Many summer residents grow early varieties of tomatoes. This is due to the fact that in most regions of the country it is simply impossible to grow tomatoes for a long time, since they may not cope with cold weather. One of these varieties is the Grandmother's Kiss tomato. Before you start growing this variety, you need to study its characteristics and description.
Short description
Grandma's Kiss is an early ripening tomato. The first fruits begin to ripen on the bushes 100 days after the seedlings are planted in the ground. The bushes of this variety are quite tall and grow up to one meter.Therefore, you have to tie them up so that the plant does not break over time.
The main difference between this variety and other tomatoes is its fruits, which are distinguished by their yellowish color. They have a flat-round shape and a slightly grainy surface. Each fruit is quite large, since the average weight of tomatoes is 450 grams. Tomatoes are very juicy and therefore they are often used for preparing vegetable dishes and salads. They are not used so often for preservation due to the large size of tomatoes.
Planting seeds
It is recommended to start growing seedlings in the first half of spring, so that by the beginning of summer the bushes can be transplanted into the ground. The process of planting tomatoes consists of several stages.
Seed preparation
Before you start planting, you need to prepare the planting material. To speed up the appearance of the first shoots, it is necessary to soak the seeds. To do this, all planting material is distributed into small fabric bags, which should be placed in warm water. Tomatoes should be soaked for 12 hours. In this case, it is necessary to change the fluid every 3-4 hours.
Soil preparation
Some new gardeners believe that you need to use rich soil to grow seedlings, but this is not true. It is recommended to use soil with a small amount of nutrients. Young sprouts need completely different nutrition. It is recommended to plant tomato seeds in a soil mixture prepared from sand and sawdust. It will have all the necessary physical properties that young tomatoes need so much.
Having finished preparing the soil and planting material, you can begin planting seeds.It is recommended to plant them in small peat pots, as this will simplify the process of transplanting seedlings into the garden in the future.
Tomatoes are planted in small holes no more than 2 cm deep. Then they are sprinkled with earth and watered. Planted plants should grow in a warm and well-lit room. If the seedlings do not have enough light, this will negatively affect the stems. Therefore, the duration of daylight for seedlings should be at least 13-15 hours.
Landing in the ground
It is necessary to transplant seedlings into the garden after the night frosts have completely ended. At low temperatures, indoor seedlings may die immediately.
Site selection
It is very important to choose the most suitable place for planting tomatoes, since the yield will depend on this. Tomatoes are heat-loving plants and therefore should be planted only in areas that receive full sun most of the day. Southern slopes are perfect for this.
Such an area warms up very quickly and thanks to this, plants grow better. It is also advisable to choose a place with good protection from gusts of wind.
Soil preparation
It is recommended to prepare the site for planting seedlings in the fall. The soil is fed with organic fertilizers and dug up. Also, before planting, mineral fertilizers such as potassium and superphosphate are added to the ground.
Planting seedlings begins with creating holes about 10-15 cm deep. To prevent plants from interfering with each other, the distance between them should not be less than 50 cm. When all the holes are made, the seedlings should be placed in them in an upright position and sprinkled with soil. Then a small support is placed near each bush for further gartering.
Even inexperienced gardeners can grow this variety. Reviews with photos from people who have been growing vegetables for several years will help in planting the Grandmother's Kiss tomato.