Description of the best types of perennial border flowers, design rules

When designing flower beds, zoning an area, or decorating a garden plot, you cannot do without perennial border flowers. Such plants were first used in landscape design by the Englishwoman Gertrude Jekyll. Flowers planted once allow you to maintain harmony in the area for several years; they require minimal care. Among the assortment of perennials, each summer resident will choose the best option for his estate.

Design rules

More often, low-growing flowers are used to create borders. This is due to the fact that the frame of the flower garden, created from living plants, should not cover the beauty of the flowers inside. For these purposes, perennials are purchased that bloom all summer. In this way, it is possible to create a complete harmonious composition on the site for the entire season.

There are several rules that are followed when decorating plant borders:

  • Flowers are planted along the edges, contrasting with the main color scheme of the front garden.
  • Allocate enough space for the border, as the plants will grow over time.
  • Do not allow large gaps between planted plants; it looks sloppy.
  • Select crops that grow quickly and in abundance.
  • They adhere to the dimensions of the border: width - 50 cm, height - no more than 40 cm.
  • They opt for unpretentious representatives.
  • Borders for beginners should have a simple shape, when the summer resident gains experience in design, you can move on to curly ones.

Noteworthy border perennials

Among the list of popular perennials there are options for every taste.

flowers on the paths


This plant is popular for its flowers, which are shaped like a broken heart. Flowers are planted from the end of April. It should be remembered that dicentra develops well only in illuminated areas, in extreme cases, light partial shade. The soil must be drained and filled with nutrients. If the soil is heavy, add river sand to it, and lay a layer of broken brick or pebbles on the bottom. The diameter and depth of the planting holes is 0.4 meters.


One of the most unpretentious specimens used for border decoration. Blooms almost all summer.Balsam is usually placed in sunny places, but partial shade is also allowed. The soil should be loamy and well seasoned with rotted manure. It is necessary to take into account that this flower is moisture-loving; when the soil dries out in hot summers, it sheds its lower leaves. Impatiens bloom for a long time - from June to September. At this time, it is covered with white, purple, pink flowers (depending on the variety).

plant Balsam


This is a representative of the Lamiaceae family, which fully lives up to its name. The plant is really tenacious and does not cause trouble to the owner of the site. During the flowering period, it is covered with buds of white, blue, yellow, and purple colors. The height of the bushes varies from 5 to 50 cm. When the soil warms up properly, the seeds of the tenacious plant are sown directly in the open ground; they have increased germination. The plant has no special requirements for lighting - it feels comfortable both in the sun and in the shade.


A characteristic feature of this plant is its beautiful blue flowers. Only a well-lit place is suitable for planting agapanthus, since the plant is light-loving. From the beginning of spring until October, the crop needs abundant watering. You will also have to feed the flowers with mineral and organic fertilizers for more luxuriant flowering. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the planting holes.

purple Agapanthus


This perennial is also called rezuha and belongs to the Cruciferous family. Arabis has creeping shoots and does not exceed 30 cm in height. The green leaves are heart-shaped and have dense pubescence on their surface. Rezuha blooms with white, pink or light yellow flowers; they can be simple or double, depending on the variety.

The best place to create an arabis border will be a ventilated and well-lit area.

Prepare loose soil and add mineral and organic fertilizers. Rezuha only needs watering in extreme heat, as it is a drought-resistant plant.


You can also create original borders from low bushes of perennial chrysanthemums. It belongs to the Asteraceae family. To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in April at home, when the seedlings grow, they are planted in separate containers, and a little later they are transferred to open ground.

It must be remembered that perennial chrysanthemum needs abundant watering and a well-lit area. The soil is preferably loose, with a slightly acidic reaction. As for flowering, you can admire it until the cold weather. The color depends on the variety; pink, burgundy, yellow, and white chrysanthemums are found.

chrysanthemums bloom


The perennial herbaceous plant belongs to the Kutrov family. The ancient Celts called it the witch flower because they believed it helped detect a witch. An excellent option for planting in the shade. Even with a lack of light and moisture, it pleases with its bluish flowers. The soil for planting periwinkle is loose, with a neutral reaction. It does not need abundant watering; it survives the winter of cold regions with firmness. On bushes, single flowers can persist until autumn.

Aubrieta, or aubretia

This is a creeping herbaceous plant. During the flowering period it forms a spectacular continuous carpet. A distinctive feature of aubrieta is that the leaves do not fade even in winter. With good care, it produces two waves of flowering - in spring and autumn. Experienced gardeners recommend first growing seedlings at home, and then transferring them to open ground.To admire the spectacular flowering, select the most illuminated place for it. The soil is loose and well permeable to moisture.

herbaceous plant


Primrose has pinnately dissected leaves of a greenish-gray hue. The shape of the flowers is very diverse - spherical, umbrella-shaped, pyramidal, depending on the chosen variety. It is grown through seedlings and then transferred to the flower bed. To do this, prepare light and loose soil in a shaded place. Primrose needs watering no more than once a week; fertilizing is applied throughout the entire growing season. It must be remembered that if primrose grown from seeds, then you will be able to admire the first flowering no earlier than in 2-3 years.

Chistets woolly

Referred to as “sheep’s ear,” the herbaceous perennial has amazingly beautiful leaves. They are silvery-gray and soft to the touch. The chickweed does not like places in lowlands where moisture accumulates, but it feels great in open sunny areas. One of the main conditions for successful cultivation is a low nitrogen content in the soil. Watering is infrequent; the plant demonstrates increased resistance to diseases and pests.

woolly brush


A representative of the Pink family, with large leaves and flowers of various colors. To grow, you need permeable soil filled with nutrients. The plant belongs to frost-resistant and drought-resistant crops, and therefore does not require special care. It only needs regular watering and weeding.


Belongs to the Tolstyankov family. They are grown through seedlings and only then transferred to open ground. It is unpretentious to the soil, it can be grown even on rocky soil, but it will have to be fed with organic matter. Blooms throughout summer and autumn.Sedum needs watering only during periods of drought; in other cases, natural precipitation is sufficient.

in the flowerbed Sedum

Examples of decorating a garden path border with perennial flowers

The following options can be used as ideas:

  • Chrysanthemum bushes in contrasting shades.
  • Along the edge are tender daisies, behind them is thistle.
  • In the foreground is periwinkle or saxifrage, the second row is primroses and conifers.

decorating the garden path border with perennial flowers

A few notes on care

When caring for perennials, take into account the fact that not all plants have the same need for moisture, light and fertilizing.

Therefore, only plants with similar care requirements are placed in one border.
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