Lovage is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Apiaceae family. This plant is widely used in various fields - folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. It is used to make seasonings and various medications that help cope with many pathologies. This is due to the high content of valuable components.
Description of the plant
Lovage is a perennial herbaceous plant that has a fleshy, thick stem and yellow-brown rhizome. This culture has long branched roots. A characteristic feature of the plant is an intense, specific odor reminiscent of celery.
In the first year, a rosette of large basal leaves is formed on the crop. In the second year, the lovage blooms and produces seeds. The grass is characterized by a straight, furrowed stem, which has a bluish surface and branches upward. The height of the plant reaches 1-2 meters.
The grass is distinguished by bare, glossy leaves that have a cool surface. Their length reaches 50-70 centimeters. The plant is characterized by small light yellow flowers, which form complex umbrellas at the ends of stems and branches, reaching 12 centimeters in diameter.
After flowering ends, oblong-oval yellow-brown fruits appear on the bushes. They reach 5-7 millimeters in length, and 3-4 in width. The ripening of the grass fruits begins in August-September. From the moment of flowering until the seeds are received, 30-35 days pass.
Useful (medicinal) properties
Lovage is considered a valuable perennial medicinal plant, which has a large number of beneficial properties. All fragments of the crop - leaves, roots and seeds - are used for medicinal purposes. The grass is characterized by the following features:
- The root has a tonic effect on the digestive system, improves appetite, and reduces the likelihood of flatulence.
- Using the root, you can activate the excretion of urine and bile. This product also stimulates mucus production.
- The roots of the plant can be used to reduce nervous excitability.
- Lovage helps to cope with bronchitis and assists in the treatment of heart pathologies. The plant also has diaphoretic properties and can be used as a mouth rinse.
- In pediatrics, the plant is used as an effective remedy for parasites. To do this, use a decoction of young leaves and stems.
- A decoction based on the roots can be used to strengthen hair follicles. It copes well with premature hair loss.
Plant raw materials are actively used for the manufacture of various medicines. One of the most effective remedies with the addition of lovage is considered to be “Canephron N”.
Chemical composition
The culture is characterized by a very complex chemical composition. Lovage roots contain many furocoumarins. They also include the following components:
- minerals;
- organic acids;
- lecithin.
Contraindications for men
Representatives of the stronger sex should not use lovage if they have the following pathologies:
- exacerbation of kidney diseases;
- inflammatory processes in the ureter;
- recurrence of hemorrhoids.
Contraindications for girls
Women are prohibited from using lovage in the following cases:
- pregnancy;
- lactation.
The high content of valuable components makes lovage an indispensable remedy in the fight against a variety of ailments. Based on it, you can prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions that help eliminate many problems.
Decoction for alcoholism
The plant contains many potassium salts.In addition, the culture includes antioxidants, tannins and essential oils. With the systematic use of lovage, a person develops a persistent aversion to alcohol. At the same time, a person begins to perceive the smell of alcohol negatively. In addition, he may experience symptoms such as nausea and dizziness.
The herb has pronounced cleansing properties. Therefore, it helps to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate during prolonged drinking. This effect is due to the pronounced diuretic properties of the herb.
To make a healing decoction from the root of the plant, it is recommended to prepare the following components:
- 3 tablespoons of lovage root powder;
- 300 milliliters of boiling water.
The components need to be connected. After which the resulting mixture must be cooked over low heat for 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled slightly, strain it through cheesecloth.
The resulting product is recommended to be consumed in the morning. A single dose is 50 milliliters. The duration of treatment may vary. It is necessary to use the decoction until the addiction is completely eliminated.
To increase potency
This plant has a positive effect on male potency. This requires adding dried herbs to different dishes. However, it is not recommended to mix it with dairy products.
However, tinctures are considered a more effective option. They will help restore potency quite quickly. In addition, the use of such products improves blood circulation, which helps make sexual intercourse last longer. To get the desired result, the medicine must be taken in a course.
To prepare the medicinal composition, it is recommended to take the following:
- 20 grams of dry roots;
- 1 glass of alcohol.
To obtain a useful composition, you need to fill the raw material with alcohol and place it in a cool place for 1 week. It is recommended to drink the finished composition 30 minutes before meals. Single dose – 30 drops. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Treatment for gout
Lovage successfully copes with the symptoms of gout, which is accompanied by excessive accumulation of uric acid in the tissues. With the development of this pathology, not only joints are affected, but also the liver, ligaments, and kidneys.
To make a medicinal infusion for gout, it is recommended to take the following components:
- 5 grams of dried lovage roots;
- 1 glass of water.
To obtain a useful remedy, the crushed root must be mixed with boiling water and simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then the composition must be left for 3 hours and filtered. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. This should be done 30 minutes before meals.
To strengthen women's health
Lovage acts as an aphrodisiac on women. This culture has a pronounced aroma. Some representatives of the fair sex use lovage essential oil instead of perfume. A decoction of the herb has analgesic properties, so it should be drunk during menstruation.
To prepare an analgesic composition, it is recommended to take the following components:
- 6 grams of dry roots;
- 1 glass of water.
The crushed root must be poured with water, brought to a boil and cooked for 10 minutes.Then the mixture needs to infuse for 4 hours. After the specified time, the product must be filtered. You need to take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. It is recommended to do this 30 minutes before meals.
For hair
Lovage has a beneficial effect on hair condition. The decoction helps improve the condition of weak and split strands, making them more voluminous, shiny and silky. Essential oils of the plant can be added to rinsing balms. They also have a wonderful effect.
To make an infusion for hair, it is recommended to take the following ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons of dried roots;
- 2 liters of water.
First, the crushed root must be mixed with boiling water. After this, the composition must be left to infuse for 3 hours. Use the prepared product to rinse your hair after washing. It is important to consider that there is no need to rinse off the composition.
Recipes for the face
The healing properties of lovage can be used in cosmetology. This plant is great for skin care. Creams with lovage extract have pronounced antiseptic properties. This plant is often used for acne. It effectively copes with inflammation and skin itching. With the help of this composition it is possible to eliminate ulcers and lighten pigmentation.
To make an effective decoction for the skin, it is recommended to take the following components:
- 1 small spoon of fresh leaves;
- 1 glass of water.
It is recommended to mix the crushed leaves with boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. The finished mixture must be filtered and cooled. It must be used to wipe the face 2 times a day. The course takes 2 weeks.
Lovage is a useful plant that contains many valuable components. Due to this, it has a complex effect on the body.This allows the culture to be used to combat various diseases.