TOP 9 step-by-step recipes for preparing raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking according to a simple recipe will delight any housewife with its ease of preparation. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recipe, choose high-quality ingredients and carefully sterilize the container. Only in this case can you get delicious jam, the jars of which will not swell after a few days.

Features of preparing raspberries pureed with sugar

In order for raspberries with sugar to please you with the taste and preserve the nutrients as much as possible, it is important to follow some rules. If the berries are picked by hand, then it is better to choose a time for this in sunny weather, during the day. It is believed that raspberries picked during this period are the sweetest and best in taste. But you should also note that:

  • It is worth making jam without cooking immediately after harvesting, as raspberries quickly deteriorate and sour;
  • you should carefully observe the proportions - this is the only way to get a good consistency;
  • to remove bugs and other insects that may be in raspberries, first fill the berries with lightly salted water for 15 minutes;
  • Before preserving, the raspberries must be dried completely - the ingress of water will cause the jars to swell.

The finished composition cannot be stored for a long time. It is immediately rolled into jars.

Preparing raw materials

The raspberries for the recipe should be well-ripened, soft but firm. If it falls apart, that is, it is overripe, then the taste runs the risk of being too rich and the jars bloating. Harvesting should be done in sunny weather.

Before preserving, wash the berries thoroughly. If there are insects, then pour the product with lightly salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water is enough). Pour the mixture over the berries for 15 minutes. Bugs and other midges float to the surface on their own and can be collected with a simple spoon.

making raspberry jam

After washing, the raspberries must be dried. You can put it on the sunny side, but do not allow the berries to begin to sour.

Preparing the container

Any sterilization method will do. Jars can be up to a liter in volume - fruits are stored worse in larger ones. The finished mixture is placed in absolutely clean and sterilized containers.Moreover, if the lids are made of polyethylene and not metal, they must first be boiled in water for 5-7 minutes.

Cooking methods

Use one of the proven recipes.

Classic recipe for raspberries, grated with sugar

In order to quickly candied raspberries for the winter, you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of the main ingredient;
  • 1.5 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar.

raspberries with sugar

The prepared berries are placed in an enamel container. Add sugar and mash with a wooden masher. Grated fresh raspberries will turn out delicious even if you use a high-quality blender.

But first you need to find out whether the device can work with the seeds that are present in the berries.

Leave the products together for a couple of hours. At this time, do thorough sterilization. After 3 hours, the mixture is poured into clean jars. At the same time, be sure to leave room to create the so-called sugar jam. The top of the jam is sprinkled with powdered sugar and rolled up.

raspberry jam

Frozen raspberries

If you store raspberries in the freezer and then start canning, the jam will turn out very tender, light and liquid. The berries are slightly frozen, but they are not allowed to completely freeze and turn into an ice crust. You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of raspberries;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar.

Defrost, add sugar. After the juice is mixed and the sugar is completely dissolved, the composition is immersed in cheesecloth. The drained juice is closed in jars.

frozen berries

Without sterilization

Alas, it is not possible to close raspberries for the winter without sterilization. The containers will simply swell and the jam will be spoiled. But if you want to please yourself and your household with a tasty and sweet treat in the summer, then you can make a fresh dessert. Required:

  • 1 kg of main ingredient;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 300 grams of powdered sugar.

The berries are left for a couple of hours, after being covered with sugar. Once all the juice has drained, they are ground together with a masher. You can add various spices for taste. Cloves and vanillin go well together.

five-minute jam

With black currant

The blackcurrants for this recipe are ripe and as juicy as possible. First you need to rub it with sugar, and then add it to the raspberries until the juice appears. Leave for 2-3 hours, during which time the containers are sterilized.

More sugar is needed (2.5 kilos are used for 2 kg of berries), in this case the delicacy will not be at all sour, but will delight only with a sweet taste and the correct consistency.

With strawberry

Making pureed strawberry product is quite simple. You will need:

  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg strawberries;
  • 1.8 kg sugar.

jam with raspberries and strawberries

The ingredients are carefully prepared and placed in an enamel container after drying. Covered with sugar. After 2 hours, when the juice appears, you need to grind them through a sieve. To make it easier to grate the strawberries, you can cut them into small pieces.

With whole berries

To close them whole, you will need to show some skill. Since there will be little liquid, water is added. Need to:

  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 800 ml water.

Sugar and water are mixed in a container, waiting for complete dissolution. The washed berries are poured with syrup, left for 4 hours, and then rolled into jars.

Raspberry “five-minute”

Twisted berries in their own juice according to this recipe will require minimal effort from the housewife. A standard amount of ingredients by weight is simply mixed and left for 5 hours. After the expiration date, the juice is drained and brought to a boil for five minutes. The berries are placed in a jar and filled with syrup.

raspberry jam with whole berries

In its own juice

The recipe is standard, but in order to grind and get a mass of ideal condition, you need to use only well-ripened products. A wooden pusher will do.

In a blender

Children will like this delicious berry crushed in a blender because of its delicate taste and slightly viscous consistency. The recipe is standard, but in order for the candied mixture to be stored longer, you need to take not a kilo of sugar, but 1.2 kg.

Features of storing workpieces

It is correct to store jars of jam in a dark and cool place for up to 6 months. The more sugar, the longer the shelf life.
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