Nitrogen and phosphorus are the main nutrients for all plants, so many fertilizers contain them in a certain ratio. Let's consider the composition and form of release of monoammonium phosphate, where it is used, how and in what soils it should be used, and the consumption rate. How to work with it according to safety precautions, is it compatible with other agricultural products, how to store analogue fertilizers.
Composition and release form of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer
Monoammonium phosphate is available in the form of a white crystalline powder in 25 kg bags. The share of nitrogen in ammonium form is 12%, phosphorus – 61%. In MAF, nitrogen is in ammonium form, phosphorus is mainly in the form of diammonium phosphate. Among solid fertilizers, monoammonium phosphate has the highest phosphorus content. The dry powder has a water content of no more than 0.3%, and an insoluble residue no more than 0.1%. The acidity of the aqueous solution is pH 4.5.
It is completely soluble in water, easily absorbed by plants, and has a lower acidity value than urea phosphate. Phosphorus stimulates root growth, so it is advisable to feed young plants with monoammonium phosphate. Phosphorus absorption is improved by reducing soil acidity with ammonium nitrogen.
If you use monoammonium phosphate in tank mixtures with other fertilizers, it can fully provide plants with adequate nutrition throughout the season. Can be used in drip irrigation systems, for leaf feeding (in solution), for the production of mixtures and suspensions.
Where is monoammonium phosphate used?
In agriculture, you can fertilize any crops: vegetables, flowers, garden trees and bushes, berries and ornamentals. This is an effective, high-quality and environmentally friendly fertilizer that can be used on large and small farm plots and fields of agricultural enterprises.
Growing products using monoammonium phosphate becomes profitable from an economic point of view due to reduced costs for fertilizers, protective agents, and other agrochemicals. The reason is the improvement in the condition of plants after fertilizing with monoammonium phosphate, its positive effect on their normal development and growth, the ability to resist diseases and pests, improving the quality of fruits and increasing the volume of the harvest.
The fertilizer is non-toxic for plants and does not damage seedlings, so it can be placed with germinating seeds, and they are not in danger of being damaged by ammonia. The solution is also used together with irrigation in fields; you can water peat substrates with it if nitrification in them is slow.
Consumption rate and application
When applying monoammonium phosphate periodically, plants should be watered every 1.5-2 weeks with a solution in a dosage of 20 g per 10 liters for vegetables and flowers, 15 g per 10 liters for ornamental and berry bushes and for fruit trees. Consumption per hectare: 3-5 kg for potatoes and vegetables, 8-10 kg for fruit trees and vineyards.
Dosage of monoammonium phosphate for foliar feeding: 1%, that is, 1 kg per 100 liters of water, number of sprays – 1-3. It can also be applied in dry form, superficially or subsoil (with incorporation during plowing).
Use in different soils
Monoammonium phosphate can be used on all types of soils, but the application has its own characteristics. The fertilizer itself has a slightly acidic reaction, so it is recommended to use it on neutral and alkaline soils.
On chernozem soils, fertilizer is used as the main fertilizer for grains, root crops, potatoes, and crops that do not like chlorine.
Carbonate chernozems
On such soils, monoammonium phosphate is considered more effective compared to complex fertilizers that contain nitrogen in nitrate form.
Chestnut soils
It is recommended to use this fertilizer in irrigation systems.
Saline soils
Shows good results on soils of this type, especially in irrigation systems. It is advisable to use it for vegetables and industrial crops.
Safety precautions
When working with monoammonium phosphate fertilizer, you need to wear a respirator or mask, plastic goggles with side protection, ammonia vapor can be very irritating to the skin and eyes. Do not remove until work is completed. If liquid gets into your eyes or skin, immediately wash off the solution with plenty of water.
In case of poisoning due to ingestion, rinse: drink 1 liter of water and medicinal charcoal tablets after 15 minutes. induce vomiting. If your condition does not improve or if it worsens, you should consult a doctor.
Do not mix a concentrated solution of monoammonium phosphate fertilizer in the same solution with preparations containing calcium and magnesium salts. In other cases, you need to check the joint effect by mixing the components in a small volume in a separate container. If a chemical reaction does not take place, you can prepare a common solution. If there is a noticeable change in temperature, color, or consistency of the liquid, you should select another component.
Storage and analogues
It is afraid of dampness, so it should be stored in factory-made polyethylene bags in a dry, ventilated room, away from moisture and direct sunlight. Do not store outside. Bags must be tightly closed and not damaged. Monoammonium phosphate is a fire- and explosion-proof mixture. Due to the addition of conditioning additives, it does not cake.
You can put other fertilizers and pesticides next to it. Do not store food, medicines, household products, or livestock feed. Do not allow children or animals to come into contact with the fertilizer or its solution.Guaranteed shelf life from the manufacturer is 6 months. The fertilizer is stored for so long without losing its properties; if conservation rules are violated, it loses its effectiveness earlier. When wet or absorbed moisture, it dissolves and then hardens.
You can replace monoammonium phosphate for feeding plants with fertilizers: “Ammophos”, “Suprephos”, “Nitroammophos”, “Valagro MICRO NP”, “Diammonium phosphate”, “Grosdorf ZHKU 8:24:0”, “Yara Krista MAP”, “Baltic-Terra” nitrogen-phosphorus" brand 16:20 and others.
Monoammonium phosphate is an effective nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer for agricultural enterprises, a powder containing nitrogen and a high percentage of phosphorus. It does not contain chlorine, heavy metals, sodium, or other impurities. Plants fed with this fertilizer absorb elements quickly, which improves their growth and development. Uniform application can be achieved by fertilizing crops through drip irrigation systems or by spraying the solution on the leaf. This is a fast-acting, environmentally friendly and high-quality nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer that can be used for fruits, vegetables, shrubs, flowers, grains on all types of soils. Thanks to the use of this fertilizer, growing crops becomes more profitable and production costs are reduced.