It is believed that self-rooted peaches retain the characteristics of the variety well, so the crop can be grown in the garden from the stone. Let's consider when you can replant a peach grown from a pit, how to prepare the soil, choose a seedling, at what distance to plant, what neighbors the tree should have. How to further care for the plant in the garden.
- Why is a transplant needed?
- When is it better to plant a peach - in spring or autumn?
- Optimal timing of spring transplantation
- Recommended Neighbors
- Preparing the site and soil
- How to do it right
- Selection of seedlings
- Choosing a place in the garden
- Soil selection
- Pit preparation
- Recommended distance between seedlings and planting pattern
- Further care
Why is a transplant needed?
Typically, fruit tree seedlings are grown from seeds in seedlings or in containers, rather than planting the seeds immediately in a permanent place. Therefore, upon reaching a certain age, young trees need to be replanted so that they continue to grow further. If you plant the seed right where the tree will grow, then replanting is not required.
When is it better to plant a peach - in spring or autumn?
In the first growing season, it is not advisable to replant the tree either in summer or autumn. Growth will stop while the seedling takes root; the shoots may not ripen and freeze in the winter.
The best time to replant is next early spring. By this time the trees will have already become stronger. There is no point in delaying replanting any longer, because by autumn the peach can grow a lot and will take a long time to take root after replanting.
Optimal timing of spring transplantation
You need to replant before the buds begin to bloom on the peach. You can replant when the soil allows you to dig up a seedling, and the soil dries out and warms up after the snow melts. After the leaves bloom, the trees do not tolerate transplantation well.
Recommended Neighbors
Fruit trees of other types must be planted at a certain distance from the peach, which depends on the height of growth and the width of the crown. For tall trees this distance should be at least 4 m, for medium-sized trees - from 3 m. The distance must be maintained because in a limited area the plants will compete with each other for food and sunlight and, if there is not enough space, they will oppress each other.
Preparing the site and soil
For peach, as for other fruit crops, it is important to choose the right planting site, prepare the soil and the seedling itself.This determines how well the seed tree will take root and how it will develop.
How to do it right
Before transplanting, you need to select the best seedlings, prepare the site and planting holes.
Selection of seedlings
Peaches planted with pits do not always develop equally well. For replanting, you need to select the best ones - with strong shoots and large leaves. The seedlings must be completely healthy - without signs of disease and not damaged by pests. The trunk and branches of the first order must be straight, not broken, with good growth, with intact, undamaged buds.
Choosing a place in the garden
Peach grows best in sunny open areas; planting the crop in shady places is not recommended. In a shaded area, the tree will lack sunlight, which can delay its development, flowering, and reduce productivity. Since peach is a heat-loving plant, a place in the garden must be chosen so that it is protected from cold winds, which can lead to the death of branches or freezing in winter.
Soil selection
Peach prefers loam or sandy loam of light composition, loose, well fertilized. The reaction of the soil solution should be neutral. The crop grows poorly in heavy clays and constantly damp areas. Before replanting, you need to conduct a soil analysis and remove all imperfections, for example, carry out liming, mix sand with clay, add fertilizers - organic matter and ash in the amount of 1 bucket and 1 liter per square meter. m, mixed with soil.
Pit preparation
After clearing the area of the remains of the previous crop and weeds, dig holes for seedlings, about 50 cm in diameter and in depth. However, you need to look at how developed the seedling is.A layer of drainage material is laid down - pieces of bricks, broken slate.
Recommended distance between seedlings and planting pattern
The row spacing and row spacing depend on the varietal characteristics of the peach. If it is a tall tree, then the seedlings should be placed at a distance of 4 m between neighboring plants. Medium-sized ones can be transplanted at a distance of 3-4 m.
Further care
After transplanting, the peaches are watered 2 times a week for the first month until they take root. Then reduce watering to once a week. Water with warm water under the root. After watering, loosening is carried out in the root zone. In the first year after replanting, the peach from the pit does not need to be fertilized with anything; the seedling will have enough nutrition that was added during replanting.
Grass should be removed between rows and around young trees to prevent weeds from taking away nutrients from them. After the end of the growing season, in the fall, the trees need to be covered with agrofibre on top, and the soil should be covered with mulch or dense agrofibre should also be laid. Insulation of peach stones in the first autumn is necessary, while the trees are not yet sufficiently developed and do not withstand frost and sunburn well. In subsequent seasons, only soil can be covered.
You can grow a dog from a seed on your own property. This crop inherits well the characteristics of the variety; the trees and fruits are the same as those of the plant from which the seeds were removed. To obtain planting material, you will have to plant a lot of seeds.From what sprouts, you need to select the best specimens, which are then transplanted to a permanent place in the garden.