Pink giant tomatoes are a variety whose main distinguishing feature is its large fruits. The tomato was bred by domestic breeders in 2000, and in 2002 it was registered as a variety for growing in gardens and greenhouses. Such universal growing conditions are ensured by the labor-intensive work of the scientist, thanks to which the tomato not only does not require special care, but is also resistant to a whole list of tomato diseases.
Distinctive features
There are several parameters of the Pink Giant tomato variety, by which you can easily distinguish this variety from other tomato crops.
Characteristics and description of the variety:
- The plant culture is indeterminate, standard.
- When grown in greenhouses, the height of the bush can reach 180 centimeters, and in open ground - 250 centimeters.
- After planting seedlings in the soil, the first harvest can be obtained after 105 - 110 days, so this tomato is classified as a mid-season variety.
- The person who grew this variety claims that the tomatoes are highly resistant to major tomato diseases.
- On average, you can harvest 3–4 kilograms of tomatoes from one bush.
- The maximum yield is achieved when planting three plants per 1 square meter - 12 kilograms, therefore numerous comments from summer residents about this variety claim that the yield indicators are average.
- The culture is unpretentious to weather conditions: the tomato tolerates temperature changes and moisture deficiency well.
Numerous reviews from gardeners highlight the advantages of the fruits of this variety:
- Ripe fruits are large. Their weight can reach 350 – 400 grams.
- Tomatoes have excellent taste.
- Ripe tomatoes have a pink hue that can range from crimson to bright red.
- The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened.
- The harvested crop is perfectly stored, which allows it to be transported.
- The skin of tomatoes is dense, protecting the fruit from cracks.
The pink giant also has a drawback. To preserve the bush, it must be tied to supporting structures. This is due to the fact that the plant is quite tall, and under the weight of ripened fruits the branches can bend and break.
Most often, the Pink Giant tomato is consumed fresh or used for preparing main courses, drinks, and sauces. These fruits are not suitable for whole canning. If you want to prepare winter tomato preparations, the tomatoes must be cut into pieces.
Reviews from summer residents claim that the best taste of harvested tomatoes is revealed during barrel pickling.
Features of cultivation
To obtain a healthy bush and maximum yield, it is necessary to properly prepare the seedlings and provide optimal care for the planted crop. Before you start sowing, you need to study the basic requirements and characteristics of growing the Pink Giant tomato.
The maximum yield can be obtained if the plant is planted in open ground in the southern regions of the country. In the middle zone, seedlings can be planted in open ground, but experts recommend using greenhouse structures. In the northern regions, cultivation of this variety is allowed only in greenhouses.
Sowing seeds for seedlings
Any housewife who has at least once planted this tomato variety will notice that its seeds require special treatment before sowing. If there is no preparation, the tomato will produce small tomatoes.
To ensure proper seed treatment, the following instructions must be followed:
- First of all, the seeds are disinfected using potassium permanganate.
- Then the seed material is immersed in any growth stimulator.
- Afterwards the container is placed in the refrigerator for 2–3 days.
- The seeds are removed from the growth stimulator and soaked for 3 to 5 days in water at room temperature.
- The sprouted material is transplanted into pots and placed in a lighted place. Seeds need to create conditions in which the temperature is maintained at 16 degrees. Such conditions will help prevent the seedlings from stretching. After 7 days, the temperature should be gradually increased to 22 degrees.
Sowing should begin in early March. The first shoots can be seen already 5 days after sowing.
Caring for planted seedlings
The grown material should be replanted according to the following scheme: no more than 1 – 3 bushes per 1 square meter. The best option is to use a planting pattern of 70x70 centimeters. The planted bush should be formed into 1 - 2 stems. To eliminate the risk of damage, support structures must be constructed. Such supports will allow you to tie up branches with formed fruits in time.
The Supergiant Pink tomato allows inflorescences to form up to 8 tomatoes, however, summer residents need to adjust this process and leave no more than 4 fruits. If you neglect this advice, ripe tomatoes will be medium in size.
To obtain giant tomatoes, the soil around the bush must be regularly loosened, and the plant must be fed with complex fertilizers.
Despite the fact that a bush growing in a greenhouse or open ground is resistant to most tomato diseases, it must be monitored regularly. This is due to the fact that in some cases the variety may be affected by a fungus. To prevent the spread of fungus, it is necessary to regularly ventilate greenhouses, follow the watering and lighting regime.
The Pink Giant tomato variety can be affected by insects. Most often, the plant is attacked by melon aphids and thrips. To save the harvest, it is necessary to combat insects in a timely manner using the drug Zubr. To protect against the Colorado potato beetle, you can use Prestige, and Confidor helps quickly and effectively eliminate greenhouse whiteflies.