How to properly grow and care for dill in a greenhouse in winter

In certain regions it is impossible to grow some crops in open ground, so summer residents install greenhouses on the plots. Then they plant everything the family needs in them. It is not difficult to grow dill in a greenhouse; in order for everything to work out, you must follow the agrotechnical rules for planting and caring for plants.

Features of growing dill in a greenhouse

It is not difficult to grow greens in a greenhouse in winter; you just need to select varieties that are resistant to weather conditions.In winter, there is an acute lack of heat and light. Dill grows well in a greenhouse; you just need to take care of equipping the room with light.

dill in the greenhouse

Various varieties of the crop tolerate harsh winter conditions well. It is necessary to choose bush species; they give more greenery and do not release the arrow too early.

In order to provide themselves with greens for the whole year, summer residents plant dill in a greenhouse in the fall. And then they sow it some more. This is done so that the greenery grows constantly. Seeds are sown 2 times a month. Depends on the amount of greens consumed by a particular family.

If the plant turns white, this is a sure sign that it is missing something. It is necessary to feed with mineral fertilizers. Add humus to the soil before planting.

consumed greens

Which variety to choose

The harvest depends on the correct choice. Modern selection provides summer residents with a large selection of plant varieties for producing greenery. The selection begins with the main characteristics of dill:

  • cold resistance;
  • productivity;
  • exposure to disease;
  • how much time dill growing bush, without releasing the color;
  • care requirements.

And many other properties of the crop that become fundamental when choosing a variety.

select variety

Recommended types of crops for greenhouses:

  • Aurora;
  • Diamond;
  • Amazon;
  • Umbrella;
  • Anchor;
  • Further;
  • Grenadier;
  • Frost;
  • Carousel;
  • Kibray;
  • Kutuzovsky;
  • Sevastopol.

Having become familiar with their characteristics, the summer resident can only decide which variety is right for him. In addition to resistance to light deficiency, these varieties do not bloom for a long time and produce a rich harvest.

greenhouse crops

Soil preparation

Dill is an unpretentious crop that does not have special requirements for the composition of the soil in which it grows. A soil that is moderately fertile and absorbs water well is more suitable.Since the plant has long roots, the thickness of the fertile layer is at least 0.5 m.

Humus provides the necessary microelements that greenery needs for growth and development. The calculation is made as follows: at 1m2 of the greenhouse area contribute 2-3 kg. Instead of humus, sand, peat, vermicompost and other substances are used that can increase the water and air permeability of the soil.

How to properly grow and care for dill in a greenhouse in winter

Together with humus, use 15-20 g of urea, 20-30 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium salt per 1 m2.

Before planting, the bed is watered and loosened. Make grooves at a distance of 15-20 cm.

make grooves

Features of sowing

Dill is grown in furrows, lines, or whatever is convenient. Planting depth is 1.5-2 cm, planting is carried out every 10-15 days. In order for fresh greens to be ready for consumption no later than the previous one is gone.

Before sowing dill planting material, it should be soaked in water for 2 days. Change the water every 8 hours, as essential oils are better eliminated in clean water.

The seeds are laid out in grooves and sprinkled with soil on top. Lightly moisten with water.

sowing features

Some gardeners prefer to plant seeds in a different way. The planting material is poured out and leveled using a rake. After emergence of seedlings, thinning is necessary.

The plucked plants are not thrown away, but are replanted to produce even more greenery.

another way

Caring for greenhouse dill

It is necessary to care for the plant in the same way as in open ground. Fulfilling simple requirements will help you grow a rich harvest. Summer residents who decide to plant dill in a greenhouse should remember that breeders are developing new varieties that are resistant to diseases and non-standard growing conditions. Therefore, sometimes it is enough to choose the right types of crops, and the harvest will definitely please you.


