20 best step-by-step recipes for preparing eggplants for the winter

The end of summer pleases with the harvest of a large number of fruits in the vegetable beds. The blue ones also ripen. They are loved for the spiciness and unique taste they add to homemade preparations. Many of the best eggplant recipes for the winter can be borrowed from Caucasian cuisine. By experimenting with a combination of vegetables, new winter canned foods are obtained.

Principles of preparing eggplants for the winter

A special feature of eggplant preparation is the presence of bitterness in the fruit. Be sure to remove it before marinating. Since the source of bitter solanine is the peel of eggplants, you can cook the fruits without it.

Whole medium-sized fruits are also easily cleared of the bitter substance.

Along with eggplants, you can add carrots, tomatoes, and bell peppers to winter salads.

When preparing winter preparations, you can use whole fruits or cut into slices or cubes. They are boiled, fried, simmered in the oven. Each recipe has its own characteristics of preparing and cutting fruits.

Selection and preparation of vegetables

For winter preparations you will only need young eggplants. To do this, pay attention to the color of the skin. It should be light purple, smooth and shiny. Dark and wrinkled fruits have been lying around for a long time and are not suitable for canning. Inside, eggplants have a light cream color and small whitish seeds.

vegetables are being prepared

Bitterness is removed from fruits:

  • covering them with salt for a few minutes and rinsing them under cold water;
  • placing whole or cut ones in salt water under pressure;
  • in the freezer;
  • sprinkling with milk;
  • peeling;
  • pour boiling water for 5 minutes.

Solanine is removed from cut fruits faster than from whole ones.

How to properly prepare containers

Jars for eggplant recipes are prepared in advance. For crushed fruits, it is better to take 0.5-1.5 liters. There is enough space for the whole in a 2-liter container. Sterilization of jars is required. To do this, place the washed containers in the oven, heating to 150-200 degrees.Someone holds it over steam or hangs it on the spout of a kettle where water is boiling. You should keep liter jars for 15-20 minutes, and 2 liter jars for 30 minutes.

You will need metal lids, which are also washed and kept in boiling water.

Best Recipes

Beginning housewives need to use the best recipes from chefs when preparing eggplants. This way they can practice preparing the blue fruits correctly.

eggplants on the table

Eggplant pieces for the winter

To prepare a vegetable snack, you need to take fresh young fruits. First, wash well and then cut into pieces or cubes. Heat water with salt and vinegar in a saucepan. As soon as it boils, you need to throw vegetables in there. While they boil for 5 minutes, pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and put on fire. Use a slotted spoon to remove the eggplant pieces and place them in a frying pan. Stir several times while the pieces are fried.

For the recipe, take 0.5 kilograms of fruit:

  • 50 milliliters of oil;
  • the same amount of 9% vinegar;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • water 1 liter.

At the end, the hot fried pieces are tightly placed in liter jars and the remaining oil is poured on top. All that remains is to roll it up and store it in a cold place. If you want to add spices and garlic, then this is optional.

cut squares

A simple option without sterilization

It’s quick and easy to prepare a salad for the winter, as it doesn’t require time or effort:

  1. Medium-sized fruits are cut into pieces and freed from bitterness.
  2. The same number of bell pepper pods are cleared of seeds and cut into strips.
  3. Onion heads are taken and cut into rings.
  4. You need either finely chopped tomatoes or twisted in a meat grinder.
  5. Pour 100 ml of vegetable oil into a cauldron, add prepared vegetables.
  6. Leave overnight to allow the tomatoes to release their juice.
  7. When they started to simmer, sprinkle with salt and sugar and add vinegar.

When the mixture boils, leave on the fire for another 40 minutes. It is necessary to constantly stir the salad. The finished product is placed in jars and covered with lids.

wooden plate

"Mother-in-law's tongue"

The name of the winter dish arose from the similarity of sliced ​​eggplant plates to tongues. If you take 2 kilograms of blue tomatoes for a snack, then you need the same amount of red ripe tomatoes. And 2 sweet peppers are enough. Cut the vegetables into bars. In a heated frying pan, the eggplant “tongues” are fried in oil on both sides. Separately, stew tomatoes and peppers in a saucepan. Add blue plates there.

As soon as it boils, after 15 minutes add salt (2 tablespoons) and add sugar. Its quantity depends on the taste of the housewife. You can use 2 times more salt or the same amount. Pour in 100 ml of vinegar diluted with water. And at the end 4 teaspoons ground red pepper.

