Description and characteristics of the Blue Moon wisteria variety, planting and care

Wisteria variety Blue Moon is a heat-loving woody plant that forms lush inflorescences and decorates the garden. It is grown both in open ground and in pots of appropriate size. The tree is not picky in care and tolerates drought and severe frosts well. Has strong immunity.

Description and characteristics of wisteria Blue moon

A woody plant, it belongs to vines, the height of which reaches 6-7 meters. The flowers are violet-blue in color. Wisteria inflorescences are collected in clusters of 15-20 flowers. The leaves are dark green, smooth, shiny, odd-pinnate. Each leaf has an elongated shape, a pointed end and a wavy edge, up to 35 centimeters long. After flowering, brown fruits are formed.

The plant has a powerful root system and is able to draw water from deep layers of soil. It is the most frost-resistant type of vine.

Main positive and negative aspects

The positive aspects include:

  • ease of cultivation;
  • high immunity;
  • winter hardiness;
  • drought resistance;
  • beauty of flowers;

The negative aspects include the large size of the plant. If it is not possible to keep it in the fresh air all year round, then transporting such a plant will require effort.

wisteria blue moon

How to grow?

Dates and place for landing

To grow wisteria, choose a place with good access to sunlight. For improved flowering, it is recommended to create a 12-hour daylight period. The soil should be loose, well aerated without excess moisture. Drainage is laid at the planting site.

Important! To retain moisture at the roots of the tree, sprinkle the area around the trunk with chopped grass without seeds..

Selection of planting material

Young seedlings are selected. Carefully inspect the roots of the plant to ensure there is no rot or other damage. The branches are dense, the stems are elastic. If pruning of the branches of a seedling is noticed, then it may be diseased. Branches and stems must be clean without uncharacteristic stains or mechanical damage.

Wisterias are also grown from seeds. But such a tree will bloom only after three years. Seeds and seedlings are sold in specialized agricultural stores.

bunches of flowering

Planting process

Wisteria is planted in containers or open ground. To plant in a pot, proceed as follows:

  • Choose a pot with a volume of 40 liters or more, with a drainage hole and a stand.
  • A small layer of soil is poured onto the bottom of the pot.
  • Then a drainage is formed from coconut threads.
  • Add warm water.
  • Place the seedling after straightening the roots.
  • Cover with soil in layers, compacting each layer.
  • Water with warm water.

Important! When using ready-made soil purchased in a store, there is no need to form drainage.

This method is used when it is impossible to store the plant in the open ground in winter. In summer it is recommended to plant it in fresh air. Also, in this form, the tree is inconvenient to transport.

planting process

Planted in open ground as follows:

  • Prepare a hole 20-25 centimeters deep, 40 by 40 centimeters wide.
  • Fill the hole with humus.
  • The earth is mixed with sand.
  • The seedling is placed in the hole.
  • Sprinkle with earth in layers, compacting each layer.
  • Water with warm water.
  • Cut grass stems without seeds are placed on top around the trunk.

first gatherings

Nuances of care

For lush flowering, you must follow certain care rules. Apply subcortex, monitor watering, prune, cover the roots for the winter.

Fertilizer and feeding

Fertilizing is not carried out on fertile soils. In other cases, they are fertilized with phosphorus, potassium, and old manure. Mineral fertilizers are diluted in water and applied during the formation of ovaries every three days. Water the area around the trunk. Fresh manure cannot be used; it contains a lot of nitrogen, which will destroy the plant.

If there is an excess of fertilizers wisteria macrostachia The blue moon develops poorly and dies, so feeding should be carried out strictly according to the scheme.


Wisteria does not tolerate transplants very well. However, if there is a need to change its place of growth, the tree is dug up and moved to new soil with a large lump of earth. Before transplanting, cut off long shoots.

Galicia transplant


The plant does not bloom well if there is excess moisture in the soil. Therefore, watering should not be frequent. Once a week in a volume of 10 liters per bush is enough. If the soil is wet or after rain, watering is canceled. After flowering, watering is completely canceled. When grown in a pot in winter, water only when the soil is very dry.

Flowering and preparation for winter

Flowering begins at the end of May and lasts about a month. The flowers are small, collected in large inflorescences of 15-20 pieces. It is large in size, up to 35 centimeters. When grown in warm climates, flowering may occur again in the fall. Withered flowers are cut off so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of fruits, but directs them to the development of flowers.

For the winter, the tree's circumference is insulated with moss. This will help protect the plant's root system. If the wisteria is young and its branches have not become strong, then they are wrapped in warm fabrics. Insulation is carried out at the onset of the first autumn frost. Adult plants are highly frost-resistant and can tolerate temperatures of -40°C.

flowering bush


The manipulation is carried out to form a beautiful tree crown. In the first growing season, all parts of the plant located outside the 5 main axillary buds are pruned. Every spring, the branches are thinned out and all damaged and dried shoots are removed. This improves the abundance of flowering and the size of the flowers.

Diseases and pests

Blue moon wisteria is a poisonous plant. Diseases and pests rarely affect it. Most often, infection and insect attack occurs if the bush is damaged. Among the diseases, chlorosis is observed. The leaves turn yellow and fall off. This indicates that the soil is too acidic. Fertilize with ferric chloride fertilizer, this will help change the soil environment to a more favorable one. The plant recovers quickly.

Insects that attack wisteria:

  • Clover mite. The leaves of the plant change color and become orange. Treat with acaricides.
  • Caterpillars. They feed on wisteria foliage. Biological drugs will help overcome them.
  • Aphids. Insects eat leaves and inflorescences. They become holey. Treat with insecticides.

Important! If it is necessary to trim branches in the spring, they are coated with garden varnish..

clover mite

Reproduction methods and times

Reproduction occurs in three ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds.


Rules for manipulating cuttings:

  1. Cuttings are prepared in the spring.
  2. Select annual shoots.
  3. An oblique cut is made in the center of the shoot.
  4. The cuttings are planted in nutrient soil in a container. Place it to the incision site.
  5. At the end of September they are transferred to the ground to a permanent place.

cuttings are prepared


Reproduction by accelerating layering is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Layering is carried out at the end of September-October, after the tree has shed its leaves.
  2. The lower shoots are buried tightly.
  3. Roots appear within a year.
  4. After the roots appear, they are cut off and replanted separately.


The most difficult method of reproduction. Proceed as follows:

  1. Seeds are prepared in December or March.
  2. Prepare a deep, flat container. They are filled with nutritious soil.
  3. Pour water.
  4. Place the seeds there.
  5. Cover the top with small pieces of bark or sand.
  6. The container is covered with glass or film to create a greenhouse effect.
  7. Leave in a dark room for 2 weeks.
  8. After the shoots appear, they are transferred to the windowsill.
  9. After the rotok gets stronger, it is transferred to the ground.

propagation method

Use in landscape design

The tree is used for vertical gardening. It is often planted next to gazebos, terraces, and pergolas. It creates shade in gazebos, especially in hot weather. Wisteria is planted along fences. Due to the fact that the inflorescences are densely located, they form a “living fence”. You should not plant it next to flimsy tree structures; they will collapse under the weight of the branches.
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