Dill Hercules is characterized by an abundance of green mass, which sets it apart from other varieties. Ideal for growing for sale, which is why it has earned high popularity among summer residents.
Description of the variety
Hercules is a mid-season variety. Full ripening occurs in 40–45 days, flowering of the crop begins 70 days after planting. The rosette of leaves is spreading and erect. Greens are characterized by a strong aroma due to the high content of essential oils. The leaves are green with a slightly waxy coating. Sowing is done several times a season. Dill is used in fresh and dried form.Can be grown in film shelters and open ground.
Since the root system of the variety can reach 50 cm, in order to obtain a good yield, it is important to select a sufficient thickness of the fertile layer. The variety also loves moisture, so the soil should absorb it well. Before planting, the soil is fertilized with humus or urea.
The ideal time for sowing in open ground is late April - early May. It is better to plant multiple times at intervals of 10–20 days. Seeds are planted in furrows at a distance of 3–4 cm. It is important that the rows are 20 centimeters apart from each other. A denser planting will cause side shoots. Before the seeds hatch, it is better to cover the planting site with film.
The first shoots appear on average after a week and a half. Immediately after germination, seedlings should be thinned out until the distance between plants is 15–20 cm.
To grow seedlings, seeds are planted in special boxes. After a month they are transplanted into open ground.
After cutting, greenery does not form again. Therefore, repeated planting is recommended.
Features of care
Caring for the Hercules variety consists of weeding and watering. If possible, you can purchase a phytolamp. With its help, dill grows twice as fast.
Note! Dill is a moisture-loving plant, so watering should be done regularly.
The plant must be watered at least once a week, per 1 square meter. m of soil requires 5 liters of water.
It is important to monitor the appearance of weeds and remove them immediately until the plants have 3-4 leaves. After this, the growth of dill is more intense, and the weeds can no longer fully prevent this.
During the growing season, the crop does not need to be fed with anything; the use of pesticides on greens is not allowed. In all other respects, the approach is classic - mandatory watering, weeding, loosening.
Advantages and disadvantages
The seeds of the variety are quite resistant to frost; even if the weather is unfavorable, gardeners can count on a good harvest. The abundance of green mass makes the Hercules variety the best option for growing for sale, this is confirmed by numerous reviews from summer residents. In addition, the benefits of culture include:
- Cultural endurance. Even with improper care, dill grows spontaneously.
- Minimal risks. Hercules is profitable to grow for sale because it is resistant to diseases and pests.
- Productivity. The culture is characterized by an abundance of greenery.
The disadvantage is the short shelf life when fresh.
It is also necessary to remember that the use of dill is contraindicated in some cases. In particular, for people with intolerance to essential oils and those with low blood pressure.
Pests and diseases
Hercules is slightly susceptible to pests. But in some cases it can be affected by diseases, most often harmful fungi. Such diseases include:
- powdery mildew - a whitish, cobweb-like coating;
- peronosporosis - in external manifestations a disease similar to powdery mildew;
- phomosis - dark, elongated spots on leaves, stems and even roots;
- black leg - the root collar of the seedlings is affected (softens, darkens and dies).
Collection and storage
Harvesting occurs 45 days after sowing. A few hours before harvesting, it is recommended to spray the crop with water.Then the dill stems are cut with scissors so that the height from the ground remains within two centimeters.
For fresh storage, finely chopped greens are placed in cellophane and stored at a temperature of 0 to -4 degrees for no more than 10 days. If the temperature is higher than specified, the greens will begin to deteriorate.
For freezing, chopped greens are packaged in bags and placed in the freezer. In this way, dill can be stored for up to 5 months.
Drying dill - the most labor-intensive process. Initially, large umbrellas are cut, then smaller ones are cut as they mature. The harvested crop is well sorted, the roots are cut off, after which the greens are washed in cold running water. After the stems have dried, they must be cut into pieces of 5–10 cm, then laid out on paper in the open air. At the same time, they must be turned over periodically and not exposed to direct sunlight.
Next, the stems and leaves are collected into bunches, tied and hung to dry. This process takes 3–4 days. Then they are crushed and packaged in a glass container. The relative humidity in the room where dried dill is stored should be between 40–50%.