Reasons why balsam flowers and buds may fall off, control measures

Impatiens attracts the attention of flower growers with its unpretentiousness in terms of maintenance and care. This is an easy-to-grow crop that delights its owners with delicate and beautiful flowers. But there are situations when the buds and flowers of impatiens fall off; why this happens is not always clear to novice plant growing enthusiasts. To achieve the desired result when growing it, you need to find out what the main causes of this disease are.

Structural features

Balsam is known for its ability to predict the weather; it is also called a “weather forecaster”. Thanks to the increased degree of sensitivity of its flowers, it reacts almost instantly to atmospheric changes, which allows the owner to navigate what is happening on the street.

For example, before rain, crystallized sugar droplets form on its vegetative organs. This amazing plant - balsam - is a 100% predictor.

Main causes and solutions

Considering the moisture-loving nature of balsam, if there is a violation in the organization of irrigation, there is a high probability of buds falling off. Such consequences also occur when there is a deficiency of useful components in the substrate or changes in the microclimate.

Improper watering

Impatiens thrives in moist soil, but if you overdo it with watering, its root system begins to rot, unopened buds begin to fall off, and then the plant may die altogether. To prevent rotting of the roots, it is recommended to provide in advance the presence of drainage in the pot and holes in the bottom of the container for the drainage of excess moisture. In winter, the frequency of procedures should be reduced.

Whitefly on balsam

Nutritional deficiencies

Feeding procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a month, using complex formulations. It is often not worth using fertilizers with a high concentration of nitrogen, otherwise the balsam will begin to fatten, which will negatively affect flowering - it will drop its buds. It is better to use compounds with a high potassium content, which will stimulate the plant to lay flowers. Such mixtures are needed at the budding stage.


Most often, balsam suffers from mosaic, gray rot, bacteriosis and powdery mildew.


The disease manifests itself on young balsam leaves; yellow lesions form on them.If left untreated, the plates undergo deformation. Over time, the lesions become even larger in size, and unilateral necrosis occurs on them. As a result, the balsam stops developing, its leaf mass becomes yellow and dry.

Flower mosaic

The source of the disease are thrips and ticks. Since it is very difficult to cure a plant, it is better to take preventive measures, in particular, carry out surface treatments with an insecticide-based solution.

Gray rot

The disease spreads quickly, affecting not only the leaf blades and stems, but the entire plant. At first, foci of brown color form on them, and then a gray coating of fungal spores forms. As a result, the balsam completely fades. Infection of the bush occurs through water or substrate. The plant can also get sick from hypothermia, from drafts, or from using cold water for irrigation.

balsam bud

The fight against gray mold should begin at the first sign of its detection. The affected leaves need to be cut off, the bush should be transplanted into another soil mixture and sprayed with a solution of Fundazol.


The disease can be identified by watery spots on the vegetative mass of balsam. After some time, they acquire a brown color, cover the entire surface of the plates, and increase in size, which leads to the death of the bush. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to remove the diseased parts of the plant and carry out surface treatment with a solution based on Bordeaux mixture or copper-containing preparations.

yellow leaves

Powdery mildew

Its distinctive feature is a white coating on the leaves of balsam, which very quickly affects all its vegetative organs.Control measures: removal of diseased parts, treatment with working fluid based on soda ash (2 grams of product per 1 liter of water). A copper-soap solution or Bayleton, which is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions, works well.

In addition, it is necessary to adjust the irrigation system, feeding procedures, lighting and temperature conditions in the room.


Among the parasitic individuals on pets, mites and thrips are often found. The sooner treatments are started, the greater the chance of saving the plant.

Spider mite

The pest can be detected by yellowish blotches on the leaves of the bush, which over time completely lose their color and dry out. There is also a cobweb visible on the inside of the plates. Treatments with soap solution or mineral oil are effective against ticks, but this is in the early stages; in case of severe damage, drugs such as Akarina and Fitoverma will be required.

Spider mite

Multi-clawed mites

As a result of the activity of this pest, the leaves become deformed and harden. It is possible to fight it with the help of Fitoverm, Vertimek, Akarin.


The consequences of the presence of the parasite appear in the form of a curved growth point and deformed new leaves. Spots appear on the flowers, the edges of the petals become brown. First you need to remove the diseased parts of the bush, and then treat with Aktara, Aktellik, Fitoverm. After 4-5 days, spraying is repeated.


If the room has low temperature and excessive humidity, the balsam reacts by yellowing and falling of the leaf blades. If the temperature increases and there is an excess of moisture, the plant will notice drooping leaves.Excessive moisture in the soil provokes putrefactive processes on the roots of the bushes, and dry air and heat in the room cause the buds to fall off. Nutritional deficiency leads to elongation of stems and reduction in flower size.

balsam diseases


To prevent the wet Vanka flower from getting sick and dropping its buds, it is necessary to normalize the temperature conditions, the level of humidity in the soil, as well as the acidity of the soil. In winter, the flower should not be on a window facing north.

Impatiens is a unique plant that predicts the weather. To grow it successfully, it is enough to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room and not neglect preventive measures.
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