Many summer residents are sure that moving a forest tree to a site is not difficult. However, in reality this is not the case. In order for the tree to adapt normally to new conditions, it is worth understanding how to transplant a pine tree from the forest to a site. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances - choose the right place and time of planting, dig up a high-quality seedling and provide it with proper care.
Transplant algorithm
In order for transplanting a pine tree to a new location to be successful, it is important to adhere to a number of rules and recommendations.
Time for procedure
When is the best time to transplant a tree to a new location? It is best to do this in early spring, before active sap flow begins. In this case, you need to choose a time when the weather is quite warm. It is important to consider that the soil must still be sufficiently moist. Depending on regional characteristics, this may be the end of March, the first half of April or the beginning of May.
If you plan to plant in the fall, it is best to do this from the end of August to October. It is important to complete the procedure before frost arrives. If the pine tree was chosen in the summer, it is not recommended to dig it up right away. It is best to mark this place and return there in the fall.
How to choose a suitable seedling
In order for seedlings to take root, they must be chosen correctly. It is important to take into account the following features:
- The optimal plant height is 50-70 centimeters. A young tree adapts better to new conditions and will not cause problems during transportation. It is best to give preference to crops from the outskirts or the edge of the forest. Mountain pine takes root well.
- The tree needs to be dug in a circle, maintaining a diameter of 20-25 centimeters. After which it must be gradually exposed and carefully pulled out of the soil.If the soil is very dry, it is recommended to water the seedling well before digging it up.
- It is necessary to move the forest pine with a lump of soil. The root system, protected by the soil, suffers less from the effects of stress.
- When digging up a pine tree, it is important to preserve the integrity of its roots. It is recommended to pay special attention to the tap root.
- On the road, the root system of the plant should not dry out. During long-term transportation, the roots of the crop need to be moistened.
- The root system should not remain open for a long time. It can be packed in a bag or package. It is not recommended to remove soil from the roots. The plant must be transported with local soil.
Preparing the site
It is best to plant pine in sandy or sandy loam soil. The optimal acidity parameters are 5.5-6.5. To grow the crop, you should not use heavy clay or saline alkaline soil. Fertile garden soil is not a very good option. To neutralize acidity parameters, it is recommended to add lime to the composition - 250-300 grams. It must be thoroughly mixed with the soil.
When choosing a site for planting pine, it is important to ensure that there is no high groundwater there. It is recommended to place the seedling in well-lit areas. At first, the young tree should be shaded so that it does not get burned. It is better to plant the plant on a hill.
Preparing the hole for planting
A hole for planting should be dug out at least a clod of earth. It is desirable that the pit exceeds it by at least 1.5-2 times. The hole should be filled with prepared sandy substrate. Its composition should include soil, river sand, peat in a ratio of 1:1:2. You can also add a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer.
The resulting composition is dug up along with the excavated soil. The bottom of the recess for planting must be covered with drainage if the selected area is located in a lowland or there is a high groundwater level there. Crushed brick or expanded clay can be used as drainage. The thickness of this layer should be 10-15 centimeters.
Step-by-step transplant instructions
After selecting and preparing a landing site, you need to do the following:
- Determine the north and south sides of the tree. It is recommended to do this before digging up the crop. You need to make a corresponding mark on the branch. You can also focus on the size of the pine paws. On the south side they are large in size and have a fluffy structure.
- Before planting a pine tree, its roots should be soaked in the Kornevin solution. You can also use this product to shed the landing recess.
- When using fertilizer, sprinkle it with soil. This will help avoid burning the tree's root system.
- When planting, you need to ensure that the root collar is located above the surface of the ground. Subsequently, the soil will settle and the root collar will become level with the surface of the earth.
- Fill the hole for planting with soil and compact it. Then water the area generously with warm, settled water. You need to pour at least 2 buckets of water under 1 tree.
- Thoroughly mulch the tree trunk circle. This can be done with peat or pine needles from the natural growth site of the tree.
During the first time after planting, pine trees need to be shaded to protect the tree from sunlight. This is especially true when planting crops in spring. Autumn seedlings need to be tied up so that they do not break under the weight of snow.
In order for a culture to grow and develop normally, it needs to be provided with complete and high-quality care.
Watering and fertilizing
Mature plants usually have enough moisture, which they receive during precipitation. Therefore, they do not require additional watering. An exception is Rumelian pine, which needs to be moistened from time to time. This is especially important to do in the summer - during drought.
At the same time, young seedlings must be watered regularly. This is especially important to do in the summer heat. It is also necessary to moisten the soil in the fall to avoid freezing.
In the first 2-3 years after transplanting, pine trees need to be fed with complex mineral fertilizers. This is recommended to be done in spring and autumn. After the tree grows and becomes stronger, it will provide itself with organic fertilizer, receiving nutrients from pine litter.
Crown formation and pruning
Seedlings need to start pruning the next year after planting on the site. It is imperative to carry out sanitary pruning. In this case, it is worth removing all dry and yellow branches. If required, you can adjust the shape and height of the crop.
Preparing for winter
After planting a forest pine tree, a shelter needs to be made on the site. For this you can use spruce branches, spunbond or burlap. It is not recommended to use film, since fungal pathologies may appear during the thaw period. Plantings need to be covered only for the first few years. This is not required for mature adult plants.
Before the arrival of cold weather, increased watering is carried out. As a rule, 1-2 buckets of water are required for 1 tree. The volume is determined depending on the precipitation that falls in the fall. When transplanting trees from the forest to sunny areas, you need to use spruce branches.Excessive lighting can cause burns.
Tips for beginners
In order for the growing of transplanted pine to be successful, it is important to adhere to the following rules:
- You cannot store a seedling with bare roots;
- It is forbidden to bury the root collar of the plant;
- You should not plant a tree in fertile garden soil.
Transplanting forest pine to a garden plot has a number of important features. Compliance with the rules helps speed up the tree’s adaptation to new conditions and obtain a strong, viable plant.