The Honey Bunch tomato, due to its inherent advantages, is increasingly attracting the attention of summer residents and gardeners. It can be grown both in open ground and under film. A universal harvest with good taste.
Characteristics of the variety
Tomatoes of this variety are early, their ripening period ranges from 95 to 105 days from the moment of emergence. The height of the bush reaches from half a meter to 70 centimeters. The leaves are dark green, small.
The characteristics of the fruit indicate that tomatoes are distinguished by their flat-round shape, loose structure and weak ribbing.When unripe, tomatoes are green with a small spot at the base, and when ripe they acquire a beautiful orange color. The fruits are small, weighing only about 40 grams, and have two seed nests.
The taste of the tomato is simply excellent. Tomatoes are sweet, reminiscent of real honey. When grown under film, up to 5 kilograms of fresh fruit can be collected from one square meter.
Advantages and disadvantages
Reviews from summer residents about the Honey Bunch tomato are very mixed. Those who have experienced in practice the peculiarities of growing this variety have identified some advantages for which it is worth planting this orange miracle on your plot:
- excellent frost resistance;
- resistance to late blight due to early ripening;
- resistance to verticillium;
- does not require mandatory stepsoning;
- excellent taste;
- can be used both for fresh consumption and in all types of preparations.
As evidenced by reviews from practicing gardeners, Honey Bunch has no particular disadvantages. The only things noted are not very high tomato yields and poor tolerance to transporting the harvested crop over long distances.
Features of cultivation
The description says that the Honey Bunch is picky about the soil, prefers nutritious and light soil. It is recommended to replace the top layer annually or organize the bed in a new place. Superphosphate and potash fertilizers are added to the soil.
The garden bed must be placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight. Otherwise, the fruits may not develop and ripen very well, and their appearance will not be very presentable.
Basic care consists of regular loosening of the soil and timely removal of weeds. Tomatoes should be watered as the top layer of soil dries. The bushes do not like excessive moisture, which can cause not only cracking of the fruits, but also rotting of the root system.
Mulching will help prevent the soil from drying out prematurely. In addition, organic mulch, after rotting, becomes an excellent natural fertilizer. This technique allows you to get rid of the need for constant fertilizing and grow a healthy, natural crop without “chemicals”.
The Honey Drop variety is resistant to major diseases, but it won’t hurt to protect it from harmful insects. When growing it in a greenhouse, you need to take care of timely ventilation, treat the bushes with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and celandine or laundry soap and water.
Honey Drop tomatoes can be perfectly used both for preservation and for fresh consumption. This is precisely why many summer residents prefer them. Due to poor transportability on an industrial scale, these tomatoes are almost never grown, but on your personal plot you can enjoy tomatoes with not only a delicious taste, but also an attractive appearance.