Winter is ahead and many housewives are preparing winter preparations. After all, you always want to pamper yourself and your family with something summer and tasty. There are a huge number of snacks that can be prepared in a slow cooker for the winter and beyond.
However, most housewives prefer to cook lecho with rice for the winter. Doing this on your own is not so easy and therefore you will have to prepare for such work in advance.
Classic recipe
There are many different recipes for creating lecho with rice for the winter, but the most popular is the classic recipe. This is what is most often used during the creation of a workpiece.To close the lecho, you will have to use the following ingredients:
- kilogram of tomatoes;
- 600 g pepper;
- 200 g rice;
- two onions;
- 250 ml oil;
- 50 ml vinegar;
- 120 g sugar;
- 50 g salt.
Preparation of lecho begins with the preliminary preparation of all vegetables. To begin with, they are washed in hot water and their stalks, husks and seeds are removed. The pepper is chopped into small strips, and the onion is cut into rings or half rings. Then you should start preparing the tomatoes. It is recommended to peel them. To make this easier, all tomatoes should be soaked in hot water for a few minutes. After separating the skins from the tomatoes, they need to be placed in a blender and meat grinder. They can also be grated with a grater. However, in this case, you don’t have to peel the skins of the tomatoes.
Pour the tomato mixture into a small saucepan and add a little oil and pepper to it. Then all this is placed on a gas stove and cooked for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, you can start preparing the rice. It is placed in a container of hot water and boiled in it for half an hour. Do not add salt or sugar to the water during cooking.
After this, the rice is transferred to a separate bowl, sprinkled with salt and added to the pan with vegetables. Lecho should be cooked for 20 minutes. At this time, it needs to be stirred periodically so that the mixture does not start sticking to the pan.
To check the readiness of the dish, you should pay attention to the rice. It shouldn't turn into mush or be a little hard.
When the lecho is ready, add a little vinegar to it. The prepared mixture is distributed into jars and closed with sealing lids. All containers should be stored in a warm room until completely cooled.
With carrots
This recipe will help people who don’t know how to cook lecho with rice and carrots. To do this, you will need to purchase the following ingredients in advance:
- 2 kg of fleshy tomatoes;
- 2 kg rice;
- three carrots;
- two peppers;
- garlic;
- 500 ml oil;
- 150 g sugar with salt;
- two bay leaves.
Having purchased all the necessary ingredients, you can make the salad. First, cook the tomatoes. They are poured with boiling water and soaked in it for 50-10 minutes, after which they are immediately transferred to cold water and the skin is removed. Then they are finely chopped with a sheath and placed in a pan. After this, you should deal with the pepper, which is first thoroughly washed and cut into small slices. Once you've finished with the peppers, you can move on to the carrots. She, like all other vegetables, is first washed and peeled. Then it should be grated on a coarse grater and added to the pan with the tomatoes along with the pepper. Also, you need to add onions and pepper to the vegetables.
The vegetable mixture should cook for 20 minutes. During this time, you need to add butter, salt and sugar. All contents should be constantly stirred so that they do not have time to stick to the walls or bottom of the pan. When the mixture boils, various spices are added to it. For this you can use:
- three carnations;
- ten peppers;
- Bay leaf;
- mustard seeds.
After this, dry and pre-washed rice is added to the dish. To prepare this lecho, it is recommended to use long rice, as it is most suitable for this dish. After adding rice to the pan, the dish is stewed for another half hour. Don't forget to stir the salad while cooking.
While cooking lecho, you need to carefully monitor the rice so that it is not completely cooked. It should be boiled until half cooked.After seaming, the rice will retain heat for a long time and therefore will have time to arrive. If you cook it right away, you will end up with boiled porridge in the jars.
Before rolling, you need to prepare the container. It is thoroughly washed with soda or a special dishwashing detergent. Each jar is then sterilized and transferred to a towel to dry further.
Having prepared the container, the vegetable mixture from the pan can be distributed between the jars and closed. All rolled up cans are placed upside down and covered with a blanket or towel. When everything has cooled completely, the preservation can be transferred to a cool place for further storage.
It is quite difficult for people who have never been involved in canning to prepare lecho on their own. To do this, you need to study recipes with photos of winter lecho with rice.