Recipe for quick cooking of Korean cabbage for the winter in jars

If you want to surprise your friends and family, you should prepare a dish like Korean cabbage for the winter. This is an excellent instant snack. This won't take a lot of time.

If you follow the recipe and do not deviate from certain cooking rules, you will get juicy cabbage that has a divine aroma and can be stored for a long time. By the way, it’s also a good idea to pickle cabbage the Korean way.


Before looking at Korean cabbage recipes for the winter and starting cooking, let’s study the basic nuances regarding any variety.

  • It is at the base of the vegetable that the juiciest leaves are found.
  • When preparing Korean salads, vegetables are cut slightly unconventionally. For example, cabbage is cut into squares from 2 to 4 cm. When there are other representatives of vegetable crops among the ingredients, they need to be chopped and done so thinly. It’s good if you have a grater that allows you to cut vegetables into thin or long strips.
  • To keep the preserves longer, use jars that are sterilized and covered with a lid; a bucket is not suitable. If you marinated it in another container, it is better to leave it there. The main thing is that the temperature where storage will take place does not reach more than 12 degrees.
  • When choosing a container, keep in mind that a huge amount of seasonings will be used, so the smell will be quite pungent, and most likely the container will be saturated with this aroma.

Korean cabbage in jars

Cooking recipes

Now, actually, let's look at how pickled cabbage is prepared, because there are various recipes, of which there are quite a few.


This is the standard way to prepare Korean cabbage for the winter, but there are other recipes. You will need:

  1. One and a half kilograms of white cabbage.
  2. An onion bulb is required.
  3. One teaspoon of grated ginger root.
  4. One carrot.
  5. Half a teaspoon of paprika.
  6. Thirty milliliters of nine percent vinegar.
  7. Two teaspoons of salt.
  8. It is advisable to purchase Korean carrot seasoning - one teaspoon.
  9. Five cloves of garlic.
  10. Four teaspoons of sugar.

After collecting all the ingredients, you can start cooking.Korean pickled cabbage for the winter, her recipe:

  1. Peel the main ingredient, there should be no dark leaves on it. Then you should cut the head of cabbage into small or large squares, then put them in any enamel bowl.
  2. Chop the garlic and ginger root into small pieces.
  3. Take an onion and chop it into half rings, as thin as possible.
  4. Just grate the carrots.
  5. It's time to mix the prepared ingredients. Mix vegetables and garlic with ginger with cabbage. Next, add spices and, of course, sugar to the salted mixture.
  6. What you get needs to be scattered into jars and filled with boiling water up to the hangers.
  7. Don't forget about the vinegar, which should be distributed so that there is the same amount in each jar, then roll up the containers. Be sure to turn them over. You need to store jars with future snacks where it is cool, for example, a cellar.

appearance of cabbage in Korean

Cauliflower for the winter in Korean

For this recipe you need:

  1. 1 kg cauliflower or kohlrabi.
  2. Three hundred grams of carrot root vegetable.
  3. Two heads of garlic.
  4. Two grams of ground pepper (red).
  5. Ten grams of coriander, always ground.
  6. Two grams of ground cardamom.
  7. Two grams of nutmeg, ground.
  8. Two grams of ground cloves.
  9. Half a liter of water.
  10. One hundred milliliters of nine percent vinegar.
  11. One hundred grams of sugar.
  12. Twenty grams of salt.
  13. One hundred milliliters of vegetable oil.

How to prepare pickled cabbage:

  1. Take the main ingredient and wash it thoroughly, then cut it into several inflorescences, as large as possible.
  2. Drop them into boiling water and cook for about two minutes.
  3. Remove the florets, then chop them.
  4. Take the garlic, finely chop it into pieces, after peeling it.
  5. Next you need to cook the marinade.To do this, mix the following ingredients: vinegar, oil, salt and sugar. All this should be boiled for five minutes.
  6. Stir in garlic, spices, and cabbage.
  7. Take two cans. You can use 4 half-liters or 2, but per liter.
  8. The resulting mixture should be scattered among the jars, tightly, even pressing.
  9. Add hot marinade to each jar and seal it all with lids.

All that remains is to close it, but if this is not possible, you can simply roll it up using polyethylene lids, but then they can only be stored in the refrigerator. In the first case, any room where it is cool will do.

Korean style cauliflower in a jar

Korean spicy cabbage for the winter

Spicy cabbage - what you need:

  1. Early white cabbage (2 kilograms).
  2. Coriander, turmeric - two teaspoons of each.
  3. Onion. One kilogram is needed, as well as shallots.
  4. Two glasses of sunflower oil.
  5. One kilogram of carrots.
  6. Two pods of red pepper (hot).
  7. Two teaspoons of black pepper.
  8. Five tablespoons of sugar (powdered).
  9. A kilogram of sweet pepper.
  10. Two tablespoons of salt to keep it salty.
  11. One hundred milliliters of vinegar.
  12. Two heads of garlic.

How to cook:

  1. Take all representatives of vegetable crops and wash them, then dry them.
  2. The main vegetable should be chopped.
  3. Then try to stretch it a little so that it releases the juice.
  4. The carrots need to be cut into long strips and then thrown into the cabbage.
  5. Cut the garlic into strips, then add it to where the main ingredient and carrots are.
  6. Take the peppers and core them, then take the pulp and chop it as thinly as possible into long strips. Then toss into the cabbage mixture.
  7. Start preparing the marinade.To do this, dilute vinegar and salt in sugar, then add spices.
  8. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, then pour it into the mixture with vegetables, then mix again.
  9. Next, add the onion and oil and leave to steep for an hour.
  10. Scatter the mixture of vegetables into containers and fill with juice.
  11. The jars need to be sterilized and rolled up, then excellent pickled cabbage will come out.

Advice! If there is no white cabbage variety, replace it with cauliflower or curly cabbage.

korean cauliflower

Korean sauerkraut with daikon in spicy sauce

Many recipes are very similar, you will need the following ingredients:

  • One kilogram of cabbage.
  • Three hundred grams of Japanese radish.
  • 300 grams of celery root.
  • Three hundred grams of ginger.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • Bulb.
  • 2 pods of hot pepper.
  • Two tablespoons of salt.
  • One tablespoon of sugar.

korean salad

How to marinate:

  1. Take a head of cabbage and cut it into 4 wedges, then remove the stalk.
  2. The resulting shares should be divided into two parts.
  3. Then put them in any enamel bowl and sprinkle evenly with sugar, salt the cabbage, add table salt. Cover it all with film and let it sit for one night.
  4. The insides should be crushed and made into a paste from the remaining ingredients.
  5. Take each part of the main ingredient and coat it with paste, then transfer it to a container where fermentation will take place.
  6. Pour in cabbage juice.


Now you know various recipes for Korean cabbage in jars for the winter, as well as some of the subtleties of canning. During the cold season it will serve as an excellent snack.
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