Which flowers sprout quickly and bloom from seeds, which is better to choose

Plants grown from seeds are considered hardier. Many of them begin to bloom quite quickly. To improve germination parameters, it is recommended to decompose the grains. Sometimes, instead, they are heated or sown in boiled soil. At the same time, many summer residents are interested in which specific flowers quickly sprout and bloom from seeds. Today we know quite a few interesting crops that sprout in a short time.

Flowers that grow quickly from seeds at home

Growing flowers from seeds is considered a very promising direction. It is important to take into account a number of rules when carrying out planting work. These include the following:

  1. Take only fresh seed. Old seeds may not germinate.
  2. Before planting, treat the seed material. To do this, you need to soak it in a growth stimulator. It is also permissible to use hydrogen peroxide for this purpose. Seeds of individual crops need stratification.
  3. Sow into a damp cloth. When the grains hatch, they can be moved into the soil.
  4. Don't plant the seeds too deep. They don't have enough strength to germinate.
  5. When sowing small seeds, mix them with sifted sand. This will ensure even distribution of the seed over the surface.
  6. When growing plants in seedlings, use light and loose soil. It is important that the substrate is sufficiently nutritious.
  7. Do not plant grains in open soil very early. Seeds do not germinate so well in cold soil.

Which flowers sprout quickly?

Easy to Grow Flowers for the Home Garden

The most popular crops that are suitable for growing in the home garden include the following:

  1. Coreopsis grandiflora is considered a simple crop that forms a compact bush and produces large golden yellow flowers. Coreopsis begins to bloom in the first half of summer. It looks good in bouquets and flower beds.
  2. Dianthus grass is a great addition to rock gardens. It is also permissible to place the crop in the foreground of flower beds. This plant forms a low mat of leaves. At the end of spring, beautiful buds begin to appear above it.In mild climates, the leaves remain green throughout the year. Flowers can be monochromatic or contrasting. Carnation grass is planted in sunny areas that prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soil. It is recommended to cut the plants after flowering or leave them to self-sow.
  3. Veined catnip is a bushy crop that has fragrant leaves and blooms all season. The height of the catnip reaches 40 centimeters. These are relatively easy flowers to grow. At the same time, their buds attract pollinators to the site. The plant grows well in well-lit areas and in well-drained soil. This crop is characterized by blue-violet flowers. The Pink Cat variety is distinguished by pink buds.
  4. Rudbeckia - the crop can be sown indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Perennial varieties germinate better when they are stratified after sowing. To do this, containers with seeds should be kept in the refrigerator for 1 month. After which they should be moved to a warm place and wait for the grains to germinate. Rudbeckia can also be planted directly in the garden. However, in this case it will bloom only next year.
  5. Heliopsis is a perennial that reaches a height of 60-90 centimeters. During the flowering period, bright golden-yellow buds appear on the bushes. This occurs in mid-summer and lasts until autumn. The culture attracts butterflies and is perfect for arranging bouquets.
  6. Gaillardia - forms dense tussocks of gray-green leaves. They are complemented by large flowers resembling daisies. They may be red, orange or yellow in color. The flowers attract butterflies and look good in bouquets.Gaillardia grows well in well-lit areas and in well-drained soil. It easily withstands drought after rooting. Plants are short-lived, but tend to self-sow.
  7. Lychnis crown - this crop is distinguished by silver-gray leaves and beautiful flowers of different shades. They come in purple, pink and white. This bushy plant reaches a height of 40-90 centimeters. Despite the fact that some crops are characterized by a short life span, they easily reproduce by self-sowing. Lychnis begins to bloom in mid-summer.
  8. Monarda - the flowers of this culture look very original. An additional value is the foliage, which has a licorice aroma. In addition, monarda attracts pollinators. If you plant this crop in your garden, you can see a lot of bees and butterflies in your area.

Which flowers sprout quickly photo

Germination time of seeds of various flowers

Perennials are usually planted as seedlings in February or March. In the spring they are moved to open ground. At this time, flowers often form green bushes. In this case, flowering occurs in the next season. However, there are varieties that begin to bloom this year.

When growing crops in seedlings, it is worth using a substrate based on turf, humus, peat and river sand. Before planting, it is recommended to moisten the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Regular application of fertilizers is also important. If the crop has pale foliage, it is worth using ammonium nitrate. To do this, you need to take 20 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water. If the flower develops too slowly, it is worth taking a couple of drops of a growth stimulator - “Epin” or “Zircon”. This amount is mixed with a glass of water.

Which flowers sprout quickly photo

Flowers that can be grown on the windowsill by March 8

It is permissible to grow a wide variety of flowers at home. The easiest way is to plant crocuses or daffodils by March 8th. Hyacinths and tulips are also great options.

Flower seeds that germinate the fastest

Most annual plants sprout within two weeks. Grains from the Cruciferous family germinate the fastest. Already 3-4 days after planting, you can count on the germination of lobularia and ornamental cabbage. The same applies to Levkoy and malcolmia.

Possibility of growing indoor flowers from seeds

It is possible to grow different flowers using the seed method. The most popular options include Persian cyclamen, evergreen begonia, and zonal pelargonium. This also applies to passionflower and hybrid streptocarpus.

Growing flowers by seed is considered a convenient and promising option. At the same time, to obtain lush flowering, it is important to follow a number of rules.

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