To grow lush tuberose bushes, you must follow the rules of planting and care in the open ground. The perennial plant is characterized by beautiful multi-colored inflorescences with a pleasant, persistent aroma. All varieties differ in flowering time, growth characteristics, shape and color. Cultivation is carried out in several ways. Maintenance is simple and involves timely watering, fertilizing, pruning and a number of other activities.
- Description and features
- Kinds
- broadleaf
- tuberous
- Popular varieties
- The Pearl
- Pearl
- Shringar
- Sensation
- Pink sapphire
- Yellow chrysalis
- Hindi or decoration
- Growing methods
- Ordinary
- Germination using moss or peat
- Using gladioli technology
- Container
- Care
- Watering
- Top dressing
- Winter storage
- Trimming
- Transplantation and propagation
- Recommendations and care features
- Diseases and pests
- Use in landscape design
Description and features
Tuberose, also known as polyanthes, is a perennial plant of the Asparagus family. This decorative bush will decorate any flower bed.
And the pleasant notes of the inflorescences will spread over large areas:
- The root part is represented by oblong-oval bulbs with a diameter of up to 62 mm. On top they are covered with a brown shell with scales. The lower part of the root system is distinguished by long, thread-like branches of a light color.
- The growth of shoots and leaves occurs gradually. In the first season after planting, inflorescences rarely form. After the end of the flowering period, the old tuber dies off, and several young children appear in its place.
- The stem is dense, erect, stretches up to 46 cm.
- The leaves are located only at the bottom of the stem. They have an oblong shape and are dark green in color. The leaves grow up to 42 cm in length and 20 mm in width. The upper part of the stem is bare.
- The buds begin to bloom in early July and last until mid-autumn.
- A spike-shaped inflorescence is formed on the upper part of the stem. At this time, the height of the bush is 102 cm. Unopened buds are pink. The buds are located on slightly hanging stalks.
- Each flower takes three days to bloom. Each stem contains up to 30 large flowers with a pleasant, sweetish aroma. The flowers are predominantly snow-white, pink or purple. The dense petals seem to be made of wax.
- Flowers are arranged either singly or in pairs. The buds on the bottom row bloom first.
- After flowering, a ripe fruit remains in the form of a small flat-round capsule with seeds.
The petals of the inflorescences are used to create unusual perfume compositions and special cosmetic oils.
More than 10 species of polyanthes are found in nature, but only two of them are used in gardening.
The variety belongs to the perennial group of plants. The flower bulbs grow in the form of a cone up to 6 cm long and 3.5 cm in diameter. The stem is powerful, straight, up to one meter high. The root zone of the stem is densely covered with wide leaves of bright green color. The inflorescences are formed in the form of a spike. The flowers are large, up to 46 mm in diameter, snow-white in color with a weak, delicate odor.
All varieties of this variety of tuberose stretch up to 97 cm. The flower variety is propagated by large bulbs. They sprout leaves up to 48 cm high, similar to the leaves of cereal crops. The stem is erect and strong. The flowers are arranged in pairs, forming a spike. The inflorescence contains up to 28 snow-white, tubular flowers with a strong sweetish aroma.
Popular varieties
All varieties of tuberose are distinguished by beautiful and unusual flowering with a pleasant, delicate aroma.
The Pearl
The variety is characterized by semi-double milky funnel-shaped inflorescences. Flowering coincides with the last days of June. The height of the bush reaches 86 cm.
The plant forms a bush 46 cm high. Up to 32 double flowers with a diameter of up to 56 mm are formed in one inflorescence.
Attractive buds with a pinkish tint are formed on a strong, strong stem.
A distinctive feature is that the bush consists of a large number of small inflorescences of a lilac-pink hue.
Pink sapphire
The plant is distinguished by large, dense inflorescences of a dark purple color. This variety is used for cultivation for industrial purposes.
Yellow chrysalis
The decorative variety differs from other varieties of tuberose by its bright large yellow inflorescences.
Hindi or decoration
Flowers of this variety are grown for industrial purposes. The buds begin to open in July. The flowers are pinkish in color.
Growing methods
Most often, tuberose is not immediately planted in an open area, since it does not tolerate cold weather well. It is better to germinate the tubers first.
Before planting flower tubers in an open area, they should be properly prepared:
- Most gardeners pre-heat the bulbs. For this purpose, planting material is laid out on a damp fabric surface. The room should be warm. After the first roots appear, planting begins.
- It is also recommended to soak the bulbs in a solution that stimulates growth before planting. They use drugs such as Zircon or Kornevin.
- It is useful to treat planting material with Fitosporin or Biostim. These drugs will help increase resistance to diseases and pests.
In order for flower bushes to delight with lush blooms, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:
- for planting, it is better to choose a sunny area with light shade at lunchtime, always protected from drafts;
- the flower develops well in nutritious, loose soil with good aeration and neutral acidity;
- tubers are planted in late April, when the soil warms up to +11 degrees;
- in the selected area, make indentations up to 3.5 cm at a distance of 16 cm.
Germination using moss or peat
Prepared tubers are placed in peat or moss and moved to a warm, dark place.Watering is carried out periodically. As soon as the roots appear, the tubers are planted in containers with prepared soil.
