Fragrant green, yellow and dark blue plums eliminate constipation, cleanse the intestines, improve blood formation, and restore sleep. Fresh fruits of the fruit tree are rich in organic acids, minerals, vitamin C, and contain phylloquinone, which regulates blood clotting. After heat treatment, some of the beneficial substances are retained. Plum jam in slices is a real delicacy, but to prevent the fruits from losing their integrity and the seeds easily falling off, it is recommended to use the Dubovki and Vengerka varieties for preparations.
General information about the treat
Plum jam is not only tasty, but also amber in color. In transparent and thick sugar syrup, the slices do not soften and remain hard. Dessert prepared for the winter cannot always be preserved until this time; children like its excellent taste and conquers adults.
Plum jam with slices is used as a filling for baked goods and served with tea. In addition to the beautiful amber color and bright aroma, the delicacy:
- saturates the body with fructose;
- stimulates digestion;
- improves mood.
The iron contained in the fruits is required for anemia. Pectins prevent the accumulation of harmful substances.
Recipe Ingredients Required
If the Hungarian variety is not available, you can also take other plums - yellow and blue, in which the stone easily falls off. In addition to sugar, you will need water to prepare the syrup. Often women put vanilla in jam and sprinkle cinnamon. Such ingredients improve the taste and add sophistication to the delicacy.
Features of product selection
To prevent the fruits from boiling over, the preparation for the winter does not turn into puree; overripe fruits cannot be used.
Some housewives soak plums for several hours in a soda solution, rinse thoroughly with clean water, the fruits become harder and less boiled.
Preparation of containers
Fruit preparations are sealed in glass jars for storage. It is best to transfer jam into containers with a volume of 0.5 and 0.75 liters. First, select containers that have no nicks, cracks, or chips, wash them thoroughly with mustard or soda, rinse with clean water, and then sterilize:
- above steam - a quarter of an hour;
- in a saucepan with boiling water - 15 minutes;
- in the oven - gas or electric for the same amount of time;
- in the microwave - several times for 3-4 minutes.
The lids must correspond in diameter to the neck of the jar, not be deformed; they should be disinfected in a kettle or kept over steam.
How to make plum jam in slices at home
In order for the halves or slices to turn out whole, you need to boil the fruits in syrup not just once, but several times. Remove the seeds from the berries, take enough of them so that after removing the seeds, a kilogram of plums remains:
- The washed fruits should be divided into slices.
- Sugar should be poured into water and the syrup should be boiled over low heat.
- Place plums in the sweet liquid and boil for 10–12 minutes.
- The fruit mass is removed from the stove and placed on the fire again after 6 hours.
The process is repeated again, but the workpiece is infused for half the previous time. When the jam thickens and acquires an amber hue, boil for 5 minutes, skim off the foam, pour into sterile jars, seal with lids, turn upside down, and insulate with a blanket or towel.
To prepare the syrup, take 350 ml of water and 1300 g of sugar.
Yellow plums are washed, pits are removed and divided into slices, placed in an enamel bowl, filled with syrup and left for a day. The expressed liquid is boiled, fruits are added to it and boiled until the mass thickens.
Per kilogram of fruit take 1.5 sugar, 3 glasses of water.
Terms and rules for storing workpieces
Seedless plum jam, sealed in sterile containers, does not spoil for 2 years. You can keep the preparation in the pantry or in the kitchen; after opening the container, you need to put the dessert in the refrigerator and eat it within a week - 10 days.