Coniferous plants are considered the main symbol of the New Year, so their choice must be treated with extreme care. It is important to familiarize yourself with the range and prices. It is also necessary to understand the differences between fir and pine and spruce. These plants are characterized by differences in appearance, smell, and sensitivity to external factors.
What is better to use for a holiday?
When purchasing a tree, you must first of all take into account its visual characteristics.The difference in this characteristic between conifers is obvious. If there are a lot of decorations and they will completely cover the branches, a regular spruce will do. Fir is characterized by a decorative crown, which is thick and lush. Therefore, such a tree requires a minimum of toys.
Of no small importance is how long the tree will stand. Outdoors or on a patio without heat, both plants will stay fresh for the same amount of time. In a warm room, spruce needs specific conditions. It must be placed away from heating sources. It is important to use a container with wet sand. Also, if these requirements are met, the tree will last no more than 1 week. After which the needles will completely fall off.
Fir does not need a base of wet sand. For this plant, an ordinary stand will be sufficient. The needles on the tree dry out over time, but do not fall off. The tree is able to maintain its decorative effect for a month.
Features of spruce
The Christmas tree is a classic New Year's tree, which has a persistent pine scent. Due to the densely growing shoots, the plant looks quite fluffy. Its trunk is covered with brown bark. The needles are short and prickly. The most common types of spruce trees include:
- Ordinary - is an undemanding plant in the shape of a cone, which has short pointed needles measuring 1-3 centimeters. Under natural conditions, the size of spruce trees can reach 40 meters. Trees no larger than 3 meters usually go on sale.
- Blue - its needles can have different shades. They range from blue to bluish-green. The older the spruce, the darker the needles.As for the crown shape, it is standard - triangular.
It is important to take into account that spruce also has some disadvantages. In particular, the main disadvantage is the rapid fall of needles.
Description of pine
This coniferous plant is distinguished by wide branches and hard needles of impressive length - from 4-5 centimeters. However, the needles are not too prickly. It is characterized by a bluish-green color. Young plants have smoother bark. As the plant ages, it becomes covered with furrows and cracks.
Black pine is a popular tree species. Young plants have a pyramidal shape. Adult plants have an umbrella-shaped crown with shoots open in different directions. The trunk is covered with black bark. The needles reach a length of 14 centimeters and are distinguished by a dark green color. It covers the branches quite thickly.
Fir differences
Recently, Nordmann fir has become increasingly popular. This plant is distinguished by dense branches and lush needles. Due to this, the plant looks quite impressive and retains its attractive appearance for a long time. Fir is distinguished by short and flat needles. It is also characterized by a special arrangement of branches. They seem to stretch upward. The needles are silvery or dark green in color.
However, the plant also has some disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the high cost of wood. In addition, it has a less pronounced pine aroma.
Where are Christmas trees sold?
You can buy trees for the New Year in the following places:
- forestry;
- conifer nursery;
- shop;
- Christmas tree market
How and when to choose a tree
The spruce remains fresh for 1-2 weeks. After which it dries and sheds its needles. Therefore, it is best to buy a plant at the last moment - this is done after December 28th.
Pine is highly resistant. She is able to stand in a room for a month. At the same time, the room should not be very dry and hot. By the end of this period, the needles become brittle and turn yellow. In order for the pine to last until the old New Year, it is recommended to buy it in the second half of December.
Fir is characterized by maximum durability. It retains its appearance for a month or even more. You can buy the plant in the first half of December. However, the closer to the holidays it is purchased, the longer it will last. Therefore, experts advise making such a purchase in mid-December.
Fir, pine and spruce are common conifers that are often used to decorate homes for the New Year holidays. To choose the right tree, it is important to take into account the characteristics of each of them.