A simple recipe for making gooseberry jam with zhelfix for the winter

Many of you have come across recipes for gooseberry jam on the Internet that have the majestic names “Royal”, “Tsarskoe” or “Emerald”. It is worth noting that such names were given by culinary specialists for a reason. The recipe for gooseberry jam with jellyfix also deserves attention and a place in terms of home preservation for the winter. The balance of thickness and taste is harmoniously maintained in it, which will be a godsend for any housewife.

Features of preparing jelly-like gooseberry jam for the winter

The main component of the workpiece, which makes it possible to obtain a jelly-like mass, is gelfix. To prepare gooseberry preserves, you need to use zhelfix 2:1. It consists of pectin, citric and sorbic acids, as well as powdered sugar. Its action is similar to gelatin, but at the same time it allows you to preserve the natural color and not affect the final taste of the treats.

Required ingredients for recipes

When preparing this jam you will need:

  • yellowfix 2:1;
  • 1 kilogram of gooseberries;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • cinnamon.

Selection and preparation of raw materials

For jam you need ripe red berries that hold their shape. The gooseberries need to be washed thoroughly, changing the water 3 times. After this you need to cut off the stalks. Then you need to sort the gooseberries into 2 containers - place small and damaged berries in one, and select whole large berries in the other.

The gooseberries from the first container must be thoroughly chopped using a blender. This puree will add thickness to the jam.

jelly jars

Rules for preparing containers before the start of the process

The pan in which the jam will be prepared must be thoroughly washed. Seaming jars must be disinfected using dry sterilization. To do this, you need to put the jars, wet after washing, in the oven, bottom up, along with the lids. Then you need to set the temperature to 120 °C and turn on the oven for 15 minutes. It is very important that the jars are wet, as without moisture they will burst.

three cans

Cooking process

Pour the puree along with whole berries into the main basin, mix gently and put on fire. Next you need to prepare the gelfix.To do this, the contents of the bag are mixed with 2 tablespoons of sugar to evenly distribute it in the berry mass. Then the mixture is poured into a saucepan and mixed into the gooseberries. The resulting mass must be brought to a boil, stirring slowly.

straining gooseberries

Immediately after the puree has boiled, add sugar. You can add cinnamon to add extra flavor. After this, the mass must be mixed carefully.

Next, the contents of the pan must be brought back to a boil and continue to cook for 3 minutes. This period is optimal for the preservation of useful components and the integrity of the gooseberry.

making jam

Until this time, the jars must be sterilized. Pour the jam evenly, distributing equal amounts of thick puree and whole berries. After this, you need to roll up and wrap the jars with warm blankets in 2-3 layers. The cooling period is 1-2 days.

How to properly store jam?

The optimal temperature for storing homemade gooseberry preparations is 12-17 °C, provided that the jar is protected from sunlight. A dark closet is considered a suitable place in this case. You should not place jars in the cellar, as the jam will freeze and spoil.

gooseberries for the winter

Since gooseberry jam contains small seeds, it cannot be stored for more than 6 months.

The fact is that during long-term storage, hydrocyanic acid is released from the kernels of the seeds. After 8-10 months, its level in the jar may exceed values ​​safe for human health.

ready jelly

This recipe for gooseberry jam with gelfix is ​​available to every housewife who has decided to pleasantly surprise loved ones with a tasty treat and replenish her homemade preserves with an unusual preparation.By following these recommendations, you can prepare a great treat for the whole family!

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