, during the season a bee colony can receive up to 20-30 kilograms of product. At the same time, you should not worry that collecting pollen in the apiary will deprive insects of food. Pollen collectors are capable of collecting only 20-40% of pollen, which does not particularly affect the life of bees. According to studies, collecting 1 kilogram of pollen leads to the loss of only 250 grams of honey.
Thus, with high efficiency of bees, 60-120 grams of pollen can be obtained from a bee colony in 1 day. During the season, this figure reaches 2-4 kilograms.
What is needed for this?
Beekeepers use special traps to collect pollen. They are placed near the entrance to the hive and include fairly large holes. In the process of passing through the hole, pollen is knocked off the bee's hind legs and falls through a filter into a special box.
At the end of daylight hours, the beekeeper takes the container with pollen. However, you cannot leave it in the hive overnight. This is due to the following factors:
- bees do not fly at night, and therefore a tray near the entrance is not needed;
- During the night, pollen absorbs moisture, which deteriorates the properties of the product.
Operating principles of the pollen collector
Pollen collectors differ in design features and sizes. However, they all have a similar operating principle. Traps for collecting pollen are divided into external and internal. The first category of devices includes a body, 2 grilles and a box. The bees enter the hive through the first grid, the second is placed on the body and plays the role of a filter through which pollen penetrates into the assembly box.
Modern traps are made of wood or durable plastic. They are completely safe for bees. It is important that the pollen trap has good ventilation.This prevents moisture accumulation. The advantages of such traps include the following:
- ease of maintenance;
- affordable price;
- no need for special efforts on the part of the beekeeper.
Collection time
Experts do not recommend using pollen traps in early spring. During this period, bee colonies need pollen to raise brood. Also, you should not do this during the main honey collection period, so as not to distract insects from the main task of collecting honey.
It is best to collect pollen only in the first half of the day, when the bees bring it to the hive in large quantities. After lunch, it is recommended to make access to the hive free. This makes it easier for bees to pass and drones to fly around.
It is necessary to collect pollen pollen from the pollen trap container every day, since with daily temperature fluctuations and changes in humidity, the pollen absorbs a lot of moisture, which leads to a deterioration in its properties. In addition, in conditions of high humidity, fungi form in the pollen, and putrefactive microflora develops. Such a product becomes unusable.
How to properly collect bee pollen?
When passing through the holes of the grate, pollen from the hind legs of the bees is knocked off and ends up in the collection box. The diameter of the holes in the grid is 5 millimeters, and their number reaches 200. By evening, 100-200 grams of product can accumulate in the container. At this point it needs to be removed.
Some traps are recommended to be used for a short period of time - a few days. Pollen traps are a stressor for the colony. Therefore, you should not expose bees in the apiary to prolonged discomfort.
Some manufacturers of pollen traps note that the devices retain only a specific amount of pollen from the hive. Thanks to this, it can be used constantly during honey collection. However, experienced beekeepers note that constant use of the structure provokes the death of bees.
Storage rules
The duration of storage of the substance depends on the conditions. The packed and dried pollen must be placed in a dry place. It is recommended to keep it at a temperature of +20 degrees. If the product is canned, a cooler room with a temperature of +14 degrees will be required. It can also be placed in the refrigerator.
In sealed packaging, dried pollen can be stored for 1 year without losing its properties. In this case, the shelf life of the canned product can reach 2 years. However, it is important to consider that after six months it will lose 30% of its properties, and after 1 year - 50%.
Bee pollen is a natural complex of vitamins and minerals that can replace many medications. It brings great benefits to the body and has almost no contraindications. At the same time, it is important to collect the product correctly and provide it with proper storage conditions.