Description and characteristics of astilbe variety Delft Leis, planting and care

The origins of the history of astilbe, called Delft Lace, go back to a relatively inconspicuous plant that grew in the Southeast of our continent and the territory of Japan. It became known among botanists in 1825. The appearance was not impressive. Presumably “astilbe” then meant “without shine.”

History of breeding of the Delft Lace hybrid

It acquired real shine thanks to the talent of the German breeder Georg Arends (1862-1952). His hybrids are cultivated descendants of Astilbe japonica, Chinese riverine, David and Thunberg. Among them is the extraordinary astilbe Delft Lace. Among other hybrids, it is unusual for its large openwork inflorescences and a lacy rosette of carved leaves that change color throughout the season. That is why it is called Delft lace. Delft is the first actual capital of the Netherlands.

Description and characteristics of the plant

Astilbe is generally one of those plants that now occupy an increasing place in our gardens. In addition to its spectacular appearance, it attracts with its unpretentiousness. And responsive to basic care available to any beginner. And Delft Leys is one of the best.

Appearance of the bush and branching of the root system

The Delft Lace astilbe bush is stocky and strong, with foliage up to 30 cm in height and up to half a meter wide. Height with panicles - 60-80 cm. During flowering and under favorable conditions, it enchants with its graceful forms, rich colors and delicate aroma.

Lacy dark leaves with a waxy coating surprise with the transition of colors from burgundy in spring and bright green in summer to green-blue in autumn. Red-brown stems raise a fluffy openwork inflorescence above the dense foliage. The inflorescence shape is conical. The buds in spring are salmon-colored with a pink tint. The flowers are deep pink.

pink astilbe

The rhizome of Delft Lace, becoming more powerful with age, diverges into many strong branches going deep into the soil. The peculiarity of the astilbe root system is that it grows from above.Buds form, giving rise to more and more new roots, the lower part of which gradually dies. Therefore, it is necessary to add soil from time to time at the base of the bush.

All about flowering

Astilbe Delft Lace blooms profusely and continuously in July-August. The airy cloud of paniculate inflorescence has been pleasing with its pink tints for more than a month. First, from a distance, the panicles attract attention. Then you notice their dazzling contrast with the greenery of the bush.

Thickets of flowering astilbe make a strong impression when several bushes are planted nearby. Delft Leys is a wonderful honey plant and attracts a huge number of bees and butterflies.

A young plant, planted in the spring by dividing the root, blooms in the year of planting. Grown from seeds - in the third year.

Delft Leys

Frost and drought resistance

Astilbe is grown without problems in most of Russia. Delft Lace is frost resistant down to –35˚C. But according to reviews from gardeners, it can definitely withstand –38˚C.

Tall astilbes are more resilient; they are not afraid of climate changes and temperature changes. And in rainy seasons, when other plants rot and are affected by fungal diseases, astilbe feels very confident.

Extremes are contraindicated for her: moisture stagnation and lack. That is, Delft Leys will not survive a multi-day drought. Sometimes even a plant revived by watering will no longer be able to please with abundant flowering. And long-term flowering of astilbe is possible with constant soil moisture.

What diseases and parasites are dangerous for flowers?

It is Delft Lace astilbe that gardeners speak of as being resistant to diseases and pests. However, it is sometimes affected by slobbering pennies and nematodes (strawberry and root-knot).

Astilou leaves

Pennywort infects leaves. They curl and become stained. The bush fades partially or completely.At the first signs, the plant must be treated with insecticides.

Strawberry nematode also damages leaves, flowers and buds. This is especially possible during periods of high humidity. The gall settles on the roots of astilbe, forming growths in which the larvae develop. It is impossible to cure a plant that has been attacked by nematodes. If they occur, the following measures are necessary:

  • remove and destroy affected plants;
  • Astilbe and other high-risk crops should not be grown in this area for up to 4-5 years.

For prevention, it is recommended to treat purchased planting material with growth stimulants (Gumi, Epin) before planting.

As for slugs and snails, according to the observations of gardeners, they are indifferent to astilbes.

Application in landscape design

The use of astilbe in the landscape creates unlimited possibilities for the designer's flight of imagination. Especially when it comes to Delft Lace. General advantages of astilbe:

  • perennials;
  • moisture-loving;
  • easy to care for;
  • decorative.

astilbe bush

And Delft Leis also prefers light shade. And its foliage bizarrely changes color throughout the season. Therefore, it is good everywhere:

  • solo;
  • in groups;
  • in the flower beds;
  • near bodies of water;
  • in semi-shaded compositions;
  • with bulbous;
  • coniferous;
  • decorating unsightly elements of the landscape.

And one more thing: very good at cutting.

Planting astilbe


Delft Lace astilbe is usually planted in the spring. Although, given the democratic nature of astilbe, this can be done in the fall a month before the onset of cold weather (not lower than +5˚C). In central Russia this is approximately September. It’s possible in the summer, but it’s better in cloudy weather.

Planting material

The roots should not be:

  • rotten;
  • too wet;
  • overdried.

planting astilbe

And the sprouts:

  • elongated;
  • thin;
  • pale;
  • twisted.

Such seedlings will not take root well and will be sick for a long time.

