Description and characteristics of climbing rose variety Prince, growing rules
The Prince rose is an excellent ornamental plant that can be grown to decorate a garden plot.
Features of planting perennial bush flowers in the garden, description of the best types
The most important advantage of perennial bush flowers for the garden is considered to be saving the owner’s time and effort.
Description of varieties of OT-hybrids of lilies, planting and care in open ground
Orienpets were the result of crossing Tubular and Oriental hybrids. There are many in this category today
Description of the best types of perennial border flowers, design rules
When designing flower beds, zoning an area, or decorating a garden plot, you cannot do without perennial border flowers.
Description of hybrid tea rose variety Versilia, growing technology
Hybrid tea rose Versilia is a beautiful and long-flowering plant, characterized by good immunity and resistance
Description and characteristics of the best varieties of brown roses
Rose is considered the queen of flowers. This is not surprising, because this is one of the most beautiful and popular
Rules and features of autumn planting roses with an open root system
The most comfortable time for planting roses is autumn. Weather conditions in the autumn months are favorable
Description and rules for growing climbing roses of the Iceberg variety
Growing the Iceberg climbing rose has a number of features. This culture has beautiful snow-white flowers
Differences and similarities between hybrid tea varieties of roses and floribunda, the best representatives of the crops
Hybrid tea roses and floribunda have differences. They lie in the appearance of cultures. For hybrid tea
How to treat roses against rust, folk remedies and chemicals
My favorite roses became sick, the stems cracked, the leaves began to curl. An insidious type of fungal disease that affects everything
Description and rules for growing roses of the Rhapsody in Blue variety
The variety of roses Rhapsody in Blue interested gardeners due to the unusual purple-violet color of the buds, which turns blue
Description and rules for growing roses of the Grand Amore variety
The rose was known in almost every country in the world several thousand years ago. She conquers


