Is it possible and how to chew and swallow propolis in its pure form, benefits and harms?

Thanks to their rich chemical composition, all beekeeping products have healing properties, and propolis is no exception. Bee glue is used in traditional and folk medicine to make decoctions, compresses and infusions. In cosmetology, rejuvenating masks, balms and scrubs are made from uz. But whether it is possible to chew fresh propolis in its pure form, and how to use bee glue correctly, we will find out further.

Is it possible to chew propolis in its pure form?

Propolis is essentially a resin collected by bees.After treatment with a special secretion, the ouse is converted into an antibacterial agent that helps insects disinfect the hive.

Propolis contains a huge amount of mineral compounds and vitamins necessary for the human body. The benefits of bee glue have been proven over time and help prevent and treat many diseases. Many experts recommend chewing or sucking ouz, because it is in its pure form that the beekeeping product is especially valuable and useful.

The main reasons for using bee glue:

  • natural gift strengthens the immune system, successfully fights pathogenic microbes and viruses;
  • has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • helps strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • used in complex treatment of the digestive system;
  • strengthens teeth, protects gums from the development of periodontal disease;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • removes harmful and toxic substances from the body;
  • normalizes brain function, relieves fatigue, increases the body's resistance to physical stress.

The bee gift contains wax and resins that are not digestible by the human body, so it is not recommended to swallow propolis.

Important! During chewing, under the influence of saliva and heat, bee glue releases the maximum amount of useful and nutritious substances.

Directions for use and doses

Use bee glue in the form of small, portioned balls. If you don’t like the taste of a vitamin product, purchase capsules. To prevent colds and to improve tone, chew up to 3 g of fresh beekeeping product once a day.

If uza is used as a remedy, the dosage is increased to 5 g and taken several times a day.The timing of propolis consumption is 1.5-2 hours before meals. The chewing process depends on the freshness and hardness of the product, but on average takes 10 to 15 minutes.

For colds, flu and sore throat, a 7-day course of treatment is sufficient. Diseases of the digestive tract require more sensitive attention, so treatment is delayed for 1.5-2 months.

Important! Chew the viscous substance of bee glue with your front teeth. Otherwise, the bond will get stuck between the molars, causing discomfort and possibly damaging the gums.

For what diseases should you chew propolis?

Bee glue is a universal product containing a huge list of macro- and microelements, vitamins, healthy sugars and acids. Proper use of this natural gift allows you to prevent the development and alleviate the condition of many diseases.

  1. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of bee glue are used in the treatment of tonsillitis, sore throat, nasal congestion and other colds caused by viruses and bacteria. The healing agent not only relieves pain, but also protects the body from the spread of the disease.
  2. For diseases of the liver and biliary tract, uzu is used to cleanse the body of toxic substances and toxins. Also, the gift of bees helps restore liver cells.
  3. Chewing glue normalizes acidity during exacerbation of gastritis, in combination with other drugs is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers, and ensures the proper functioning of the digestive organs.
  4. Propolis has a beneficial effect on the female body, eliminates menstrual pain, helps normalize hormonal balance, and is used in the complex treatment of infertility.
  5. The gift of bees is also useful for men. Daily consumption of a viscous product will help avoid inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, increase potency, and protect the body from the negative effects of the environment.
Do not forget that the structure of the bond includes wax and pollen, which cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before consuming propolis, you need to make sure that the beekeeping product will not cause harm to the body. To do this, apply a small amount of a viscous substance to the wrist and leave it for a day. If a product intolerance reaction does not appear, then you can include bee glue in your daily diet.

Important! Propolis strengthens the immune system and activates the body's internal reserves to fight various diseases.

Harm and contraindications

The beekeeping product is used with caution, not exceeding the daily norm. There are also contraindications for taking propolis.

  1. It is not recommended to let small children who have not yet lost their baby teeth chew the viscous substance.
  2. Due to a possible allergic reaction, expectant and nursing mothers should not use the product.
  3. With extreme caution, bee glue is introduced into the diet for cancer patients.
  4. It is forbidden to use uzu during exacerbations of diseases of the digestive system.
  5. Propolis is not introduced into the diet if there are serious abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.

It is also necessary to take into account individual intolerance to bee products.An overdose of a viscous substance causes an unpleasant burning sensation in the mouth. In this case, you must stop using the vitamin product.
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