Poultry farming is one of the most popular among farmers. The livestock is growing rapidly, meat and eggs are in stable demand among buyers. Chickens, geese, ducks are familiar to consumers, quails and other feathered animals are bred less often, so novice business owners have many questions. Today's conversation is about how many quails can be kept in one cage.
What does planting density depend on?
It is most convenient to keep quails in cages; this increases the productivity of birds. The number of birds depends on the size of the cage, the number of birds and its direction. When separating birds, the following are taken into account:
- age – young animals are kept separately from adults;
- purpose of livestock (fattening poultry, laying hens);
- breeding herd.
Quails are additionally sorted by type: meat, meat and egg breeds are kept separately from each other. When settling, the size of the bird is taken into account. The largest are broiler quails, they are up to 20 centimeters in length, laying hens are small - 12-14 centimeters in length, meat-egging individuals - up to 17 centimeters. For fattening animals, stocking density is increased so that the birds move less and gain weight faster.
Important: under spacious conditions, birds mate worse, stop gaining weight and compete for food, and therefore productivity decreases.
Birds of decorative breeds are kept in spacious enclosures.
Quail stocking density
To prevent them from smashing their heads on the ceiling, it is not made of mesh; the top of the cage is covered with plywood or thick plastic film in 2 layers. They can be installed on top of each other in 3-4 tiers. The floor is left mesh for ease of cleaning, and a tray is installed underneath.
If the bird is intended for fattening, up to 60-70 heads of male broilers are placed per 1 square meter. Egg and meat-egg birds – 80 pieces each. There should be 5-10 fewer females in such an area.
The height of the cage is no more than 20 centimeters. With a higher density of birds, they develop cannibalism. The distance between the cages stacked on top of each other is about 10 centimeters, in this case it is convenient to clean the trays.Quails grow quickly, reproduce actively, and are the fastest ripening of all poultry species. Consumers have appreciated the taste of eggs and meat, and this type of poultry farming is developing at a rapid pace.