3 simple recipes for making persimmon wine at home

Many people love persimmon for its astringent taste, pronounced orange color, and fragrant aroma. The fruit is high in sugar, proteins, and vitamins. The fruits are rich in iodine, magnesium, and potassium. Sweet, slightly tart, aromatic wine made from orange persimmon will appeal to many gourmets. An amber-colored alcoholic drink will decorate any holiday table.

Subtleties of cooking

If all preparation conditions are met, the wine has an amber color, a fruity aroma, and excellent taste with hints of honey.

You can get a quality drink by observing the following rules:

  1. Ripe persimmons are used for production. It is necessary to choose fruits with moderate astringency - this will improve the taste of the wine.
  2. First, the fruits are sorted and rotten, cracked, damaged specimens are eliminated. If the damaged area is small, it must be cut out.
  3. Mold and pathogenic microorganisms often grow in wort. Infection can be prevented by sterilizing instruments and containers with boiling water.
  4. It is strictly not recommended to use fruits that have fallen from the tree - they form acetic acid, which accelerates fermentation and worsens the taste of the product.
  5. Wine is made immediately after the harvest. On the second day after picking from the tree, the fruit begins to ferment. If it is not possible to immediately prepare the drink, put the persimmons in the refrigerator or freezer.
  6. Thorough washing of the fruit helps remove white plaque - it spoils the taste of the drink.

Washing is carried out under running water - this will prevent the loss of aromatic and sugar substances from the fruit. At the last preparatory stage, the seeds and stalks are removed from the persimmon. If this is not done, the wine will taste bitter.

drink on the table

How to make persimmon wine at home

Preparing fruits involves washing, peeling, and slicing them. It is necessary to sterilize working tools and containers in advance by dousing them with boiling water. Below you will find current recipes that allow you to prepare high-quality, tasty wine.

A simple recipe based on sourdough

To prepare the starter, you need to chop the unwashed raisins.In a 0.5-1 liter saucepan, mix raisins, sugar (2 tbsp.), water (500 ml). The mass is left for 4-5 days in a warm place to speed up fermentation.

To prepare wine you need to stock up on:

  • persimmon 2 kg;
  • sugar 2.5 kg;
  • sourdough 0.5 l;
  • nutmeg 2 pcs.;
  • water 9 l;
  • citric acid 50 g.

bottled liquid

Step-by-step preparation:

  • Fruits are washed, cut into slices, seeds removed, filled with water heated to 40 OC. Place the pan in a warm place for 5-6 days.
  • The persimmons are squeezed out, mixed with sugar, citric acid, spices, sourdough, and left to ferment.
  • After the fermentation process is complete, the drink must be filtered. Caramelized sugar is used to color the wine.

The product is infused in a cool place for 2-4 months to improve the taste and aroma.

big glove

Based on natural fermentation

Making wine is impossible without:

  • persimmons 3 kg;
  • sugar 700 g;
  • water 2.5 l;
  • citric acid 5 g per 1 liter of wort;
  • wine yeast per 6 liters of wort.

Cooking technology:

  • The washed persimmons are cleaned, cut into small pieces, placed in a blender bowl, and crushed to a puree.
  • The mass is transferred to a plastic bowl. Next, mix sugar (350 g) with cold water and pour it into the fruit mixture.
  • The pulp is mixed with wine yeast, covered with a waffle towel, and taken to a place where the sun's rays do not reach.
  • After 3 days, fermentation will begin, at which time the mixture is stirred. Then the wort is filtered through a piece of gauze and poured into bottles.
  • The liquid is mixed with sugar (150 g), citric acid. Next, you need to take care of installing a water seal and take the wine to a dark area for 1-2 months.
  • 7 days after the start of fermentation, pour the remaining sugar (150 g) into the liquid, close the container tightly, and leave.

On the 3rd month, the drink is poured into a clean bottle through a silicone tube. The remaining grounds are drained and thrown away. Over the next 2 months, the wine is tasted, mixed with sugar and alcohol. The drink matures within six months and is stored in a cellar or refrigerator until ready.

fermentation in a container

With an accent of nutmeg

The flavor palette of the wine is revealed when persimmon is combined with other ingredients, in particular spices.

To create an alcoholic drink you will need the following components:

  • persimmon 2 kg;
  • citric acid 50 g;
  • nutmeg 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar 2.5 kg;
  • 1 cup raisins;
  • a little soda and burnt sugar (to check).

Step-by-step preparation:

  • Washed fruits are peeled and crushed. The mass is poured with water heated to 40 OC, cover, leave for 5-6 days.
  • Raisins are mixed with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, water, and left for 3 days to ferment.
  • The fruit mass is combined with raisins, citric acid, nutmeg, and soda. The contents of the pan are tightly sealed and infused, stirring occasionally.
  • After a month, the liquid is poured into bottles and the grounds are drained. To develop the taste, the wine must be infused for 4-5 months.

persimmon wine

When ready, the amber color of the drink is enhanced with burnt sugar.

Storage rules and periods

The finished wine has an average strength percentage of 10-14%. A persimmon drink prepared at home is stored for 3-3.5 years in a cool place.

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