Using gladioli technology
Growing using gladioli technology is popular. In the fall, before the onset of frost, the tubers are dug up, washed and disinfected. Then the planting material should be thoroughly dried. It should be stored at a temperature of +12 degrees, sprinkled with sawdust or sand.
Growing flowers in containers allows you to enjoy blooms much earlier. Tubers are planted in containers already in early February and covered with a small layer of soil. Store until roots appear in a dark and warm place.
In March, the first roots should appear, and the container is moved to the light. In the future, you should water the plantings regularly. When warm weather sets in, the container is taken outside, choosing a shaded place. After 12 days, it is permissible to leave the container in the sun.
In the fall, before the onset of frost, the container is brought home again and put away in a dark, cool place.
Since polyanthes loves warmth, it is not easy to grow. The flower has special requirements for air temperature and light. Useful recommendations will help you properly care for tuberose.
Establish regular moderate watering. On dry days, water once every two days with warm, settled water. The procedure is carried out in the morning. Irrigation is not carried out in rainy weather.
Top dressing
To keep the flowers lush and bright, several feedings are carried out throughout the season. The plant responds well to both mineral and organic compounds.
The first application of nutritional components is carried out before the buds appear, then during the active opening of the buds.The last time the nutrients are added is after the bush has flowered.
Winter storage
Bulbs begin to be dug up after the plant has flowered and formed a seed pod. The dates coincide with the second half of autumn. The procedure is carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots.
To maintain the germination of planting material, you need to follow some rules:
- the dug tubers are washed;
- disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate;
- lay out on the surface and leave until completely dry.
Seed material should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +14 degrees until spring. It is best to immerse the tubers in sand or sawdust.
Tuberose pruning is carried out in two cases:
- When a flower bush was not properly cared for, and as a result the stem became very elongated. There is a high probability that the plant will die as soon as the buds begin to bloom. In this case, you need to cut off all the leaves. Stop watering the plant and applying fertilizers. The bulbs are dug up and sent to a dark room.
- As soon as the bushes fade, the yellow, drooping foliage is cut off completely. This is done to ensure that all nutritional components are directed to the growth and development of the bulb.
During the growth process, faded leaves, damaged shoots and broken inflorescences should be periodically cut off from flower bushes.
Despite the fact that tuberose stems are strong, it is recommended to tie them to a support. Strong winds can easily damage the long stem of the plant.
Transplantation and propagation
Polyanthes does not respond well to frequent transplants. You cannot start the procedure at the beginning of the growing season.In April, it is permissible to replant tubers only if the location has not been changed over the past year. If green sprouts appear, then replanting cannot be carried out.
Reproduction of tuberose in most cases occurs by bulbs. The plant in good conditions is capable of forming up to 10 bulbs. Already in July it is permissible to separate the children from the main tuber. Tubers with a diameter of 26 mm or more are suitable for transplantation.
Propagation by seeds is suitable only for regions with warm climates. The cultivation procedure is accompanied by difficulties.
It is necessary to create optimal conditions for the first roots to appear.
Recommendations and care features
When caring for a heat-loving plant, you need to consider some points:
- The flower needs good lighting; inflorescences will not appear in the shade. On hot afternoons, it is better to create shade for the flowerbed.
- The air temperature should not fall below +21 degrees. If the weather is cold, growth stops and flowering does not occur.
- The plant loves high humidity (68-75%). Therefore, the bushes should be sprayed with water periodically.
- The planting area should be dug up in advance and sandy drainage should be made, since the plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture.
Diseases and pests
Care involves carrying out preventive treatment against infection by various infections and attacks by pests. Gardeners must know the first signs of a problem and be able to deal with it in a timely manner.
Tuberose pests cause the spread of infections and plant death:
- Often, plant bulbs are damaged by onion root mites. Gradually, the tubers begin to rot, the leaves turn yellow, dry out, become deformed and become covered with a whitish coating.
- The mole cricket also spoils the growth of the flower.It eats the roots and gnaws the stems and leaves of the plant. The leaves begin to turn yellow and flower growth slows down.
- Young shoots of tuberose are damaged by aphids. The insect sucks the juices from the plant, as a result it dries out and dies. The leaves curl and dark sticky marks appear on them. The buds that manage to open have small, pale flowers.
Among tuberose diseases, the most common are the following:
- As a result of gray or white rot, the bush begins to darken, dry out and rot. The stem is covered with a grayish coating. Brown spots are observed on the leaves. The buds become small, soft, quickly wither and fall off. Drugs such as Teldor and Horus will help in the fight against the disease.
- Penicillosis is accompanied by the appearance of brown spots on any part of the plant. Over time, the spots become covered with a greenish coating, and the plant completely rots. The fungus spreads in cool, rainy weather. Chemical preparations will help to cope with the disease: “Maxim”, “Fundazol”, Bordeaux mixture.
Use in landscape design
Flowers are used to decorate holiday bouquets and decorate homes and offices.
Tuberose makes a great addition to any flower bed. The combination with gladioli is especially successful. Caring for these varieties of flowers is the same. Tuberoses look beautiful in combination with small flowers.