Instructions for use of Planriz and pesticide composition, dosage and analogues

“Planriz” is understood as a biological agent that is effective against various fungal infections. With its help, it is possible to get rid of powdery mildew, late blight, and brown rust. The drug also successfully copes with various types of rot and has a biostimulating effect. In order for the product to give the required results, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for its use.

Composition and release form

The drug belongs to the category of biological pesticides.The active component is considered to be special bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens strain AP-33. Their titer is no less than 2×10^9. The product is produced in liquid form.

Area of ​​use and principle of operation

When using the drug, bacterial microorganisms enter the soil with treated seeds. They actively populate plant roots and contribute to the synthesis of a number of useful substances. These include the following:

  • enzymes and antibiotics;
  • phytoalexins - these substances increase the immunity of cultivated plants;
  • growth stimulants;
  • organic acids;
  • siderophores - these compounds bind and transport iron ions into bacterial cells, which helps suppress the development of pathogens and activate the growth of cultures;
  • organic acids.

The mechanism of action of the drug depends on the stage of its use. Typically the product is used at the following stages:

  1. Processing seed material before planting. Biologically active components that are produced during the fermentation process help to disinfect seed material from phytopathogens. This helps suppress seed infection.
  2. Transplanting. Bacteria are distinguished by their ability to actively colonize the root system, since they feed on its secretions. As a result, biologically active elements are synthesized that help suppress the development of diseases and activate crop growth processes.
  3. Growing season. Active elements produced by beneficial bacteria help suppress the development of pathogens that cause many pathologies.

bottle of planiriz

Thanks to the colonization of the root system and the synthesis of biologically active elements by beneficial bacteria, it is possible to improve the absorption of useful elements by cultivated plants.Organic acids, which are released during the use of the substance, dissolve hard-to-reach mineral elements. This facilitates their absorption by plants and increases productivity.

The key advantages of Planriz include the following:

  • possibility of application at any stage of crop development;
  • no waiting period - this makes it possible to process plants while the crop is ripening;
  • fungicidal and bactericidal properties;
  • growth stimulation;
  • lack of development of resistance in pathogens, which helps to perform treatment repeatedly until the desired effect is obtained;
  • safety for people, animals, bees, fish;
  • compatibility with various chemicals - the only exceptions are substances containing mercury.

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Instructions for use of "Planriza"

It is necessary to use the drug "Planriz" 1-2 days before planting or on the day of sowing. Cereal seeds must be processed using standard semi-dry dressing technology.

It is recommended to spray vegetable plants and rapeseed at the stage of appearance of 3-4 true leaves. In this case, subsequent processing should be performed with an interval of 7-10 days. If symptoms of peronosporosis of cucumbers appear, this period is recommended to be reduced to 5-7 days.

To cope with potato late blight, it is recommended to carry out treatment at intervals of 7-10 days. On other plants it is worth performing preventive spraying. This is done when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

diseased leaves

It is recommended to use at least 300 liters of working fluid per 1 hectare. The product should be used after 18:00 or in cloudy weather during the day. It is recommended to shake the mixture before use.This will help make the consistency more uniform.

“Planriz” can be used for the following plants:

  1. Cereal crops. When pre-sowing treatment, it is necessary to use 1 liter of product per 1 ton of seeds. To spray vegetative plants, you should use 1 liter of product per 1 hectare.
  2. Vegetable and flower and ornamental crops. To treat planting material, it is worth using 10 milliliters of the product per 1 kilogram of seeds. When applied to holes when planting seedlings, it is recommended to use 5 milliliters of product per plant. To water crops, take 100 milliliters of the drug per 10 liters of water.
  3. Fruit and berry crops. To spray plants, you can use a solution of 50 milliliters of the drug and 10 liters of water.

flower mosaic

Safety of use

The composition is absolutely safe for people and animals. It does not pose a threat to fish, does not accumulate in cultivated plants and does not harm the environment. However, when processing plants, it is recommended to adhere to general safety rules. It is worth spraying plantings using personal protective equipment - gloves, glasses, a respirator.

What is the disinfectant compatible with?

The drug can be combined with various chemical and biological agents. The exception is substances containing mercury. It is recommended to mix the formulations immediately before use.

Storage conditions and periods

It is recommended to keep the drug in an airtight container. This is done in a dry and dark place. In this case, the temperature in the room should be +4-6 degrees. The shelf life is only 3 months from the date of manufacture.

large barrel

Analogues of the product

Effective analogues of the drug include “Agromar F” and “Rizoplan”.

"Planriz" is an effective remedy that helps cope with various diseases. The substance belongs to biological preparations. Therefore, it does not harm people and does not accumulate in plants. In order for the product to give the desired results, you must strictly follow the instructions.
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