Transplanting bees into a new hive in the fall is considered an important procedure. However, it remains a serious stress for insects, and therefore is carried out only when necessary. Usually it is required to be performed if the hive for some reason is out of order or if complete cleaning and disinfection procedures are required. For everything to be successful, it is important to take into account a number of nuances and features.
When and why is this needed?
In most cases, it is recommended to replant bees in the spring.It is after wintering that most beekeepers have to completely clean their hives and disinfect them. Sometimes it happens that after winter the house has lost its integrity. It could have been damaged by mice or vermin. In such a situation, the bees need to be relocated and the hive needs to be replaced with a new one.
The optimal period is considered to be transplanting insects during harvest - during the flowering period of honey plants. Experts note that this is extremely important. When frames with honeycombs are brought outside, they invariably attract the attention of other families. This may lead to theft. However, during the bribe period, insects are busy with business, and therefore ignore such opportunities.
It is also permissible to change hives in the fall - before the arrival of cold weather. In summer, this procedure is carried out only as needed. When moving in the spring, it is important to take the air temperature into account. It should be at least +14 degrees. The time of day is of no small importance. It is best to transplant in the morning - before the start of active summer. This will protect the individuals from stress and confusion.
How to transplant bees correctly?
For the transplant to be successful, it must be done as quickly as possible. Any delay will result in hypothermia and subsequent death of the brood. At the same time, the beekeeper must make fairly measured movements so that they do not harm the bees and their queen.
From packages
A bee package contains at least 1.2 kilograms of bees. These include young animals, fertile uterus, printed brood. Unlike bee colonies, bee packages can only be purchased in the spring. Therefore, transplantation is carried out precisely at this time of year.
To carry out the procedure, it is recommended to do the following:
- Prepare the hives for new residents. To do this, it is recommended to clean, disinfect and dry them.Treating the inside of the hives with a blowtorch is of no small importance. The fact is that bees have a highly developed sense of smell, and foreign odors can scare them away.
- Place the hives in the places marked in advance.
- Install drinking bowls and frames with foundation.
- Use sugar syrup to feed the bees.
- Place the bee package in the location of the future hive. In this case, it is recommended to direct the tapholes to the tapholes.
- Open the entrance and give the bees time to get used to it and fly around the area.
- After completing the flight, install the hive in place of the package. You need to move frames with bees that have completed their flight into it. It is recommended to simply sweep the remaining insects there.
- It is permissible to release the queen only when the bee colony calms down and adapts to the new place.
From a removable hive
This option is considered very convenient.
It is recommended to follow these instructions:
- Place the stand near the first body and install the hive cover on it.
- Remove the body from the hive that is occupied by bees and put on the lid.
- Put a new one in place of the old one.
- To avoid hypothermia of the nest and death of the brood, cover the new housing halfway with canvas. In this case, it is necessary to close the part with which no actions are performed.
- Use a smoker to drive bees out of an old hive.
- Take turns removing the frames and moving them to the new hive in the same order. A feeding frame needs to be installed at the edge; a frame with seeding should be placed closer to the round hole in the center of the hive. It includes fertilized eggs. It is necessary to install open brood in the vicinity of the seeding. It should be located close to the stern frame.Closed brood must be placed in close proximity to the feeding frame.
- Dirty and unusable frames should not be transferred to a new hive. After clearing the bees, they must be placed in a separate box and subsequently treated with special disinfecting compounds.
- If there is free space in the new housing, add a sheet of foundation between the feed frame and the frame with printed brood.
- The bees that remained on the walls of the old building should be moved to a new place along with the frames. To do this, you need to turn the old body over, cover the outer hole with canvas and carefully brush off the insects into the new hive with a brush. If necessary, it is permissible to use a smoker. To transplant flightless individuals, you need to install a plywood sheet near the entrance and shake off insects on it. Thanks to this, they will be able to independently move to a new hive. During manipulation, it is important to ensure that the uterus is not damaged.
- With a planned increase in the family, it is necessary to install a store with additional ones within the established framework.
- After completing all the work, cover the hive with film, secure it with a frame, and place insulation on top.
During replanting, a new house must be installed in place of the previous building. Thanks to this, the bees will be able to fly into the new hive. In this case, you will not need to do double replanting work.
Features at different times
For insect transplantation to be successful, it is important to take into account the seasonal factor.
Each season has its own characteristics.
in spring
It is best to transplant in late spring, when the bees have begun to collect honey. Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid theft. All transplantation operations must be performed with extreme caution.Even a minor mistake can provoke mass death of insects and significantly reduce honey yield.
To transplant bees, the inhabited house must be removed from its supports and set aside. It is recommended to install a clean one in its place. A replacement hive does not have to be new. However, it must be cleaned and disinfected.
Then you need to install a printed honey feather frame into the hive. After the ration is issued, it is recommended to open the old hive. It is recommended to shake off bees from worn frames. Unworn frames can be transferred to a new hive.
In summer
The procedure for relocating bees to a new hive is extremely rarely carried out in the summer. Usually this should only be done if absolutely necessary.
in autumn
In autumn, the transplantation procedure must be carried out before the arrival of cold weather. It is important to ensure that the air temperature is at least +14 degrees. For the process to be successful, the following rules should be followed:
- the house should resemble the old one as much as possible;
- new housing needs to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected;
- carry out relocation in the morning;
- do everything as quickly as possible so that the brood does not become hypothermic;
- carry out work in dry and warm weather.
Possible problems
It is important to consider that bee colonies cannot be replanted unless absolutely necessary. This poses serious stress to them and can lead to the death of the insects. Also, you should not carry out the procedure in early spring and late autumn. In the spring, the family is weakened and may not be able to withstand relocation, and in the fall, after the nest is formed, there is a risk of losing insects during wintering.
Transplanting bees into a new hive must be carried out according to the rules. It is important to take into account the timing of the work and follow the recommendations of specialists.