The selected astilbe roots should be stored in the refrigerator until planting, checking their condition from time to time.

Optimal location

The location for planting astilbe should be at least shaded during the hottest time of the day. Delft Leys prefers diffused shade, although it will tolerate any light. But in partial shade it blooms 1-2 weeks longer.

Moist soil is the main condition. Groundwater nearby would be suitable. No waterlogging. Increased air humidity near ponds or fountains will be an additional plus.

Required soil composition

Astilbe Delft Lace is absolutely unpretentious to soil conditions, but if given a choice, it would prefer loam. On too fertile soil, astilbe begins to fatten. And clay is not allowed: the soils must be light. For high acidity, add wood ash or dolomite flour.

astilois from seeds

Technology and landing scheme

When planting Delft Lace in the soil, follow the general recommendations for astilbe:

  1. Fertile soil, ash, and humus are poured into a hole larger than the radius of the root shoot. By a little.
  2. Before planting, the cuttings are soaked in phytosporin for disinfection.
  3. A solution of phytosporin, gumi, epin and growth stimulants can be poured onto the planted bush to support immunity and relieve stress during planting.
  4. Sprinkle the root collar of the plant about one and a half cm. Not more.
  5. If planted 30cm apart, the result will be a carpet of blooms over time.
  6. When planting in sunny weather, the bushes are covered for 2-3 days with some kind of shelter, such as, for example, a large flower pot or basin. Shoot in cloudy weather or in the evening. Better in the rain.
  7. Feed with herbal infusion or well-rotted manure.
  8. Mulch to prevent the soil from drying out.

We organize competent care for Delft Leys astilbe

Irrigation and fertilizing

Most of all, Delft Leys is afraid of drought and noticeable interruptions in watering. After rooting, the main thing is good watering. When the soil dries out, if the process of drying out of the leaves has begun, it cannot be stopped. Therefore, you need to water the bushes constantly. Especially in dry weather.

In the spring and first half of summer, it is recommended to feed the astilbe twice with mullein infusion or mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It is maintained with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers after trimming faded panicles. This fertilizing will increase the winter hardiness of plants.

Delft Leys does not like soil rich in organic matter and microelements. If the soil is overly fertile, the panicles of the inflorescences become smaller and the plant as a whole becomes smaller.

Formative pruning

After flowering, the flower stalks are cut off so that the plant does not waste energy on ripening the seeds.

In addition, periodic pruning is important to maintain the decorative appearance of the bush in landscape design.

growing astilbe

Loosening and mulching the soil

Astilbe Delft Lace will gratefully respond to loosening the soil, enriching it with oxygen, simultaneously removing weeds and hilling the upper part of the roots.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of mulching in caring for astilbe:

  1. Prevents weeds from germinating.
  2. Retains invaluable moisture during hot periods.
  3. Attracts worms that loosen the soil.
  4. When decomposed it turns into a wonderful fertilizer.

Types of mulch:

  • dried grass clippings without seeds;
  • straw;
  • well-rotted compost;
  • wood chips or bark of coniferous trees;
  • pieces of cardboard decorated with wood chips;
  • circles made of coconut fiber, not cheap in stores, but very comfortable;
  • planting green manure (for example, mustard).

Green manure grows quickly. Trimmed with a hoe, they retain moisture, overheating, become an excellent top dressing, and protect against diseases with phytoncides.

mulching the soil

Preparing the plant for winter

We cut off all the tops and cover the astilbe root with it. Sprinkle with 4 cm of soil and then with leaves, peat or chopped bark. Astilbe Delft Lace is frost-resistant. But due to possible temperature fluctuations, it is still worth taking care of the top layer of roots. Therefore, under each bush you can put rotted compost.


Astilbe is planted at least every 5 years. The buds in the soil become crowded. And they bulge to the surface. Plants weaken and flowering becomes poorer. You can cover the new roots with soil. But dividing the rhizome also increases the flowering time and heals the entire bush.

In spring, transplants are easier to tolerate. You can divide when the shoots just appear above the ground. And it is blooming already this season. The plant is replanted in the summer only as a last resort. Astilbe Delft Lace blooms at the end of August, and it can be replanted in the first half of September.

Reproduction methods

Astilbe can be propagated by seeds, renewal buds and dividing the bush.

bush division

When propagated by “own” seeds, varietal properties are lost. With high-quality hybrid seeds everything will work out:

  • The seeds are stratified, that is, kept at temperatures from –4 to +4˚ for 20 days.
  • Then spread over moistened soil.
  • When the first shoots appear, irrigate the ground with a syringe.
  • Two true leaves mean you can plant the seedling by a third of the root.
  • At the end of spring, you can, using shading, plant the sprouts on the prepared bed.

Kidney renewal:

  • In spring, the bud is cut off along with a piece of rhizome.
  • Both cuts are treated with ash.
  • The buds are buried in a mixture of gravel and peat (1:3) and covered with film.
  • Plant the sprouts in place in the fall or next spring.

When dividing a Delft Lace bush, dig it up and cut the astilbe rhizome into sections with a sharp shovel or knife so that each one has from 1 to 5 renewal buds. Plant divisions are planted immediately so that the roots do not have time to dry out. Every day new bushes are watered.
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