Instructions for using Genter honeycomb for breeding queens from A to Z

Genter honeycomb for breeding queens is a unique product that is used by beekeepers. This design was invented by the German scientist Karl Genter at the end of the twentieth century. The device simplifies the removal of queens and has a number of other advantages. Moreover, it can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands with a minimum amount of cost. To achieve the desired results, it is important to use the design correctly.

What is a Genter Cell?

This term refers to a technical device that allows the breeding of queen bees to proceed. In essence, the product is an artificial honeycomb. Their design helps to obtain young queen bees, which in a short time replenish the family with new bees.


Genter honeycomb has different types. The base structure is called "Standard". There are also the following types of structures:

  1. “Quick Start” is considered a very convenient set. It comes with special holders for bowls. The kit includes uterine cells and elements for removing the cups.
  2. “Extended standard” - the design includes grafting strips, a plug for cleaning cells, and bottoms with bowls. The structure also includes uterine cells. The difference between the design is the size. Its body has a square shape with a side of 12 centimeters.

Jenter cell

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the system include the following:

  • almost 100% egg deposition by the queen in the cassette;
  • quick transplantation of larvae onto a grafting frame;
  • the possibility of breeding full-fledged productive queens;
  • simultaneous breeding of young queens;
  • Can be used even by novice beekeepers;
  • ease of use.

At the same time, the Gender cell also has a number of disadvantages:

  • difficulties with breeding a large number of individuals;
  • high price;
  • the need for several structures in large apiaries.

Work technology

The assembled honeycomb must be inserted into the hive, cutting into the frame. It is fixed with screws. A day before obtaining the larvae, the structure is placed between 2 frames with brood. The bees immediately begin to refine the plastic base. They apply a wax layer on it and prepare cells for offspring.After a day, the frame is pulled out of the nest.

After that, the place prepared by the bees needs to be covered with a plastic lid. In its center there is a hole closed with a stopper. The queen bee is launched through it. She needs to be isolated. Thanks to this, the queen will begin to lay larvae in the prepared cells. In this case, nurse bees will be able to penetrate inside through small holes on the lid.

honeycomb with bees

Instructions for use, breeding and rearing queens

To remove the queens, you need to do the following:

  1. Place the honeycomb into the hive. This should be done in the evening. Screws should be used for fixation.
  2. The day before receiving the eggs, place a frame with comb between the brood frames. In this case, it must be placed in the central part of the hive. Insects immediately begin to modify the plastic base. They cover it with a wax layer and prepare the cells.
  3. After a day, remove the frame from the slot. Cover the honeycomb with a lattice lid. In its center there should be a hole with a plug for the uterus.
  4. Place the young fetal uterus in the structure and cover with a stopper. In this mode, she will lay eggs.
  5. Release the queen from the structure and return the frame to the hive.
  6. After 3 days, transfer the young larvae into grafting frames.
  7. Place the frames in the bee colony.
  8. After 3-4 days, perform an inspection. This will help you understand how many larvae the bee colony has adopted.
  9. Before new queens emerge, cover the queen cell with a cage.

device installed

Product care

An important advantage of honeycomb is the possibility of its reusable use. Plastic structures are easy to clean. To do this, they need to be treated with syrup and placed in a bee colony. After which the bees will do everything necessary on their own. It will take them 2 hours to clean the structure.

Also, all elements can be washed in water. Its temperature should be +65 degrees. This will help melt the wax but will not damage the plastic parts. The use of detergents is strictly prohibited.

pour water

Is it possible to make a honeycomb with your own hands?

To make a design with your own hands, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Cut a square from the board, the side of which is 15 centimeters.
  2. Make marks for future holes.
  3. Make holes with a diameter of 6 millimeters.
  4. Fill the holes with wax, after melting it.
  5. Attach wax strips to each hole.
  6. Using the template, make holes in the waxed boards. As a result, you need to get cone-shaped recesses. Their depth should be 3 millimeters.

The jenter comb is an effective device that is used for hatching queens. To achieve the required results, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.
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