What is drying and how to use frames for bees - description and instructions

The inside of the hive consists of frames in which insects build their honeycombs. It is in the honeycombs that the main life activity of insects occurs. Small cells are used for breeding offspring and storing extracted nectar. The dryer is essentially a ready-made frame with honeycombs for bees, and after purchasing it, insects will not have to spend time arranging their living space.

What is sushi

The bees place the collected nectar in small cells, which they independently build in their hives from foundation.During the period of active honey collection, free cells quickly run out, and insects have to complete them, which negatively affects nectar production and the population of the swarm.

To prevent the bee colony from being distracted from collecting nectar and raising offspring, beekeepers purchase frames with ready-made honeycombs and place them inside the hive.

For comfortable living of one swarm, 10 to 15 frames with honeycombs are required. If insects build dry land on their own, then this process distracts them from collecting a valuable product. Also, the lack of living space negatively affects the reproduction of insects, leads to overcrowding of the hive and the development of various diseases.

Important! The drying material after pumping out the honey is not reused, but replaced with new frames. Such actions reduce the risk of the spread of diseases and contamination of the hive with waste products of bees.

dry food for bees

The role of sushi in beekeeping?

Work on the arrangement and expansion of the hive is planned for the spring, taking into account the number of expected offspring.

The frames are installed gradually, with a frequency of 1 drying every 5-7 days. Correctly and timely installation of foundation brings great benefits both for collecting honey and for brood of the swarm:

  • instantly equipping the hive with a new living space for bees;
  • insects do not waste time and construction resources preparing frames with honeycombs;
  • bees are not distracted by the construction of land during the period of active flowering of honey plants, which increases the opportunity to produce a high-quality and abundant honey harvest.
When purchasing dry goods, there is a risk that the honeycombs are made of low-quality or contaminated materials.

In this case, the spread of lesions inside the hive is inevitable, and the insects may die.

To prevent the development of such a problem, sushi is purchased only from trusted sellers or beekeepers who produce them themselves.

  • The design should have a light shade.
  • Dark spots and inclusions warn of a low-quality product that is dangerous for insects.
  • The frame with cells must have a uniform shade, without the use of artificial dyes.
  • The size of the honeycomb must correspond to the size of the insects, otherwise the offspring will be underdeveloped.

Advice! It is best to purchase sushi from trusted retail outlets or from conscientious beekeepers.

When to use

Most often, the need to use additional frames with honeycombs arises with the onset of spring. It is during this period that the bees' offspring grow up, and the period of active nectar collection begins.

The first sign that the living space needs to be increased is the presence of larvae behind the dividing structure. The process of adding frames is carried out with extreme caution. The slightest temperature fluctuation can lead to hypothermia of insects and inhibit their growth, development and activity.

Work begins if all the landmass, with the exception of the outermost ones, are occupied by larvae. Frames with honeycombs can be installed anywhere in the hive, without separating the dry land with ready-made brood from the main nest.

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