Appearance and characteristics of Carolina ducks, where the breed lives and its diet

Carolina ducks are birds of the Anatidae family. Their distinctive feature is their bright feathers. These birds are the closest relatives of Asian mandarin ducks. Under natural conditions, birds live in North America. At the same time, birds are often bred in European parks, from which they often end up in the wild. The basis of the diet of individuals is considered to be plant and animal feed.

Where do they live?

These birds originally lived in North America. Subsequently, they became widespread in Europe. There the birds were kept in city parks.From there, they gradually began to fall into the wild and gradually assimilated there. Today these birds are found in different countries - France, England, Germany. At home, they live near bodies of water - small lakes, slow rivers or swamps. Carolinians willingly settle near low lakes that flood trees.


Carolina ducks live in more than just water. They also mastered the land. Representatives of this breed prefer closed areas. Birds often choose places with hanging tree branches. They hide birds from predators and provide a reliable shelter.

Ducks have wide claws on their feet. Thanks to this, they easily cling to tree bark. Birds usually feed in shallow water, floundering on the surface. At the same time, birds do not like to dive.

In winter, ducks form large flocks of up to 1000 individuals. They often migrate from freshwater bodies of water to mixed waters. This helps in finding food. At the same time, it is impossible to meet Carolinians in open areas or on the sea coast. Birds prefer to avoid such areas. The way of life of birds is closely connected with the forest. Therefore, they learned to fly beautifully, masterfully skirting trees. Birds can also swim well. When danger appears, they can dive.

Carolina duck

Appearance and characteristics

The Carolina is considered one of the most beautiful and colorful birds in the world. The length of its body is approximately 50 centimeters, and its wingspan is 70. The birds weigh from 480 to 780 grams. Moreover, males are larger than females.

A distinctive feature of birds is their coloring. They are characterized by a black head, which has a greenish or purple tint.It is decorated with long white stripes. The red beak, on which there is a white spot, contrasts with the shade of the head. The beak is characterized by a yellow base and a black tip. The bird also has red eyelids and eyes.

Feathers include several areas:

  • brown breast covered with white spots;
  • lemon sides and light brown body;
  • white belly

In this case, the color of the outer part of the wings and back matches the head. Additional shades are characteristic of secondary parts of the body. The chest is separated from the remaining body by 2 stripes - white and black. The long crest is also worth mentioning. It goes down from the head to the back of the neck.

This description is most closely matched by a male. At the same time, the female is characterized by a less spectacular color. Young birds, regardless of gender, look like an adult female. If the male becomes more variegated, this indicates the onset of puberty.

In appearance, the Carolina duck is similar to the mandarin duck, which lives in Asia; these birds are considered close relatives.


Birds are typically active during the day. They eat the following categories of foods:

  1. Plants - water lilies, duckweed, nuts, seeds. Ducks also eat mulberries or grapes. They can eat small acorns. When food is scarce, birds eat field crops. These include millet, soybeans, corn and oats.
  2. Animals - ducks eat spiders, fish fry and various insects. Carolines can eat dragonflies, ants, and grasshoppers.

Carolina duck

Features of reproduction

Already at the 2nd year of life, birds are able to reproduce. They are considered monogamous, but pairs are mainly created for one season.In the spring - in March and April - ducks are actively searching for secluded places in which to build a nest. Before the start of the breeding season, ducks engage in long mating games.

During these periods, individuals take characteristic positions on the water. At the same time, the male pretends that he is drinking and cleaning his feathers, turns the back of his head towards the female, and raises his crest.

The initiator of mating games is the female, and not the male, as is customary in other birds. Ducks use hollows or artificially made nests for their nests. They are placed 9 meters from the surface of the earth and not far from bodies of water. Sometimes Carolina birds use hollows left by other birds. The female is responsible for choosing a nest for birds.

The bird sprinkles the eggs with wood dust and plant debris. She uses her down as an additional insulating layer. In addition to protection from the effects of cold weather, such a shelter protects the masonry from predatory animals. Caroline lay 12-15 eggs and incubate them for a month. The male stays with the female for 3 weeks. After that he flies away. During this period, drakes molt. In the remaining days, the duck briefly flies out of the nest in the morning or evening in search of food.

A day after birth, the chicks climb onto a branch to jump to the ground. Their mother is waiting for them downstairs. When the ducklings hit the ground, they go to the water. At this time, the mother teaches them to find food and in the first weeks provides reliable protection from enemies. After some time, the mother flies off to molt. Birds begin to fly at 2 months.

Subtleties of captivity

Carolina ducks have been bred in captivity for quite some time. In optimal conditions, birds can live up to 30 years.To do this, they need an aviary with an area of ​​at least 3 square meters for 1-2 birds. Stainless steel is used as the material for the frame. In this case, you should place regular sand about 20 centimeters thick on the floor. A prerequisite for birds is the presence of a body of water. It must be at least 70 centimeters in diameter.

In order for birds to nest and reproduce, a box must be placed in the aviary. It serves as a replacement for a regular duck nest. In appearance, the structure looks like a birdhouse. It is placed at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor.

Birds have a hard time withstanding hot weather. At high temperatures, their plumage falls out and becomes dull. In winter, pets live in a dry and warm room - a barn is perfect for this.

keeping ducklings

What to feed and how to breed at home

Carolinians primarily eat plant foods. They can also eat insects. The diet is based on the following products:

  • seeds;
  • cereals;
  • aquatic crops;
  • legumes;
  • corn;
  • invertebrate insects;
  • oats;
  • plant buds.

Raising Carolina ducks is not difficult. It is important that the female has a cozy nest. At this time, she needs a sufficient amount of protein and calcium. A poultry clutch contains a maximum of 12 eggs. In this case, ducklings are hatched from almost all of them.


The advantages of Carolinas include the following:

  • spectacular appearance;
  • strong immunity;
  • large masonry;
  • high survival rates of chicks;
  • ability to adapt to different climates.

Carolina ducks are distinguished by their bright plumage, and therefore look very impressive. Most birds live in the wild, but they can also be bred in captivity.
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