Characteristics and descriptions of garden mallow varieties, features of planting and care

The older generation, of course, remembers the mallow flowers. Dresses for dolls were created from inflorescences in the shape of large bells. But it is unlikely that the children knew the name of the garden perennial mallow. It is impossible to list all varieties and types, but you can describe the popular ones. Gardeners and designers often use decorative varieties to decorate gardens, flower beds, flower beds, and paths.

What is mallow?

The mallow plant belongs to a large family.Depending on the type and variety, the height of the stem varies between 0.3-2.5 meters. The trunk can be bare, fluffy, straight, lying.

The leaf blade is large, heart-shaped, with teeth. In the axils of the leaves, buds appear in the form of large bells. In some varieties, the flowers form clusters. The inflorescences are simple, double, of different colors.

Mallow is divided into perennial, biennial, and annual varieties. Blooms 2 years after sowing. The plant is popular among landscape designers not only for its various shades, but also for its long flowering period (June-August). Gardeners love to cultivate mallow for its ease of cultivation.

What colors are there?

It’s easier to name the shades of mallow that are not present, since all the colors of the rainbow are present, except green. Varieties with black and white buds are known. Pastel colors include coral, blue, peach, lilac, and pink. There are rich shades of burgundy, purple, blue, black.

mallow flowers

Flower varieties and varieties

Among the numerous genus Malvaceae, 60 varieties are popular. Most of them have decorative flowers.


The tall Zebrin flower stretches up to 1.2 meters. It didn't get the name by chance. Varieties of this species are double colored. The main color is light tones, the veins are of a different color, brighter, more saturated. For example, pink petals with burgundy veins.


Short Topface appeared recently. The buds are bright pink, with light shades along the edges. Looks great in flower beds and pots.

Mallow pink


Among its brothers, Melyuka is the leader in height. The stem extends up to 3.5 meters.They are planted near the hedge so that the wind does not break the stem, or they are secured to trellises. The root is tap root, goes to a depth of 1.5 meters. Therefore, he does not like transfers. The seedlings are planted immediately in a permanent place.

Small buds grow in the axils of the leaves; they are red, pale pink, light lilac. Meluka, with its pleasant aroma, is a honey plant.


Mallow Unnoticed loves sunny areas. Planting material 3 years old has better germination than freshly harvested seeds. Propagated by seed and seedlings.

Mallow Unnoticed

The flower petals are double colored, similar to the Zebrina variety: lilac with red veins.


Muscat mallow received its name for its spicy aroma. The plant grows as a compact bush. Average height – up to 100 centimeters. The frost-resistant plant takes root in the northern regions. Pleases with flowering throughout the summer, until late autumn. The flowers are 5 centimeters in diameter. Color – pink, white, lilac.


Malva Little belongs to the dwarf varieties. The stem extends 20-60 centimeters. Flower petals are simple. The plant blooms throughout the summer. The color of the buds is blue, the pistil is yellow.

apple blossom

The Apple blossom variety is used in creating flower arrangements. This is caused by the decorative nature of the flowers. Double white-pink flowers resemble roses.

apple blossom


Malva is popularly called mallow for the structure of the flower, which is so similar to the church bread - mallow. The perennial plant is sown in April. Flowering begins in June and continues throughout the season. Some varieties bloom until frost.


Forest mallow is the progenitor of many varieties, for example Zebrina, Black Mother of Pearl.The varieties have two colors, contrastingly different from each other. The plant is biennial, but in the central zone it is grown as an annual. Flowers do not tolerate winter frosts. The stem extends up to 1.2 meters. The color of the petals is lilac, the veins are burgundy.

Flowering continues from June to mid-autumn. The appearance is distinguished by large buds - 7 centimeters in diameter.

Purple velvet

The Purple Velvet variety is grown as a perennial plant. The flowers open together and gather in clusters. The petals are double, with bright and varied colors. The pride of any garden. They bloom all summer.

Purple velvet


Sudanese mallow has amazing colors. The snow-white petals stand out against the background of a brown spot inside (the pistil). The plant is biennial.


Mallow wrinkled, or stock-rose, is represented by dwarf varieties, 60-90 centimeters tall, and tall specimens - up to 2 meters. The leaves are dark green, wrinkled. Hence the name of the species. The inflorescences can be simple (Single Mixed), double (Malva alcea), depending on the variety.

The color of the buds is different. The bright yellow inflorescences with a pink pistil look intriguing. The size of the buds on dwarf varieties reaches 10 centimeters in diameter, for example, Single Mixed. On tall flowers, on the contrary, the inflorescences are small (Powder Puffs Mixed).


The perennial plant grows in a bush of several stems. Therefore, the 2-meter-long hybrid mallow looks majestic and powerful. Among the green background of leaves, large double inflorescences of delicate pink or white colors stick out. The plant is heat-loving; in cold regions it is grown as an annual.

Mallow Hybrid


Tree mallow is a perennial plant. A shrub or tree will decorate any garden.Its height reaches up to 3 meters.

Which variety is better to choose?

Before choosing any variety, you need to decide what you will use it for.

Mallow does not tolerate transplantation, as it has a long root. It is difficult to replant a plant without damaging its integrity. Therefore, for perennial varieties, a permanent place is selected where seeds are sown or seedlings are planted. Annual varieties are suitable for one-time use. For example, for decorating balconies and terraces.

Size also plays a role. Tall varieties: Zebrina, Meluka, Lesnaya, Hybrid - it is better to plant them along the fence so that strong winds do not break the stem.

Dwarf varieties: Small, Topface, Wrinkled - suitable for decorating flower beds and flower beds.

In the southern regions, perennial varieties take root: Muscat, Wrinkled, as they tolerate mild frosts. For the northern regions, it is better to choose annual varieties, for example, Zebrina, Hybridnaya or frost-resistant ones: Melyuka, Muscatnaya.

Musk mallow

The species – forest mallow – can withstand droughts and frosts. Among the varieties of this species, you can choose a suitable height - from 0.3 to 1.2 meters. Every buyer is interested in color. There won't be any problems here. Almost every type has all colors, ranging from white to dark tones. There is even a black color - the Nigra mallow.

Mallow in landscape design

Landscape designers use tall varieties of mallow (over 2 meters) for background. In the foreground, low-growing varieties of the same plant, 60 centimeters high, are planted. One variety with different colors looks organic.

  1. Garden Zebrina looks great in group plantings.
  2. Terry species, or stock roses, are planted along paths, in flower beds, and flower beds.
  3. The combination of yellow sunflowers with blue terry mallow along the paths will be original.
  4. No less attractive are single plantings of mallow against a background of green grass.
  5. You can delimit plantings using hedges.
  6. If you plant mallow against a backdrop of trees, the overall picture will create a wilderness landscape.
  7. Dwarf varieties fit well into the decor of terraces if planted in pots or containers.
  8. Living bouquets of mallow last up to 2 weeks. Therefore, they will decorate any room.
  9. In the garden, planting flowers along the fence will hide unsightly buildings from view.

Thanks to the wide range of colors of this plant, designers can realize any of their fantasies. Perennial mallow will delight you with flowering throughout the entire summer season.
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