Description of the tomato variety Rowan beads, its characteristics and yield

Growing tomatoes on the plot is easy, you just need to show a little patience and hard work. The plant will take care of the rest.

Basic ideas about tomatoes

A beginner in gardening faces difficulties in growing. To avoid mistakes and do everything correctly, you should read the detailed description of the variety.


  • Determinant and ampelous.
  • Height 0.4–1 m.
  • Ripens within 80–85 days.
  • A large amount of ovary in one brush. Everything matures.

rowan beads


  • Round shape.
  • Weighing 15–25 g.
  • Density is average.
  • The taste is sweetish.
  • The skin is thick.
  • Easy to transport.
  • Excellent storage.

After studying the characteristics of the variety and following the necessary recommendations, the declared volume of the harvest is obtained.

determinant and ampelous

How to grow Rowan beads correctly?

There are no special features in growing this variety, the main thing is quality care. They use the seedling method, the seeds are sown 60 days in advance. The day of transfer to the ground is determined by each summer resident himself. Based on the climate of the region of residence.

Young plants need light and warmth. Regular watering is carried out so that the seedlings do not dry out or become waterlogged. If you feed the plants with a growth stimulator, this will give additional strength to the formation of a powerful stem and root system.

the taste is sweetish

Before being planted in a permanent place, the plants are hardened off. It is enough to expose them to the sun for 10 days before transplanting. Start with 20 minutes and end with a full daylight hours.

If you grow on a balcony, you should carefully consider the composition of the soil and make a high-quality soil mixture:

  • Humus.
  • Sand.
  • Garden land.
  • Wood ash.

average density

Pay special attention to the prevention of diseases and pest attacks.

In open ground, plant 6–7 plants per 1 m2. Pruning will increase the mass of tomatoes. Lead in 1-2 stems. It is not recommended to grow the plant without tying it to supports.

Ampelous bushes look better in special containers raised above the ground.

garden soil

Agrotechnical techniques for crop care:

  1. Timely watering. Warm water. It's evening time.
  2. Weeding. Removing all weeds will save the plantings from attacks by pests that parasitize at their expense.
  3. Loosening. Providing oxygen access to the root system.
  4. Mulching will retain moisture and prevent weeds.
  5. Application of fertilizers. Complex fertilizers will help plants get the missing elements.

timely watering

Disease susceptibility

Rowan beads tomatoes do not have immunity. To prevent the death of plants and infection of neighboring healthy bushes, preventive work is carried out. Disinfection begins with planting seeds and treating the planting material with a 3% solution of potassium permanganate.

Application of fertilizers can help prevent infection. Subsequent prevention consists of a set of measures to treat plants with various drugs for major diseases.

immunity in tomatoes

Domestic use

Many summer residents love this variety for its appearance, and young children especially like it. Delicious sweet fruits are consumed fresh. They make salads and decorate holiday table dishes. Canning of any type, whole fruit and processing.

grow on the balcony

What do summer residents say about Rowan beads tomatoes?

Before planting a new variety on a plot, gardeners search the Internet for reviews about it. Those who have planted tomatoes share their opinions and give advice.

  • Ilya: “The tomatoes are very tasty, the harvest is large. They taste sweet and look beautiful.”
  • Nelly: “The height of the plant was only 30 cm, but this did not reduce the yield. It’s not difficult to grow them on the plot, the main thing is patience. They don’t burst when canned.”

Gardeners advise planting Rowan beads tomatoes in special containers and using them to decorate the site.

new variety
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