Canned vegetables are transferred hot into jars and sealed.

mother-in-law's tongue

In Georgian

To prepare a delicious spicy snack, you need to take:

  • 6 pieces of eggplant and sweet pepper;
  • 4 chili peppers;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil and vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • a glass of sugar.

Eggplants are cut and sprinkled with salt. Then wash after 20 minutes with cold water and lightly dry. Pepper and garlic are passed through a meat grinder and the mixture is poured into the pan. Season with salt, sugar, oil and vinegar and bring to a boil. At this time, dip the blue pieces into hot water, stirring all the time. After 5 minutes, remove and place in a saucepan with sauce. You need to simmer for 5-10 minutes, and then in jars.

Georgian blue ones

Option like mushrooms

There are few ingredients in this appetizer, but the vegetables in jars turn out like mushrooms. For the recipe you need to take, in addition to eggplants, hot peppers, garlic and oil.

Boil the fruits cut into cubes in the marinade. It is prepared by adding salt (3 tablespoons) and apple cider vinegar (150 ml) to water (1 liter). After 5 minutes of cooking in boiling water, place the pieces in a colander. Fry the eggplants in a deep frying pan, then add chopped pepper and chopped garlic.

Simmer for another 5 minutes, stirring, and put into jars.

With peppers and tomatoes

For this salad you will need a kilogram of eggplants, half each of peppers and tomatoes.

Canning will take place in a slow cooker. Pour half a glass of vegetable oil and table vinegar into the bowl. Lay out sliced ​​vegetables in layers, starting with peppers, tomatoes, ending with blue ones. Sprinkle everything with salt to taste and mix. Stewing continues until the ingredients are completely cooked.

marinade with tomato

Eggplant caviar with tomatoes

Before cooking, bake 2 eggplants and 1 sweet pepper in the oven. It should be kept for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. After cooling slightly, remove the skin and chop. Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water and the skins are removed. Everything needs to be cut very finely. This also applies to onions.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. It is necessary to add salt and simmer a little in vegetable oil. For spiciness, sprinkle with ground black pepper. You can add chopped garlic.

Preservation takes place quickly, resulting in a tasty “overseas” product.

In English

This appetizer combines chopped vegetables: eggplant, onions, peppers and grated carrots. Additional components take 2 times less than the main vegetable. Juice is prepared from ripe red tomatoes, which is flavored with salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. Add pieces of vegetables and begin to simmer until done.If you like, place everything in a blender at the end and grind until smooth. Some people leave vegetables in pieces in tomato sauce.

Cans of snacks should be closed after sterilization.

English snack

In adjika

Adjika is prepared from 3 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper and 2 hot peppers. Place chopped vegetables in a blender, add chopped cilantro, basil, dill, parsley, and garlic.

All that remains is to bake the blue ones in the oven for half an hour, remove the skin from them, mash with a fork, and mix with adjika.

The seasoning is rolled up warm into jars.

Solyanka with eggplant and cabbage

The basis of hodgepodge for the winter is always cabbage. They also add ingredients that will improve the taste of the product. Eggplants will do this. For 3 kilograms of cabbage take:

  • a kilogram of eggplants and carrots;
  • 500 grams of beans;
  • half a liter of tomato juice or sauce;
  • a glass of vegetable oil.

Pour oil and chopped vegetables into a deep frying pan or saucepan. It is advisable to boil the beans until half cooked after soaking.

Braising takes from 45 to 60 minutes. At the end you should add salt and pepper to the hodgepodge. Vinegar is also necessary for the hodgepodge to last longer. If you prepare such a salad, you can enjoy this vitamin dish all winter.

Solyanka is ready

In Greek

In August we preserve eggplants, as the Greeks do. It turns out tasty and satisfying:

  1. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil, adding grated or finely chopped carrots, half a tablespoon of salt and a whole tablespoon of sugar and vinegar.
  2. After half an hour, add chopped garlic, onion in half rings, and chopped peppers.
  3. After 15 minutes, add the eggplant cubes.
  4. Then - tomatoes, spices in the form of peppercorns and red pepper powder, coriander, basil, bay leaf.

Simmer everything for 15-20 minutes and then put it into jars.

Greek dish

Spicy fried eggplant

For twisting, additional components are used:

  • carrot;
  • bulb onions;
  • tomatoes;
  • bunches of greenery.

Eggplants are cut into slices, the bitterness is removed and fried on both sides. The remaining vegetables and herbs are passed through a meat grinder. Onions and carrots are simmered in oil in a frying pan, and tomatoes chopped in a blender or ready-made tomato paste are added. Stewed vegetables are placed on the fried blue circles. Sprinkle everything with red pepper. Store the snack in the refrigerator under nylon covers.

fried eggplant

With basil

You should roll up the eggplants with basil. To do this, prepare per kilogram of blue berries:

  • 500 grams of ripe tomatoes;
  • 3-4 sprigs of basil;
  • peeled garlic cloves.

