Description of the Schwerin Wiethorst pine variety, its planting and care, application

Schwerin Wiethorst pine is called one of the most attractive plants, which is often used in landscape design. The important advantages of this crop are its compact size and average growth rate. In this case, the plant can maintain its attractiveness for a whole year. To get the desired effect, the culture needs to provide complete and high-quality care.

Botanical description

The Schwerin variety Wiethorst, Pinus schwerinii Wiethorst, is an evergreen hybrid crop that is the result of selection of Weymouth pine and Himalayan Griffith pine.The author of this plant is considered to be Count Schwerin. In 1905, he grew a hybrid plant in his park in Wilmersdorf, located in Germany.

Schwerin pine is a dwarf crop, the height of which is usually no more than 2-2.5 meters. This plant belongs to varieties that are characterized by medium growth rates. By the age of 10, the crop reaches a height of 80 centimeters. Moreover, its width does not exceed 50 centimeters. In 1 year, the plant increases by 15-20 centimeters. However, in a favorable climate and with proper care, growth can reach 40 centimeters.

A characteristic feature of the plant is considered to be a very beautiful and fairly dense crown, which has a regular symmetrical shape. The perennial is distinguished by soft and fluffy needles measuring 10-12 centimeters. The needles are characterized by their original color, which can vary from silver-blue to bluish-green. The needles form bundles of 5 pieces, which helps to achieve a visual volume effect.

The advantage of the culture is that it does not increase in width, but retains its beautiful shape. Due to this, formative pruning is not required. The pine received good immunity from the mother plants. In addition, the culture is characterized by high resistance to frost. The tree can withstand temperatures down to -34 degrees. The culture is characterized by abundant fruiting. Moreover, cones appear on the youngest trees.

Landing and its nuances

Schwerin Wiethorst pine is considered a dwarf variety. By the age of 15, the tree practically stops developing. However, when choosing a planting site, it is important to consider the full dimensions of the crop. It is best to buy a seedling from a specialized nursery.

When choosing a plant, it is recommended to focus on the following features:

  • the presence of a strong and straight trunk without breaks;
  • elastic and evenly colored needles;
  • fluffy branches without voids.

Young seedlings are usually sold in pots. Thanks to this, the fragile roots will be preserved during transportation. It is necessary to replant the crop with a lump of soil. In this case, it is recommended to carefully remove the seedling from the pot.

Schwerin pine Wiethorst

A sunny area that is well protected from the wind is suitable for planting. It is important to place the pine tree away from large fruit trees. In this case, you need to leave several meters of free space around the tree. It is best to place seedlings near alpine hills. They will fit perfectly into the composition and become its effective accent.

Pine is considered undemanding in terms of soil composition, however, for successful adaptation to a new site, it is important to give preference to a place without stagnant moisture. In the fall, it is advisable to add humus and a small amount of sand to the soil. After which the soil should be dug up well and left in this form until spring.

When planting a pine tree in a hole, you need to add a mixture of ash and sand. It is recommended to mix these components in equal proportions. After which the seedling is carefully pulled out of the pot with a lump of soil and lowered into the hole. This must be done strictly vertically. In addition, it is important to ensure that the root collar is located slightly above the surface of the earth.

The soil needs to be slightly moistened and the hole filled with prepared soil. To do this, it is mixed with sand and clay. After which the substrate needs to be compacted a little. To make the tree more stable, it is recommended to tie it to a support. Planting work should be carried out at the end of April or mid-September.

Schwerin pine Wiethorst photo

Care instructions

In the first year, White Horst pine seedlings are highly susceptible to external factors. In order for them to begin to develop and adapt to a new place, plants need to be provided with high-quality care and protection from frost and scorching sun.

In spring, the crown needs to be covered with burlap so that the delicate needles do not get burned. It is worth accustoming a tree to ultraviolet radiation gradually. For the winter, during the first 2-3 years, the crop is insulated with film. Trees older than 5 years are already able to cope with frost on their own.

Propagation of the crop is carried out by cuttings. It will not be possible to propagate a hybrid variety with seeds, since in this case the original properties of the crop will be lost. To propagate the crop, it is recommended to select shoots from the northern part of the crown. They are taken from the middle of the crown. Harvesting cuttings should be done in the fall. It is necessary to tear off shoots with a sharp movement. After which the damaged area should be treated with garden varnish. The optimal cutting size is 8-12 centimeters.

Watering and fertilizing

Wit Horse pine is considered a very moisture-loving crop that requires high-quality moisture. In the summer heat, the tree needs to be watered 2 times a week. In normal weather, the procedure is carried out 1-2 times every 2 weeks. It is important to take into account the condition of the soil.

When applying fertilizers, you should not use a lot of organic matter. Excess of such fertilizers can cause fungal infections. At the same time, the plant has a negative attitude towards waterlogging of the soil, which can cause rotting of the roots.

Schwerin pine Wiethorst

To feed the pine tree, the first portion of fertilizer should be used right when planting. At the same time, it is recommended to take 30 grams of potassium-phosphorus products for 1 bucket of humus.Fertilizers are applied the second time in the fall. In this case, you need to add complex mineral products to the soil, which are intended for conifers.


When caring for pine, it is necessary to periodically loosen and mulch the soil. The second procedure is carried out immediately after planting the crop. At this stage, the tree trunk circle needs to be covered with a layer of natural mulch. It could be mown grass or last year's pine needles. Thanks to this, it is possible to retain moisture in the soil and create favorable conditions for the development of roots, as well as protect them from freezing.

You need to loosen the soil before each watering. In this case, it is necessary to go deeper by a maximum of 5-8 centimeters. This manipulation will help saturate the soil with oxygen and beneficial elements. Thanks to this, it will be possible to activate root growth.

Trimming Features

Schwerin pine does not need radical formative pruning, since its shoots do not grow much. At the same time, the pyramidal shape of the crown is preserved throughout the life of the crop. In early spring, you need to carry out sanitary pruning of the shoots. During this manipulation, it is necessary to get rid of diseased, weakened and broken branches.

Schwerina Wiethorst

How to avoid tree infestation

Pine of this variety is characterized by fairly strong immunity. The crop rarely suffers from pest attacks and the development of pathologies. Sometimes high humidity provokes rotting of the root system.

The most dangerous parasites for trees are aphids, scale insects, spider mites and sawflies. To avoid the development of diseases and pest attacks, the tree must be sprayed with fungicides and insecticides.

Also, for prevention, you should do the following:

  • get rid of weeds in a timely manner;
  • control soil moisture parameters;
  • strictly follow the fertilizer application schedule;
  • spray trees with fungicides and insecticides.

Application in landscape design

Schwerin pine is often used in landscape design. Thanks to its compact shape and low maintenance requirements, the plant is perfect for creating unusual decorative ensembles.

The culture goes well with other conifers, heather varieties and flowers. It is often used to form alpine slides and rocky gardens. The perennial can be used as a tapeworm or in group compositions.

Schwerin Wiethorst pine is a very impressive plant that fits well into a variety of ensembles. In order for the plant to develop normally, it needs good care.
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