Instructions for use of Fumisan for bees, active ingredient and analogues

The use of Fumisan for bees helps to cope with the varroa mite. This product has fumigant and contact acaricidal properties. Its advantage is ease of use. The product is available in the form of wooden plates, which must be installed in a hive with bees. It is important to strictly adhere to the instructions for use of the substance.

Composition and release form

"Fumisan" is an effective substance that is made on the basis of a synthetic pyrethroid - fluvalinate. The product is produced in the form of wooden plates, measuring 200x25x1 millimeters.Each of them contains 80 grams of the active component. The product is sold in special three-layer polymer bags. Each of them contains 10 strips.

In what cases is it used?

The product helps control varroa mites, which are considered a real threat to modern beekeepers. These parasites cause a dangerous pathology - varroatosis. "Fumisan" helps to cope with this disease and prevents the death of bee colonies.

The principle of action of "Fumisan"

The drug has a complex effect and has a contact and fumigant effect. The contact effect is based on the bees directly touching the strips. Crawling around the hive, insects come into contact with the drug, after which they transfer the active substance to other bees. The fumigant effect is associated with the evaporation of toxic substances that pose a danger to varroa mites.

Instructions for use

Bee colonies should be treated with Fumisan twice a year. The first time this needs to be done is in early spring - after inspecting the families after wintering. If signs of mites are detected, the drug plates should be used immediately. In this case, their use will be most effective.

The product should be used the second time in the fall - immediately after pumping out honey or during the period of fertilizing. The purpose of treatment at this stage is to prepare the family for winter and carry out preventive work against parasites. If you do not treat the bees with Fumisan and do not notice signs of the disease, the bee colony may die by spring.

bee evidence

The dosage of the product is selected taking into account the number of frames in the hive:

  1. For a family of up to 6 frames, 1 strip of the drug is enough. This mainly applies to small layers or cores.
  2. Standard families require 2 strips.

Installing the plates is not difficult. To do this, you need to open the box, pull out the plate and use a nail to make a hole in the top of the strip. You need to place a match in the prepared hole and place the plate between the 2 frames. With its help you can fix the strip.

When installing “Fumisan” in a small hive with up to 6 frames, you need to place the plate between the 3rd and 4th frames - in the area where the family’s nest is located. In a strong family, the strip must be placed between 3-4 and 7-8 frames. After 2 weeks they need to be removed.

use of the drug

When using the strips, the bees in the hive come into contact with the drug. After which traces of the substance remain on their body. While moving around the frames, insects spread the composition throughout the hive. Thanks to this, all bees receive the right amount of product.

Security measures

When using Fumisan strips, you must adhere to the basic recommendations for working with medicinal substances:

  1. Wear rubber gloves.
  2. After work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  3. Rinse your mouth with water.
  4. Wash your hair.
  5. It is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke while working.

Fumisan does not cause side effects in bees. However, the substance must not be used during the honey collection period. It is permissible to pump it out no earlier than 10 days after the end of treatment.

It is recommended to dispose of strips unsuitable for subsequent use by burying them 30-40 centimeters into the ground. This should be done in specially designated areas, away from sources of drinking water.

beekeepers at work

Terms and conditions of storage

It is recommended to store the product in the manufacturer's packaging. It should be kept separate from food and animal feed.It is important to maintain the temperature from -10 to +35 degrees. From the moment you start using the strips, they retain their therapeutic effect for 1 year. The guaranteed shelf life of the substance is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

frame processing


Based on the active substance, the following analogues of the drug are distinguished:

  • "Apizan";
  • "Varolom";
  • "Varrosan";
  • "Fluvalisan";
  • "Apifit."

"Fumisan" is an effective remedy that helps cope with dangerous ticks. Thanks to this, the composition can be used for the treatment and prevention of varroatosis. To achieve the desired results, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.
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