Characteristics and description of the Cardinal tomato variety, its yield and cultivation

Like any other tomato variety, Cardinal, adapted to Russian conditions, has pronounced unusual characteristics. It is distinguished from other varieties of salad varieties by the pink color of the fruit, its unusually large size and heart-shaped shape. The taste is excellent and has earned positive reviews from most gardeners.

Description of the variety "Cardinal"

Salad, large-fruited variety for growing in greenhouse conditions in central Russia. It is highly resistant to most diseases of nightshade crops.

A small characteristic and description of the tomato variety “Cardinal”:

  • According to the growing season, the plant belongs to the mid-season category.From germination to fruiting, it requires a period of 110 to 120 days;
  • The Cardinal variety belongs to the indeterminate category, with unlimited stem growth of 150 cm and above. Requires measures to form a bush and mandatory tying to a support;
  • The plant is compact, weakly branched with medium-sized green mass. The leaves are of the ordinary type, slightly corrugated, medium in size, bright green;
  • The formation of inflorescences occurs through 3 leaves, the first is laid over 8-12 true leaves. The fruits ripen in stages, on clusters of different levels;
  • Cardinal tomato fruits are elongated-oval, heart-shaped with a sharp tip;
  • the skin is thin, matte, pink with a raspberry tint;
  • tomatoes are tasty, sweet, with sugary, juicy pulp, very good in fresh salads;
  • The weight of the fruit approximately ranges from 300 to 800 g. The yield is average. Harvest up to 4-7 kg large-fruited tomatoes from one bush.

cardinal tomato varieties

The fruits have an attractive presentation, approximately the same in size and shape. Sufficiently long fruiting allows you to collect fresh tomatoes over a long period and significantly larger quantities per square meter.

Tall tomatoes have a well-developed main root and many adventitious roots growing from the stem. Water the plant carefully, trying not to expose additional roots that supply nutrients to the powerful plant.

Agricultural technology for growing the Cardinal variety

Agrotechnical methods for growing indeterminate varieties, which include the Cardinal tomato, are much simpler.A tall plant allows you to more rationally use the height of the greenhouse, receiving sufficient lighting and more actively participating in air exchange. Thanks to this, tomatoes are less likely to get sick. It is easier to form these types of tomatoes into one stem.

Growing seedlings tall varieties and regular tomatoes there is practically no difference. If you plan to get the first tomatoes in mid-July, then plant the seeds for seedlings in mid-March. Plants dive with the appearance of the second true leaf.

Important! During the growing season, up to 12 ovaries have time to fully develop. This should be taken into account and the growing point should be pinched in time to obtain a harvest.

  1. Plants are transplanted to a permanent location in May at the age of 50-60 days. The recommended planting density is 5 plants per 2 square meters of area. Seedlings are planted in rows or in a checkerboard pattern every 55 cm, leaving row spacing 60 cm wide.
  2. The plant needs reliable support or gradual garter at several levels. You can use agricultural mesh, trellises or high stakes for support.
  3. Formation of tomatoes comes down to removing side shoots and dying foliage. Only the central trunk is left, which can, under favorable conditions, be thrown over the upper support and cut only at a distance of 50 cm from ground level.
  4. There are several formation techniques. Opinions vary. In her reviews, a woman gardener shares her experience of how she grew the variety using two stems, leaving a side shoot under the first flower ovary. I have been planting tall tomatoes for several years now and this method is very convenient. In this case, when the main stem reaches the top of the greenhouse, it is pinched.
  5. If the plant is grown outside, then by August its growth is limited by pruning to allow the formed fruits to ripen. The timing is individual and depends on the climatic conditions of the region.
  6. Basic care techniques come down to regular watering and fertilizing. Water the plant at the rate of 1 bucket per bush about once a week. Water should not get on leaves and fruits.
  7. If the soil has been prepared since the fall and all necessary fertilizers have been applied before planting, then fertilizing is carried out approximately once a month. Taking into account the condition of the tomato bushes, one or another composition of fertilizing is selected.

cardinal tomato bushes

The “Cardinal” variety has been tested by our gardeners and gardeners for 20 years of existence. In their opinion, tomato can be classified as a delicacy for its excellent taste and excellent presentation.
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