The queen bee is the owner of the bee hive. The condition of all insects in the family and the amount of honey collected depend on its quality. The old individual must be promptly replaced by a new honey queen. The beekeeper needs to take care in advance about the hatching of healthy, productive bee hosts. The Nikot queen hatching system makes this process convenient and effective.
System Description
Nicot is a reusable plastic honeycomb. The method is simpler than transferring the larva with a spatula, since it is non-contact, does not require significant skills or knowledge, and is suitable for novice beekeepers.
Output kit includes:
- A plastic cassette with 110 cells, complemented by a dense, colorless plexiglass lid on one side and a lid with longitudinal slots for the passage of bees on the other. The covers are equipped with plugs.
- 100 small bowls for laying eggs.
- Set of bowl holders, 30 units.
- Set of bases for grafting frame - 30 units.
- Cages for queen bees.
One Nikot cassette is enough to breed 30 individuals. A small apiary will be fully provided with hive owners. Consumables (bowls, holders, bases and cages) can be purchased separately.
The holes in it allow the bees to enter, feed and care for the queen.
How to breed queens using the Nicot system
The new cassette is washed to get rid of the plastic smell. Then, from the side of the holes, it is smeared with honey and secured to the grafting frame. The frame can be empty or with foundation. The bowls are attached to the back of the cassette and placed in holders. The hangers of the holders are positioned perpendicular to the frame to make it easy to remove.
The queen is placed in Nikot; this is done in the evening. The frame is then placed with the nurse bees for care.
Next, check the filling of the bowls with eggs (after 18-22 hours), release the queen and place the filled bowls on the grafting frame. Selection of large, even queen cells makes it possible to obtain high-quality hive hostesses; the remaining specimens are discarded. Pros of the system:
- Possibility of use by a not very experienced beekeeper;
- egg laying by the uterus is close to 100%;
- contactless transfer of larvae;
- simultaneous hatching of insects;
- obtaining high-quality, productive individuals.
Nicot is convenient, effective and popular with beginners and experienced beekeepers.