Description of the Pitsunda pine and where the relict tree grows, planting and care

Pitsunda pine is a very common plant that is often found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. This culture belongs to the Pine family. It is a variety of Turkish or Calabrian culture. This plant is an endangered species, which is why it is listed in the Red Book. The crop can also be grown on your own plot. However, for this she needs to provide quality care.

Description and appearance

Pitsunda pine is considered a variety of Turkish or Calabrian.Relict conifer has a history that goes back several million years. This is one of the oldest representatives of the plant world. The name of the culture is associated with the city of Pitsunda, which is located in the north-west of Abkhazia.

An adult tree reaches a height of 18-24 meters. It is characterized by a straight trunk, which is covered with gray-brown bark with cracks. The tint of the branches has reddish or yellowish notes.

The crown of a young tree is quite wide and has a conical shape. In older specimens it becomes spreading and round. At the same time, the branches on the tree are not very dense.

Pine of this variety is characterized by thin, pointed needles, which have rough edges when touched. The needles are dark green in color and reach a length of 12 centimeters. Moreover, its width does not exceed 1 millimeter.

Most often, the cones are located one at a time, but sometimes they are collected in groups of 2-4 pieces. The fruits can be attached to a short stalk or be sessile. The cones are ovoid-conical in shape and 6-10 centimeters long. At the same time, they reach 3-5 centimeters in diameter and have a brown-red tint.

Inside the cones are dark, almost black seeds. Their wings are 3-4 times larger than the size of the seed itself.

Pitsunda pine

Advantages and disadvantages of wood

Pine grows not only in Pitsunda. This plant is found in Crimea and the Caucasus. This is a unique culture that does not have any particular disadvantages. The only important disadvantage is the impossibility of growing in regions where the temperature is less than -25 degrees. However, this tree also has many important advantages:

  • represents an important part of the landscape design of the Black Sea coast;
  • the wood is considered very valuable in the shipbuilding industry;
  • used for the manufacture of various products in the woodworking industry;
  • is an important source of resin and turpentine;
  • The cones are used to make healthy jam.

Pitsunda pine needles include many phytoncides and essential oils. Therefore, walks in park areas with such a plant bring great health benefits. In folk medicine, pine decoction is used as an antiseptic.

Growth area

Most Pitsunda pines are found in Abkhazia. There is the Pitsunda-Mussersky Nature Reserve, which contains a pine grove of impressive size. It occupies 4 thousand hectares.

In Russia, pine forests of this variety account for 1.1 thousand hectares. Most of them are located between Divnomorsk and Praskoveevskaya gap.

Pitsunda pine is found on rocky coastal slopes. The culture is considered undemanding to soil and humidity parameters. At the same time, today artificial plantings created by people exceed natural ones.

Pitsunda pine photo

Application in landscape design

Pitsunda pine wood is used for cladding ships. It contains a large amount of pine and turpentine. However, due to its protected status and inclusion in the Red Book, the plant is rarely used for industrial purposes.

The main purpose of growing Pitsunda pine is its use in landscape design. This culture is capable of growing in different directions and forming a lush crown that effectively complements the dacha space.

Planting and care

Pitsunda pine is a fairly hardy coniferous crop. It can be grown in regions with hot climates or in the middle zone. The plant easily withstands air pollution and performs cleansing functions.Therefore, trees can be planted even along highways.

It is best to buy a seedling with closed roots. This crop can hardly withstand drying out of the root system and may not adapt to new conditions if the plant was dug up without a ball of earth.

Pitsunda pine grove

The culture is a heat-loving tree and needs sufficient light. Therefore, it is not worth planting in regions with difficult conditions. The tree may freeze in the first winter.

A well-lit area that has no shadow is suitable for planting. It is important to consider that the tree reaches a height of 24 meters, so nothing should change it. As for the composition of the soil, the best option would be light soil - sandy or sandy loam.

Before planting in the recess, it is necessary to pour a layer of drainage. Stones, sand, and crushed bricks are suitable for this. The depth of the hole should be at least 70 centimeters, and the diameter should be 60. When planting a plant, it is important to ensure that the root collar is not covered with soil. Finally, the soil must be compacted, watered and covered with a mulch layer. This will help protect the soil from drying out.

In order for a pine tree to develop normally, it needs to be fully cared for. In this case you need to do the following:

  • periodically mulch and weed the tree trunk circle;
  • systematically water young plants;
  • in the first 1.5 years after planting, regularly apply fertilizers - it is best to use complex compounds for conifers;
  • perform sanitary pruning in spring and autumn.

Possible pests

This type of pine grows quite well, but sometimes the tree faces pest attacks. The following parasites are considered the most dangerous:

  1. Sawflies - to combat them it is necessary to use insecticides and biological products. It is best to use a combination of Confidor and Lepidocide. A combination of “Bitoxibacillin” and “Actellica” is also suitable.
  2. Scale insects - provokes the falling and yellowing of needles. An aqueous solution of Akarina will help you cope with parasites.

Pitsunda pine by the sea

How to propagate a tree

Under natural conditions, pine reproduces by self-seeding. When propagating yourself, you can resort to cuttings or seed method. Cuttings are considered the most preferable method because they require less effort and time. To do this, it is recommended to use a young tree grown artificially and cut off several branches growing upward from it. It is important to leave the so-called heel - part of the main culture.

After this, the seedling needs to be soaked in water for 3 hours, treated with an antiseptic and left for 12 hours in a special growth stimulator. Then the cuttings are planted in planting holes 5 centimeters deep. The interval between plants should be 10 centimeters. A greenhouse needs to be built above the plantings. The cuttings should remain in this form for 1 year.

It is best to perform this procedure in the fall. Thanks to this, on the eve of winter next year, the seedlings will be able to take root. In the spring they need to be planted in a permanent area.

To grow pine from seeds, planting material can be purchased or collected yourself. In the second case, you need to disassemble the adult cones, dry them and open them. Then it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Prepare the substrate for planting. To do this, you need to combine peat with leaf soil in equal parts.
  2. Prepare containers for planting. To do this, you need to use small plastic or wooden containers.Several drainage holes must be made at the bottom.
  3. Soak the seeds in water for 2-4 days. It is recommended to change the fluid every day. A day before planting, the seeds should be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Make small holes in the soil with a maximum depth of 3 centimeters and place 1 seed in them. Then the plants need to be watered and covered with film.
  5. Remove the crops to a warm place. They are watered only when the top layer of soil dries out.
  6. When the seedlings begin to become woody, they are planted in a place with greenhouse conditions. The procedure should be carried out in mid-spring.

Pitsunda pine is a rather rare crop that has high decorative properties. In order for the cultivation of a plant to bring good results, it must be properly cared for.
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