The marinade will contain;

  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons honey;
  • 4 tablespoons of vinegar at 9%.

Salt is taken to taste.

Vegetable fruits, cut into circles, are blanched in boiling water. Place the tomatoes in circles on the bottom of the pan, with the eggplants on top. As soon as the vegetables are warmed up over low heat, add oil, honey and a teaspoon of salt and vinegar. Braising takes 15 minutes. Then comes the turn of basil, finely chopped, chopped garlic.

The hot salad is placed in half-liter jars and rolled up.

sprinkle of basil

With carrots and garlic

Winter preparations with eggplants are not complete without carrots and garlic. For the salad you need fried pieces of blue fruit. If you take a kilogram of them, then you need to wash 2 carrots, grate them, and pass 3-5 cloves of garlic through a garlic press. Prepared vegetables are placed in jars in layers.Add finely chopped onion if desired. The marinade is prepared traditionally and the salad ingredients are poured hot. Sterilization of workpieces is mandatory.

Blue ones in oil

For snacks, cut the blue fruits into bars, sprinkle with salt, and wash with water to remove the bitterness. Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into a baking tray. Chopped fruits are placed there. First, the vegetables are simmered for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees, then heated to 250. Garlic, finely chopped, sprinkled with sugar and salt, and poured with boiling water. And the resulting liquid is poured over the eggplant pieces on a baking sheet. Mix thoroughly and transfer to jars. Sterilization is a must.

With carrots, pickled

It is better to ferment whole fruits. They are cut as for stuffing on one side, then dipped in salted water, which boils. It is better to hold for 5-7 minutes, constantly making sure that the fruits do not rise to the surface. Grate the carrots into strips and sprinkle with pepper. Add chopped garlic and parsley to the mixture. Having placed all the vegetables in containers, fill them with warm brine. You need pressure from above. After a day, put the snack in the refrigerator, distributing it into jars.

pickled vegetables

With carrots in Korean

Start cooking with the marinade. In a quarter glass of vegetable oil poured into a frying pan, add half a teaspoon of red pepper, coriander, and turmeric. Heat everything over low heat. In another bowl, mix 40 ml of vegetable oil and vinegar, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, season with coriander and black pepper. Both parts of the marinade are mixed and left for an hour.

Eggplant bars are blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes, carrots are grated into strips, and sweet potatoes are grated into thin pieces. You can take a pod of chili pepper. Pour the marinade over everything in the bowl.Stir the salad every half hour. After 2-3 hours, place tightly in jars and send for sterilization for at least 30 minutes.

Slices in spicy seasoning

Take 2 blue fruits, cut into circles 2-3 centimeters thick. After removing the bitterness, fry them on both sides in vegetable oil. Pods of bell pepper (3 pieces) and hot pepper (1 piece), garlic are crushed in a blender. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 thirds of salt, and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Everything is mixed. After holding for half an hour, put pepper mugs into the jars and add hot seasoning on top. At the end, the workpiece is sterilized in a water bath and rolled up with lids.

spicy seasoning

Blue with onions and carrots

The main component of the workpiece is cut into bars or pieces and fried on a baking sheet in the oven or frying pan with constant stirring. The carrots are cut into thin strips, Korean style, and the onion heads are cut into half rings. Add chopped garlic to the carrots. Chilled eggplants are placed in jars, alternating with carrots and onions. Everything is poured with boiling marinade and sterilized.

Delicious lecho

Here is the step-by-step preparation of lecho:

  1. Tomatoes (5 pieces) are passed through a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Bell pepper (7 pods) cut into strips.
  3. Eggplants (10 fruits) - in blocks.
  4. 6-7 cloves of garlic are chopped, and then 3 onions.
  5. Fry the onion in a cauldron with oil for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour in the tomato mass and bring to a boil.
  7. Now comes the turn of pepper, a tablespoon of paprika, sugar (2-3 tablespoons).
  8. After boiling, add the blue garlic. Simmer for 25 minutes. Pour in a tablespoon of vinegar.

vegetable lecho

After cooking, the hot lecho is placed into jars and rolled up.

Further storage of workpieces

Winter salads are kept in the refrigerator under nylon covers. They need to be cooked a little.They are unlikely to last more than a month. The remaining blanks, sterilized and under iron lids, are placed in a basement or cellar. But they must be eaten before spring.

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