Description of the tomato variety Paradise Apple, features of cultivation and care

The Paradise Apple tomato is planted both in open ground and in a film greenhouse. In many regions, climate conditions are not suitable for growing tomatoes, since the fruits do not have time to ripen before the onset of fogs, after which the leaves and stems of the plant turn black. Many varieties do not tolerate high humidity, sudden temperature changes, or prolonged absence of sun.

What attracts you to a tomato?

Despite the fact that caring for the Paradise Apple is not easy, gardeners and farmers prefer this tall variety and appreciate:

apple of paradise

  • for resistance to adverse weather;
  • for the taste of the fruit;
  • for early ripening of the crop.

Tomatoes do not crack during transportation and do not lose their attractiveness during long journeys. They contain more than 15% ascorbic acid. This vitamin strengthens the immune system, slows down cell aging, and helps remove toxins from the body.

fruit taste

Description of the variety

Their name speaks volumes about the high taste of tomatoes. On the tall bushes of the Paradise Apple, compact inflorescences are formed, on which, after 100 days, the first fruits ripen. They differ:

  • rounded shape;
  • smooth skin;
  • fleshy pulp;
  • pink or red.

harvest ripening

One multi-chambered tomato weighs from 150 to 240 grams, but it is impossible to collect seeds, since there are practically no seeds in the fruit. In the garden, almost 4 kg of juicy tomatoes are harvested from one plant.

In the greenhouse they ripen a little longer than in the garden bed, illuminated from all sides by the sun. In open ground, the bush rises to 1.5 meters in height. The Paradise apple variety is tied to supports and 2 stems are left.

rounded shape

Growing and planting

Seeds, which can be bought in specialized stores, are placed in a solution of Fitosporin or potassium permanganate. After 12 hours, they are sent to containers with a mixture of peat and sand, having previously fed the soil with urea and superphosphate. The bushes are transplanted into a greenhouse, where the air temperature should be about 25 degrees, at the end of April. For 1 sq. meter place 3 tomatoes. Pick them up as soon as the first leaf appears.

The soil for growing tomatoes in an open-air garden is dug up in the fall and a little lime is added. Organic matter is added in the spring. The culture is sent into holes watered with warm water at the end of May, when frosts are no longer expected. The holes are filled with earth and compost. Trellis are installed nearby.

multi-chambered tomato

How should you care?

In order for tomatoes to give a good harvest, and up to 9 kg of sweetish fruits are collected from 1 square meter, each bush must be fed at least 4 times during the summer. The Paradise Apple growing in the garden is watered twice a week, if it doesn’t rain, and in the greenhouse they moisten it more often.

When the ovary is formed, the soil is fertilized. Pinching is done when the brushes appear. To prevent the tomato from growing upward, pinch the bush. After each watering, the soil should be loosened.

good harvest

Reading reviews about the Paradise Apple, we can conclude that the advantages of the variety include:

  1. Disease resistance.
  2. Ripening of the crop both under the film and in the garden.
  3. Easy to care for.
  4. Attractive appearance of the fruit.

type of fruit

The apple of paradise tolerates unfavorable weather well.

The taste of fresh tomatoes can be appreciated in a salad. They produce a lot of aromatic and bright juice. These tomatoes are also suitable for canning. Farmers grow the Paradise Apple variety for sale, since the crop can be transported over long distances.

delicious salad
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