Growing amaryllis and planting and caring for flowers at home

Blooming amaryllis delights the eye with the beauty of its exquisite bright inflorescences; it is one of the most popular and beloved indoor plants. The South African guest has long been cultivated and has a lot of fans all over the world. At home, amaryllis blooms 1-3 times a year, caring for the flower is not difficult, planting and growing can be done by any lover of indoor plants with little experience.

A little about the plant

Amaryllis (Amaryllis) is a bulbous crop found in the wild in South Africa and Australia. The birthplace of the flower is the Cape Province of South Africa.

Flower growers fell in love with the plant for its succulent narrow leaves, stretching up to 60 centimeters, a tall dense peduncle with bright lush buds and a delicate aroma.

During flowering, the foliage is absent or in its infancy; there are 2-12 flowers in an umbellate inflorescence. The flower is funnel-shaped with a diameter of 8-15 centimeters. A well-groomed plant produces 2-3 peduncles.

The flowers have dense petals in rich, bright colors. Through selection, several varieties have been developed with white, red, orange, and pink petals. Flowering lasts 1-3 weeks, after which the plant requires a period of rest.

Help: amaryllis is often confused with hippeastrum, which differs from our hero in the lack of aroma, the shape of the bulbs, the size and number of flowers.

Caring for amaryllis at home

When growing a crop, you need to take into account an important circumstance - the plant requires a period of rest, that is, you should not constantly keep the flower on the windowsill. The plant must rest and gain strength before the new growing season. Let's consider what conditions provide indoor flowers with a comfortable life and prolific flowering.

Temperature Requirements for Amaryllis

When growing amaryllis, it is important to take into account cyclicality - during the growing season and during dormancy, the plant requires different temperature conditions. When the plant is on vacation, it is kept at a temperature of 10-12°, avoiding overheating.

During the growth and formation of flower stalks, the temperature is maintained at 22-24°, and the crop develops faster if night temperatures are slightly lower than daytime temperatures (up to 18°).

Amaryllis cultivation

Amaryllis does not like drafts or cold wind from the window. If the window sill is cold, place a wooden board or foam plastic under the pot. You should also protect from hot air coming from heating radiators.

Lighting for amaryllis

Long daylight hours (14-16 hours) are required for the growth of the peduncle. If there is not enough lighting, you will not get wild flowering. The shoots must be illuminated with special lamps.

Amaryllis grows best in rooms facing south and southeast. The flower needs bright but diffused light. The peduncle is oriented towards the sun, like a sunflower, so that the stem does not bend, the pot is regularly turned.

Watering, air humidity and feeding amaryllis

It is recommended to keep the flower in rooms with air humidity of 60-80%, which is quite problematic with central heating. Rooms with dry air should be humidified using special devices.

The plant does not like excess moisture - the bulbs get wet and the growing season slows down. It is recommended to water the flower in a tray 1-2 times a week, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. You cannot pour water on the bulb; the crop does not need to spray the foliage.

Amaryllis growing photo

The plant is fed only during the growing season. During the growth of the peduncle, fertilizers are applied once every 2 weeks; during flowering, once a month is sufficient. For feeding, liquid mineral fertilizers for bulbous plants are used.

Preparing amaryllis for the dormant period

When flowering is over, watering is reduced.It is necessary to wait until the foliage and peduncle die off, then cut off the dried part of the flower at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the bulb. The dormant period is an important part of the life cycle, when the bulb accumulates strength for a new growing season.

The plant is transferred to a cool place, protected from light. Water a little once every 2 weeks. The dormant period lasts 2-3 months, its completion is indicated by the appearance of a sprout.

Planting and replanting amaryllis: rules and tips

When transplanting a flower, observe the following rules:

  1. The plant is replanted every 3-4 years, or when the pot is clearly small, that is, the bulb has grown and is approaching the edges of the pot.
  2. Transplantation is carried out after flowering and pruning or at the end of the dormant period.
  3. Particular attention is paid to the choice of pot. In a container that is too large, the plant does not bloom, but produces babies. The main rule is that the distance from the edge of the planted bulb to the edges of the pot should be 3 centimeters.
  4. Amaryllis are tall and heavy flowers. To prevent the pot from falling over, it is better to choose containers made of heavy, thick ceramics.
  5. Before planting, the bulbs are peeled, damaged parts are removed, disinfected in a fungicide solution, and then dried.
  6. A drainage layer of 3-4 centimeters is poured into the bottom of the pot, then a special soil for bulbous plants.

Amaryllis cultivation

The bulb is placed in the soil in the center of the pot, deepened by 2/3 of the size. The upper third of the bulb should rise above the ground and breathe.

Amaryllis propagation methods

The simplest and most natural way to propagate a flower is to plant children - daughter bulbs that form an adult plant. It is also possible to propagate amaryllis by seeds, but the varietal properties are not preserved, and you will have to wait 5-8 years for flowering.

Propagation of amaryllis by seeds: technique

The seeds remain viable for a little more than a month, and the younger the planting material, the greater the chance that the seeds will grow. Seed material is obtained by pollinating a flower with pollen from another amaryllis. Using a soft brush, pollen is collected from the stamens and applied to the pistil of another plant. A box forms in about a month.

When the capsule cracks, remove the seeds and plant them immediately. Use a shallow container with nutrient soil, deepening the seed 0.5 centimeters. Keep the container in a warm place and water regularly. You can cover the container with glass or a transparent bag.

When sprouts with two leaves appear, the plant is transplanted into individual cups. It will take several years for the bulbs to form and the plant to bloom.

Propagation of amaryllis by daughter bulbs: technique

During the growing season, the bulb of a healthy adult amaryllis forms children - small bulbs. They are carefully separated during transplantation and planted in small containers with nutrient soil. They take care of babies, just like an adult flower. When the bulb grows, transplant it into a large pot. Amaryllis blooms at the age of 3 years.

Amaryllis growing photo

Reasons for the lack of flowering in amaryllis

The plant does not bloom due to care errors and improper maintenance conditions. Let us highlight the significant reasons for the lack of flowering:

  • the pot is too large - the bulb forms children, there is no strength left to force the peduncle;
  • the flower was not provided with a period of rest, which is necessary before a new growing season;
  • uncomfortable temperature, lack of humidity and lighting;
  • lack of fertilizing, due to which the plant did not receive nutrients and was unable to expel the peduncle;
  • the bulb is too deep into the ground.

Another reason for the lack of flowers is infection of the plant with fungal diseases or pests. It is necessary to inspect the bulb and the above-ground part to exclude parasites and rotting of the root system.

Unlike most indoor plants, amaryllis blooms brightly and luxuriantly. The tall peduncle, many buds, and rich colors of the petals delight lovers of indoor gardening. It is not difficult to care for the flower; it does not require regular replanting, spraying, or pruning, which is why it often decorates our interiors.
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