The tomato Paradise Delight is included in the State Register of Achievements of the Russian Federation. This is a unique variety with unusually shaped fruits, which brings a large harvest and is also immune to many diseases. It can be grown in open ground or in greenhouses. It is important to study the description of this tomato in more detail in order to draw conclusions about cultivation and care. Care is not difficult, but this species requires careful care: high-quality watering, tying, timely feeding, pinching.
More about the variety
Paradise Delight is a tomato variety that produces a rich harvest and is resistant to diseases.This is a mid-season variety. Three and a half months pass from the moment the seeds germinate. After this time, you can get about 10 kilograms of tomatoes from the bush.
The bushes are quite tall and can grow up to two meters. Therefore they need a garter. The foliage is dense, the inflorescences are simple.
The fruits are large, juicy and tasty. They are fleshy inside and do not have many seeds. Weight can reach up to 500 grams. They have a bright red color. The shape is round, slightly concave at the base, ribbed on the sides. This tomato is good for eating fresh, as well as for making juices and adjika. The skin is dense and not prone to cracking. Tomatoes tolerate transportation well over long distances; they can be grown for sale, since this variety is high-yielding.
How to grow
The peculiarities of growing this variety must be studied in order to avoid mistakes and, as a result, get beautiful large fruits in the required quantity.
This variety can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open areas. But they are planted with seedlings that are germinated from seeds at home.
Seeds must be planted in special containers, keeping a distance from each other. Before planting, it is recommended to soak in a solution of potassium permanganate for several minutes to prevent fungal diseases. It is worth emphasizing that new seeds are planted every year. Use only special soil, purchased in a store.
Cover the container with film until the seedlings hatch. During its germination on the windowsill of the house, it is necessary to feed it, water it abundantly, provide the necessary lighting, and harden it through ventilation.
Already strong seedlings with a strong immune system are planted in greenhouses.They just need to be hardened and strong, since the nights in spring are still cold, the influence of the environment is different from home conditions.
Seedlings must be tied up immediately. The land must be fertile and fertilized. After planting in a greenhouse, careful care is also needed. If someone decides to plant without a greenhouse, then they need to cover the bushes with film at night.
Careful care
Productivity largely depends on the characteristics of the variety. Knowing the description of the variety, you can guess how to properly care for it.
Care differs little from caring for other varieties of tomatoes. This includes high-quality watering with warm, settled water. And loosening the soil along with removing weeds. Feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers is required, as well as pruning on time.
If the plant is planted in a greenhouse, then it must be ventilated by opening the windows and doors. Regulate soil moisture and acidity levels. The soil should not be too acidic. There should be enough light around each bush, not shaded by other crops.
In order to prevent insects and diseases of all kinds, the bushes are sprayed with special products purchased in stores.
Care is always necessary; watering is required at least twice a week. For a good harvest, you need to pay attention to vegetable crops.
Gardeners' opinions
The variety has earned honor and respect over many years of existence. It is planted by lovers of large fruits. Praised for its bright tomato aroma and taste. Reviews about the variety are always positive. Everyone emphasizes the virtues of tomatoes.
Yulia, 45 years old: I liked the Paradise Delight tomatoes for their large, bright fruits. They are perfect in a salad. Our whole family loves to eat them.
Nadezhda, 62 years old: This year I planted the seeds of the Paradise Delight tomato. They rose quickly and that's it.The tomatoes are very beautiful, rich in taste. Sweet and sour. There was a lot, so we ate fresh and made juice. He's very helpful. The only drawback is that the bush is too tall, which requires constant pinching and gartering.
This variety is loved by many gardeners for its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases and temperature fluctuations. Paradise Delight tomatoes are chosen by those who prefer larger varieties. Their taste is unique. Anyone can grow this hybrid.