Description and characteristics of Claire Austin roses, growing technology

Claire Austin's white roses are considered one of the most beautiful varieties. The flowers are distinguished by large spreading bushes, intense flowering and rich aroma. When growing plants, it is enough to follow simple rules and provide comprehensive care.

Description and characteristics of rose Claire Austin

The Claire Austin variety of white roses was bred in 2007 by a UK farmer who named the flowers after his daughter. The variety belongs to scrub roses with large bushes up to 1.5 m high. The diameter of the plantings reaches 2 m. At the same time, it is possible to grow the Claire Austin variety as a climbing rose. Being on a vertical support, the bushes can grow up to 3 m.

Despite the foliage of the bushes, they retain their shape due to slightly drooping arc-shaped shoots. The leaves of the flowers have a glossy shine and a bright green color. 1-3 large flowers appear on each stem. The colors of the flowers vary from pale lemon to pinkish. In the middle of the flowering period, roses fade to a snow-white color.

Main advantages and disadvantages

In addition to decorative characteristics, the Claire Austin variety has several advantages. In particular:

  • disease resistance;
  • re-blooming;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Among the disadvantages of this variety, one can note the lack of resistance to rain. During heavy rainfall, the flowers do not open on their own, and you have to do it manually. In this case, you will need to be extremely careful not to damage the thin petals.

Claire Austin

Rules for growing flowers

Growing roses requires following a number of basic rules. These include the nuances of preparatory actions, choosing a place for planting and placing seedlings in the ground.

Preparing to plant roses Claire Austin

A day before planting, the seedling is soaked in a root formation stimulator. As such a drug, you can use “Heterauxin” or “Kornevin”.

For subsequent transfer of the seedling into the ground in a designated area, prepare a hole with a depth and a diameter of 50 cm.

Selection of planting material

When choosing seedlings, you need to carefully study their condition. Externally, they should look healthy, without damage or signs of rotting. It is optimal if the seedlings have 2-3 stems, living roots and fresh buds. The bark of the stems of suitable seedlings is green and not wrinkled.

planting material

Planting roses in the ground

It is recommended to move the Claire Austin variety to a permanent location in early autumn, before the onset of early frosts. The advantage of autumn planting is that during the cold period the plantings will form a developed root system, saving energy on the formation of new shoots. With the arrival of warmer weather, the plants will begin to actively grow green mass and bloom.

The basic rule when planting a seedling is to deepen the grafting into the soil sufficiently by 10 cm. Having placed the seedling in a prepared planting hole, its roots are sprinkled with earth on all sides. The soil for filling the hole must first be mixed with compost or rotted manure.

After planting is completed, the soil is compacted and watered abundantly.

seedling in a bucket

Further care

After planting flowers, you need to provide them with comprehensive care for active growth and abundant flowering. Plants need regular watering, shaping, fertilization and protection during the cold season.

Watering rules and humidity

The bushes are moistened as the top layer of soil dries. Under normal weather conditions, it is enough to water the plants once every 5-7 days. Watering is carried out in the evening, using rain or settled warm water. If the Claire Austin rose is grown as a bush, 5 liters of water will be enough for each planting. When grown in a climbing manner, the liquid consumption will increase to 15 liters.

Roses need to be watered throughout the summer.In the case of a rainy summer, it is advisable to stop moistening towards the end of July, since waterlogging of bushes often leads to the development of diseases.

child watering

Pruning and shaping the bush

Bushes are pruned in the first year after being transferred to the ground. Towards mid-spring, when the buds swell and the shoots grow up to 5 cm, thinning is required. 3-4 of the most powerful shoots are left on the bushes, removing all old, small and broken ones. Otherwise, they will absorb forces from the plants, which will lead to stunted growth and flowering. Additionally, it is recommended to cut off woody shoots every 5 years for the active development of fresh growth.


Claire Austin roses need to be fed at least three times during the warm period. Plants need the following fertilizers:

  • nitrogen-containing substances before flowering;
  • organic and complex microelements before buds open;
  • phosphorus-potassium fertilizers on the eve of the first frost.

As a rule, fertilizing begins in the first summer after planting roses. But if humus or organic matter was added to the hole when planting, then fertilizers are used from the second year of growth.

beaker of fertilizer

Features of wintering a flower

In cold climates, the Claire Austin rose freezes in winter, so it is important to properly prepare the plant for the cold. Preparations begin in early October by hilling the bushes. Then the plantings are tilted closer to the ground by laying wooden boards or foam plastic under them. After waiting for the first frost, all available buds and leaves are cut off from the shoots to reduce the risk of fungal diseases. The prepared shoots are covered with spruce branches and dense non-woven material.

Diseases, pests

Characteristic diseases for the Claire Austin variety are black spot and powdery mildew. You can get rid of diseases with the help of specialized fungicidal preparations or by spraying the bushes with a soap solution. For better results, you can combine these products.

appearance of cobwebs

The most dangerous pest is the spider mite, which settles on the leaves and forms a web. Affected leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. As measures to combat the parasite, fallen leaves are collected and burned, and the bushes are sprayed with contact and systemic insecticides. Treatment is carried out three times with an interval of 5-7 days.

Rose blossom

Flowering of plants occurs in two stages. The first time flowering begins in mid-June, the second - in August and until mid-September. For more intense flowering, use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.

roses from flowers


To preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant, the Claire Austin variety is propagated only vegetatively. The easiest way to propagate plantings yourself is by cuttings. For this purpose, cuttings are taken from overgrown and strengthened bushes after the first wave of flowering, after which they begin to germinate in the ground, covered with film.

Use in landscape design

Rose Claire Austin can be used as individual plants or as part of a composition when decorating a garden plot. It is also possible to place the plant on a vertical support and grow it like a climbing rose.
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