Characteristics and description of the Mazarin tomato variety, its yield

The Mazarin variety was named after one of the French cardinals. Cardinal Mazarin wore a beard that was pointed downwards, and the shape of these fruits is very similar to it.

Tomatoes are grown in open ground and in greenhouses - it entirely depends on the region. In the Krasnodar Territory, tomatoes planted in open ground grow well. In the Moscow region, it is better to plant seedlings in a greenhouse.

There is also a Cardinal tomato, which in its characteristics is very similar to the Mazarin variety, but the fruits do not have such a clear shape.

Description of the variety

Characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. The bushes are tall, indeterminate, up to 1.7 m in height, so the plant must be tied up.
  2. There are many leaves, they are very cut.
  3. Large harvests are collected from the bushes - 12 kg of fruits are taken from 1 m², 4 kg are collected from the bush.
  4. 5 brushes can grow on one trunk, 5 pieces on each brush.
  5. Mazarin tomatoes are harvested from the end of June until frost.

Tomato Mazarin f1 is classified as mid-season. From sowing seeds to harvesting tomatoes, at least 15 weeks or 110 - 120 days pass.

Description of Mazarin tomatoes: the fruits are large and fragrant. From the first cluster you can collect tomatoes weighing 600–700 g; on subsequent clusters the fruits are smaller, weighing 300–400 g. There are fruits weighing up to 800 g. The pulp is juicy and sweet, almost without acid. The tomatoes are round-heart-shaped in shape and have a slightly pointed tip. Similar to very large strawberries. When fully ripe, reddish-crimson. The skin is quite dense, so the tomatoes do not crack. There are very few seeds in the fruits. There may be characteristic yellowish spots where the fruit attaches to the stalk.

tomatoes on the table

Peculiarities of fruit consumption: tomatoes are eaten fresh, made into salads, stuffed, stewed, and juiced. Tomatoes are not suitable for pickling because the fruits are too large and have a sweet taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages:

  • fruits of dessert taste, sweet;
  • productivity is high;
  • large tomatoes;
  • lie well;
  • bushes are resistant to some temperature changes;
  • tolerate heat calmly;
  • disease resistant;
  • transportable;
  • you can pick tomatoes before frost sets in;
  • The bushes are easy to care for; the variety can be planted even by novice gardeners.

tomato on a branch

The disadvantages include the fact that Mazarin is not resistant to drought.

Sowing seeds

Growing Mazarin tomatoes begins with sowing seeds in the house. Sow them in boxes at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring. To plant seeds, select light, fertile soil with neutral characteristics. Mix garden soil with humus or peat. Add a little potassium, superphosphate and ash. Sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil and then dust with soil. Cover the boxes with film.

Place in a room with a temperature of 23 – 25 °C. Don't forget to moisten the soil. When sprouts appear, remove the film.

On days when there is no sun, it is recommended to illuminate the seedlings with fluorescent lamps. Water the seedlings with a spray bottle.

If you have grown seedlings with two true leaves, then pick them up, planting each sprout in a peat pot. Fertilize with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer according to the instructions. Feed it a second time before planting it in a permanent place.

Attention! The bushes need to be hardened: take them out to the loggia first for 23 hours, and then for the whole day.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Planting seedlings on the site begins in late May or early June. It is required that the threat of return frosts pass, but you can still cover the seedlings with film. First dig up the ground.

Important! It is better to plant 3 seedlings per 1 m²: if the plantings are more dense, then due to the very tall and heavily leafy bushes they will produce much smaller yields.

Pour 1 tbsp into each dug hole. spoon of a mixture of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. After planting, be sure to tie up the bushes. Take care of Mazarin tomatoes, leaving only one stem, tear off the rest, pick off the stepsons. To prevent the fruits from becoming small, leave 4–5 clusters on each bush and tear off the remaining ovaries.During the season, the bushes are fertilized 3–4 times with an interval of 2–3 weeks. When the tomatoes begin to set, feed the bushes with magnesium sulfate.

watering a tomato

Water the bushes abundantly, but not very often; be sure to water during drought. Between two waterings, the top layer of soil should dry out somewhat. Water in the morning or evening with warm, settled water. You can add mullein to the water. Constantly pick off yellowed leaves.

Pests and diseases

Observe preventive measures: do not feed too often with fertilizers containing nitrogen, because of this the ovaries of the bushes may fall off.

In greenhouses, change the top layer of soil every year. Before planting seedlings, water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.

If pests have attacked the Mazarin tomato bushes, spray them with phytosporin. If you find aphids, wash the leaves and stems with soap and water. To eliminate naked slugs, spray the bushes with ammonia diluted with water. To combat spider mites, use insecticides. This is done only in the spring - until the buds bloom and the ovaries appear.

Tomato Mazarin f1 is a very successful tomato variety for both experienced gardeners and beginners. Reviews from those who planted Mazarin tomatoes are extremely positive: the tomatoes have sweet, aromatic fruits, practically without acid, and are very large.
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