Dill is cold-resistant, but loves warmth. The temperature in the greenhouse should be at least +15...+18 ⁰С, drafts should not be allowed. Optimal temperature will help the plant develop correctly and proportionately.

greenhouse dill

Light mode

Dill needs lighting so that the stems do not stretch, but develop normally. Approximate time is 12 hours; in winter, when there is a lack of natural light, greenhouses are equipped with phytolamps. The lower shelves are especially carefully illuminated.

light mode


Dill requires constant soil moisture, but there is no need to flood it. Immediately after sowing, the paths are watered with a sprayer. This way there is a greater chance that the seeds will not be washed away.

After the dill has risen, watering is carried out once every 5-7 days, after the soil has partially dried. It is advisable to use warm water.

drying out the soil


It is necessary to feed as it grows. But they begin even at sowing, adding humus, urea and other mineral fertilizers to the soil.

1-2 times during the growing season they are fed with the following composition:

  • 20-25 g urea;
  • 15-20 g of potassium salt;
  • 10 liters of water.

growing season

After watering with the solution, it is necessary to moisten the root with warm water.

If the color of the greenery changes to yellow-green, you should fertilize it with fertilizers containing nitrogen. Approximate composition: 15-20 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

If the color of the greens is deep green, you should not get carried away with fertilizing. Dill accumulates nitrates in the green mass.

How to properly grow and care for dill in a greenhouse in winter


When the plants are 10 cm in height, they begin to thin out. Strong specimens are pulled out, dried or transplanted to a new location. Meanwhile, the oppressed shoots gain strength and begin to grow normally.Or every second sprout is removed to ensure freedom of development for the remaining ones.


Removing weeds is necessary in the initial stages, until the dill begins to grow intensively. Weeds pull a lot of nutrients from the soil, which does not allow greenery to develop normally. Their timely removal will help the plant to grow fully and produce a good harvest.

initial stages


Supplying the root system of greenery with oxygen is achieved through loosening. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots of the plants. This will also help retain moisture in the soil.

 root system


By following agricultural cultivation techniques, disease outbreaks are avoided. But despite this, dill is affected:

  • powdery mildew;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • black leg.

To prevent diseases from progressing, it is necessary to maintain a certain greenhouse temperature and humidity. The optimal temperature for active growth and development of dill is +17 ⁰С, humidity is not less than 55%. With moderate watering and daily ventilation, the plants practically do not get sick.

disease outbreaks


Insects harm both the green mass and the root system of dill. The underground part of plants suffers from attacks:

  • mole crickets;
  • caterpillars;
  • May beetle larvae;
  • wireworm.

root system

The above-ground part of dill suffers from:

  • bedbugs;
  • cicadas;
  • ticks;
  • thrips.

Compliance with crop rotation, compliance with agrotechnical requirements, or the most extreme option, treating plants with chemicals will help save plants from death. Poisons should be used only when the crop is grown to obtain planting material.

aboveground part


Numerous criteria for choosing a variety by summer residents are different, but there is one important property that every vegetable grower takes into account. We are talking about yield per 1 m2.

If all requirements for caring for dill are met, the finished harvest should be 2.5 kg per 1 m2. This figure varies depending on the variety and growing conditions.

The first leaves are cut off early, a few weeks after planting. They also collect the greens that remain after thinning.

In order to get high-quality dill, it is recommended to cut off the leaves at the root and not allow the shoot to be thrown away. A plant that throws its energy into seeds ceases to form green mass.

first leaves

Before you start cutting the leaves, you need to spray them with water. Then prune, leaving the roots in the ground. So there is a chance that the greenery will grow again, you just need to water it generously.

Fresh herbs are used to improve the taste of the finished dish. It is added fresh or dried.

It is better to dry dill in a well-ventilated, shaded place. This is how the plant retains its beneficial substances and smell.

cut off the leaves

For those who use dill for pickling, it is better to wait for the crop to bloom. But have time to cut before the seeds form.

Growing dill in a greenhouse is relevant today. Summer residents harvest from their plots in the summer, but in winter they want to have fresh vegetables and aromatic herbs on the table. This is not difficult to do. You just need to acquire a suitable greenhouse, purchase a good variety and fulfill the requirements for planting and care. Compliance with all standards will allow you to get a dill harvest in the winter months.

cut off the leaves
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