There are varieties of tomatoes that produce a very large harvest and are completely unpretentious in care. Tomato Azhur f1 is one of them. In addition, this variety is very tasty and is suitable for both pickling and making salads.
Description of this variety
Characteristics and description of the Azhur tomato variety allows you to find out the characteristics of tomatoes and the specifics of their cultivation. This is a first-generation hybrid, produces high yields and has stable immunity to many diseases. Like all tomatoes, this one grows mainly in greenhouses, but in hot summers it can also be grown in open ground.This variety name is also widely known in Siberia, the Urals, and the Far East. In harsh climates, these tomatoes still ripen and are not afraid of the cold.
The fruits ripen three and a half months after planting the seeds in boxes. They are usually red or pinkish in color, juicy, with thick skin. The taste is very harmonious and pleasant, just like real tomatoes should have. They weigh no more than 300 grams and are not very large. The shape is round, slightly flattened on the sides. Several pieces of almost the same size ripen on one branch at once.
The foliage on the bush is round and carved, growing quite densely. The color is bright green.
This variety of tomato is one of those universal varieties that are used in the preparation of fresh salads, as well as in canning. It gives a very good yield; from one bush you can get up to 20 ripe fruits, or 10 kilograms. They are also grown for sale.
The bushes are quite tall, so they need to be tied up and occasionally pinched. The inflorescences and flowers are simple. They form few extra shoots, so you won’t have to cut them off too often. But if you need large tomatoes to ripen, then it is better to pick them more often and leave no more than three shoots on the stem.
This variety is well suited for those summer residents who do not have the opportunity to constantly be in the garden, but would like to grow tomatoes.
How to plant
Those who have once planted tomatoes know that in cold areas, you need to germinate the seeds before planting at home. And only then the seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse. The seeds are treated with a special agent dissolved in water so that they hatch faster and hurt less.Next, you need to cover the box with the seeds with film and wait until they grow.
While the seedlings are growing, they need to be carefully looked after.
- Water as soon as the soil in the greenhouse dries out;
- Maintain good lighting;
- The room temperature should be at least 20 degrees;
- When more than three leaves appear, the sprouts should be transplanted from each other and the excess leaves should be torn off.
- Feed every two to three weeks;
- It is important to ensure that there is not too much water, otherwise the seedlings will begin to rot and get sick;
- If a dry or rotten leaf appears somewhere, it urgently needs to be removed.
When the seedlings germinate and become strong and dense, they begin to transplant them into the greenhouse. The land is prepared in advance, it is loosened, fertilized, and dug up. The soil must be watered before the shoots are planted. It is not advisable to plant in the same greenhouse where tomatoes grew last year. It is better to change places every year. Tomatoes grow very well after beans, grass, and grain crops. There is also no place for a greenhouse next to a potato field, otherwise the fruits will not ripen. Potatoes will take all the substances.
Tomatoes will delight you with an excellent harvest all summer long if they are properly cared for in the greenhouse.
All about care
Openwork is a tomato variety that is not too capricious to care for. It is perfect for those summer residents who cannot constantly be in the garden. It can easily go without watering for several days. But still, these crops need care. In return, they will give you a large amount of healthy vegetables, from which you can make fortified juices and juicy salads.
Strong seedlings are planted in a greenhouse when the outside temperature is already 14-17 degrees. You can spray them with copper oxide.Since the bushes grow quite long, they must be tied up immediately.
It is better to plant in the evening when there is no hot sun. The shoots are planted 50 centimeters apart. Space should also be left between the beds so that it is convenient to approach them.
This variety requires very simple care. They tolerate drought well, so you don't have to water them often if this is a problem. They form very few stepsons that need to be split off. Do not forget to feed these crops with fertilizer during growth; fertile soil is extremely important for tomatoes.
Insect control
The most dangerous thing that can happen to tomatoes is an attack by harmful insects. It could be a tick, snail, caterpillar, moth, butterfly and others. Small mites are especially dangerous; they suck all the energy from the foliage, the plant cannot grow and bear fruit. Snails and worms eat the fruits, forming holes in them, thereby depriving a person of juiciness and beneficial vitamins.
Therefore, for prevention, it is necessary to periodically spray the bushes with a soap solution. This will help wash away pests from the leaves and create conditions that are uncomfortable for their existence. And ash scattered near the roots of plants protects against caterpillars and slugs.
Fine red pepper powder will drive away uninvited guests. You just need to lightly loosen it in the ground. You can buy some anti-beetle products at a gardening store.
In order for a plant to be healthy and strong, it needs to be watered correctly, fed on time, maintained at the required humidity and temperature, loosened the soil, crushed it, and removed weeds. Sometimes insects come from them.It is also useful to plow the soil in the fall just before frost, remove all unnecessary weeds, and spray the soil with special agents against pest larvae.
The description of the Azhur tomato from those who planted it always has positive ratings. Among their advantages are good immunity, resistance to prolonged drought, bears many fruits at the same time, and tolerates transportation well. It can be planted for sale. It is also loved for its unique sweet and sour taste and ease of care.
It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is good for the immune system, amino acids and minerals. These tomatoes are salted and adjika, pastes, juices, and sauces are made from them. They are also valued as a healthy vegetable for fresh salads. Therefore, we can say that the main advantage of this variety is that it is universal in use.
Tomatoes of the Azhur variety can be grown by anyone in their summer cottage. It is only important to know all the rules about caring for it. This hybrid will not leave anyone indifferent. Have a great harvest!